George Abbot to his son-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch and Joseph's business partner James Howell, 7 October 1845

[From George Abbot in Boston, Massachusetts, to his son-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch and Joseph's business partner James Howell in Tarboro, North Carolina. This is a cover letter accompanying some goods sent to Tarboro for sale.

Addressed to "Messrs. Bowditch & Howell, Tarboro, North Carolina." Also written near the seal is "George Abbot, Boston lett[____], Oct. 7th, 1845."]

Boston October 7th 1845

Messrs. Bowditch & Howell1



I herewith hand you Bill Lading of the Box merchandise from D. P. Stone. Passing down India Wharfs an hour since, I accidentally heard that a vessel for Washington was ready and would sail immediately from South Boston. The thought struck me you might want your goods for ready sale. I started about finding the Capt., engaged, got the goods on board, and the bill signed all in short order. The other things I regret were not [____]y. Another vessel not sought will soon leave, when I shall forward the rest.

Very truly

Your Ob Serv,

George Abbot

Afternoon 8th

Since writing above I have been handed your Mr. Bowditches, of 3d, from which I observe I have anticipated your wishes. The Comet saild this morning.


G. A.