Georgiana Abbot to her brother George William Abbot, 24 May 1846

[From Georgiana Abbot in Beverly, Massachusetts, to her brother George William Abbot in Boston, Massachusetts. She describes preparations for George leaving on a sea voyage, including packing a chest with his things, and doing his laundry for him, and talks a little about the activities of various family members and friends.

Addressed to "Mr. George W. Abbot, Boston, Mass."]

May 24th, 1846

My dear brother,

I received your note by Israel1 last eve, and this morning have been putting your things into your chest. The remainder of them we will send when they are ready. I got some calico for a curtain. It isn't quite as wide as your old one. Is it necessary that it should be. If so send me word, and I will get more. I have put all your cigars into the chest. You will find them in the box of the dressing glass, in the shaving box, and in the letter box. Of course if one of your keys would suit my letter box, my letter box key would suit yours, isn't it so. Therefore you needn't wonder how I got the box open. I was in too much of a hurry to read the letters, but think I should have made time to read Charles'2 if I could have found it there.

Wasn't it singular that I should meet and be introduced to Adeline. She is a pretty girl, and appears much better than some of your set of girls. Sarah Augusta was quite surprised that you had really gone, and was very particular to know if you were not coming down again. She thinks you must have thought she treated it very lightly when you told her that you were going, but she didn't believe it, thought both I and you were jesting.

You must send all your dirty clothes down. I don't know, however, but that it will be time enough when you come down Wednesday, but be sure and bring every thing then. You had better roll the dirty collars up in a neat little role and put them in a paper, and give it to Pa3 when he comes down tomorrow afternoon. Then they will be clean for you to take up Thursday.

You must write E.4 certainly before you go. We haven't had a letter from her yet. Sarah Ellen5 paraded up St. yesterday with two beaux, Eugene Batchelder6 and some one else. I didn't see them. We miss you very much. It seems as tho half the house was gone. Cora7 is sick today, has got the headache. We wanted you here to make take her medicine. She made a terrible fuss about it. If there is anything that you think of that I have not put into the chest just drop a line. Your flannel shirt is in it. Change it and bring the dirty one down.

I hope you will like your boarding place. I wish it was a different one, I hate the sound of Browers. Pa says that you will sail a week from Wednesday. Twill soon be here, so you must come down as often as possible. Write me whenever you can. With much love I remain your affectionate sister,
