Elizabeth Abbot to Hannah Rantoul, November 1836

[From Elizabeth to Hannah, both in Beverly. She talks about an upcoming dancing school, and the people signed up to attend.

Addressed to "Miss Hannah L. Rantoul, Present." A notation by Hannah says "Elizabeth B. Abbot, Beverly." The letter is undated, but says Thanksgiving is "a week from next Thursday"; says Martha Eliza (Elizabeth's sister, born 28 December 1835) was quite sick; and mentions Augusta, probably Hannah's sister Elizabeth Augusta Lovett Rantoul, who died 23 May 1837. This letter was thus probably written in November 1836. BHS ID# 948.001.1226.]

Dear Hannah,

I am very very sorry that you are sick. I thought last Sunday when I saw all at meeting excepting you – I thought to myself – Hannah must be sick. What is the matter dear sister? You are not threatened with a fever, are you? That is what I hear – O! dear me! Poor Hannah! will not have the pleasure of attending examination today. I am sorry for it.

Mary Louisa1 is going home Monday, or Tuesday. Can you believe it? It seems to me impossible.

Hannah, are you going to dancing school? Joseph McKean2 was here last evening, and father3 put my name down, and now I am sorry for it. Now you will wonder why, I suppose. I thought they had engaged Mr. Edwards's hall, but this morning I hear the Academy hall. Academy hall to dance in – ha! ha! ha! The boards the wrong way of the floor – no drawing room. What pleasure in going to dancing school such as that? None at all. I believe they have seventeen or eighteen scholars. There is nothing I like so well as to dance, but I like it in a proper place, and at a proper time. Father don't like the evening. Caroline, Emily,4 Rebecca Foster,5 and Betsey are the only young ladies names that were on the paper last evening. All the young fellows – Richard W.,6 Samuel Turner,7 George A. Bennett,8 Halsey Dodge,9 Abraham Edwards,10 Charles Giddings,11 Elisha Whitney,12 and Joseph McKean, several other gentlemen I believe.

I spoke of Mary Louisa's going home. She is going home to Thanksgiving which is a week from next Thursday. She says "I must go down and see Augusta and Hannah this week, if I don't go any where else."

Hannah I don't know but what I shall tire you with reading this nonsense, and if you find it does, put it down, and when you feel like nonsense read it again.

Give my love to Augusta,13 and when you are well enough to write, I shall expect a long letter (not a note) from you. Accept a great deal of love for yourself, and a great deal for Augusta. Tell Augusta she must be a good girl at examination, and I shall inquire if she has appeared well. I shall not have the pleasure of hearing her recite, as Martha Eliza14 has been quite sick. Charley15 sends his love to A. and would like to see her. Do excuse the mistakes, wh. I think are excusable as Georgiana16 is waiting, and hurrying me, because it is almost nine o'clock. Good bye my dear sister.

Your effectionate sister,