John Edwin Abbot to his brother-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch, 20 October 1868

[From John Edwin Abbot in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to his brother-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch. He mentions receiving directions from Joseph for traveling to Joseph's home in Yancey Co., North Carolina, and describes his travel plans, and talks about his sister Ellen's upcoming wedding (to Johnson McClure), apparently in Milwaukee.]

Milwaukee Oct 20th / 68

Dear Joe,

I received your letter dated Oct 9th containing directions for my route to Yancy for which I am very much obliged. We arrived here on the 17th after a very pleasant journey and find all in good health, although Ellen1 has been under the doctors care since she returned from the East, having got run down from her journey. She has now so far recovered as to be able to enjoy her bridal tour. She is to be married on the 22nd at 7 PM and receives her friends until 9, and starts in the late train at 10 PM. I shall start from here in company with Fred2 and family for New York Monday 26th morning, remaining in Chicago all day, leaving there at 5 PM by the Pennsylvania Central RR. Shall remain in NY one day. Should like to see you if you have not left before we get there. Perhaps we can so arrange it as to travel a portion of the way south together.

All the family send their love.

