Ellen Abbot to her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 1 July 1846

[From Ellen Abbot in Beverly, Massachusetts, to her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. On the other side of the sheet was a letter to Elizabeth from her sister Martha. She mentions a trip to Boston; says there will be a Floral Procession in Salem; says she practices her music; and talks about her brother Fred and school.]

Beverly July 1st 1846

My Dear Elisabeth,

As our Teacher requested us to write a letter I thought I would write to you.

We went to Boston last Wednesday and went to the frog pond an saw the boys sailing little boats across it, they looked very pretty.

There is going to be a Floral Procession in Salem next Saturday. Miss Bridges1 told us so. She says it is going to be beautiful. They are going to pick flowers Friday morning and are going to carry them in moss baskets and if we have some money we might buy one. I should like to go very much, and I don't know but that I shall.

I have got to play Hungarian Waltz and Troubadour and Juniata on the piano. I play with Martha2 every morning ten minutes and three quarters of an hour alone.

I suppose you would like to hear about our School and Fred3 too. He can read very well for such a little boy. He says he wants to see you, and little Nathan,4 & so do I too. Does he want to see me? I guess he does.

From your affectionate sister,


  1. Alice Bridges (1803-1882)
  2. Martha Eliza Abbot (1835-1870), Ellen and Elizabeth's sister
  3. Frederick Abbot (1841-1903), Ellen and Elizabeth's brother
  4. Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch (1846-1913), Elizabeth's son