Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch to Thomas Ray, 30 October 1884

[From Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Micaville, North Carolina, to Thomas Ray in Burnsville, North Carolina. She asks him to send pepper, and for the price of kerosene.

Addressed to "Mr. Thomas Ray, Burnsville."]

Mr. T. Ray,1

Please send me 1/2 oz[?] of Pepper, and the price of Kerosene Oil by the 5 Galls. Also what you give for Tallow.

And oblige

E. B. Bowditch

Octbr 30th '84

[His response, added at the bottom, is as follows.]

150° oil is 30¢
112° oil is 25¢
in 5 gal. lots

Will pay 7¢ for Tallow.

Tom Ray