The Genealogy of David L. Moody & Yvonne L. La Pointe. - Person Sheet
NameMary Cocke SMITH ®2710
Birth1816, Virginia, USA ®151
Birth31 Aug 1814, Williamsburg, Independent City of, Virginia, USA ®3286, ®3285
Death19 Aug 1875, Marlbourne, Hanover County, Virginia, USA ®3285
Burialaft 19 Aug 1875, Prince George County, Virginia, USA ®3285
MemoRuffin Cemetery
Misc. Notes
He was the eldest son of Edmund and Susan Travis Ruffin. “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, the end of that man is peace.”
®3285On the 1840 census of Prince George County, Virginia, he and his wife are 20-30 years old and have one male and one female less than five years old. On the 31 May 1850 census of Prince George County, Virginia, he was a 36 year old farmer with real estate valued at $20,000 who lived with his family very near the T. Stanly Beckwith, Sr., M.D., family.