John Edwin Abbot to his sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 21 August 1854

[From John Edwin Abbot in New York, New York, to his sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. He says he has joined the ship Australia under Capt. Clough as mate, the same ship and Captain as his previous voyage, and is getting her ready to sail, and notes that his brother George arrived there last Saturday after a long passage of 140 days.

This letter is dated "Monday Aug," but the number is difficult to read, and no year is given. The number appears to be 21, and August 21 was indeed a Monday in 1854. From the contents of the letter, and from what is known about the voyages of the ship Australia, the year 1854 is probably correct.]

Monday Aug 21 Jud Wrf, New York

Dear E,

It is so long since I wrote you that I have almost forgotten when it was. I had orders to join the "Australia" last Monday. Capt. Clough1 came over about ten o'clock in the forenoon & said that he wanted me to go to sea. I asked him when, and he told me that afternoon, which I told him was impossible. I then took a team, and went over to the owners who after a little Hemming & hawing agreed to let me stop until Wednesday provided I would then go without fail. So according to aggreement I started Wednesday noon and got here Thursday morning, and have been pretty busy getting the ship ready for sea.

Now I have got some news to tell you that is George2 arrived last Saturday night after a very long passage of 140 days. I felt real anxious for him for about two weeks, and when he did come I knew nothing about it until he came on board, which he did as soon as the ship struck the wharf. I was very glad to see him indeed. He asked about you & wanted to know if you had been on. I have received two or three letters from Beverly & Baltimore since I arrived. I expect George will go on for Ellen3 some time this week to accompany her home.

I am going out in the same ship and the same Captain that I was with last voyage & am going out as mate at $40 per month, which is $10 per month more than George had when mate. We shall probably sail by tomorrow at 10 AM.

6 PM. I had to knock off writing about 2 hours ago on accout of the cargo comming down so that I shall finish now.

George has just come down for me to go up in town. He sends his love to you & respect to Joe.4 He says you must tell Mary not to think of me for he is older & better looking.

[In the above lines, above the words "& respect," is the name "Mary Pet[__?__]."]

Give my love to all & also accept a large portion for yourself. Write me in Hobart town. Good bye.

From your affec. brother

John E. Abbot

  1. William H. Clough (1815-1870)
  2. George William Abbot (1825-1861), John and Elizabeth's brother
  3. Probably Ellen Louisa Abbot (1837-1887), John and Elizabeth's sister
  4. Joseph Henry Bowditch (1818-1900), Elizabeth's husband