John Edwin Abbot to his sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 23 June 1853

[From John Edwin Abbot in Beverly, Massachusetts, to his sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. He tells Elizabeth that he "got your woman on safe and left her at No. 19 Merces St."; says he spent three days in New York before coming home; mentions that John Giddings had sailed, making his fiancee sad, and that he wouldn't get engaged until he was done with the sea; says he will soon sail to Hobart Town and Manila.]

June 23rd 1853

Dear Sister E,

It is now 20 minutes of 3 and I have to start at 10 minutes of, so that you must not growl about the length of it. I got your woman on safe and left her at No. 19 Merces St. stop. Three days in New York. Saw the Crystal Palace &c. and came home where I have been digging in the garden, fishing ever since. John Giddings1 sailed in the bark Gay Head of Boston, Captain Davis2 of Salem, for Melbourne & Port Philip as Second Mate. Nanie3 feels pretty bad I should say by the look of her. Poor Devils. I am darned if I ever get engaged until I knock of going to sea. I am going in the Australia again to Hobart Town and Manila, as 2nd Mate. All send their love. Martha4 wants to know where that letter is that was to get home before I did?

Good bye.

P. S. I would ask you to write me in New York but I fear that your letter will not reach before I sail.

Your affec. Brother

J. Edwin Abbot