Martha Abbot to her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 1 July 1846

[From Martha Abbot in Beverly, Massachusetts, to her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. On the other side of the sheet was a letter to Elizabeth from her sister Ellen. She describes her first trip to Boston, and talks about the activities of various family members and friends.]

Beverly July 1st 1846

Dear Sister,

As our composition was to write a letter I thought I would write to you.

Charley Brown1 is at Mrs. Lovetts.2 Mrs. Lovett has been expecting Mrs. Brown3 for a fortnight. I believe she has not come yet.

How does little Nathan4 do? I long to see him.

I went to Boston last Wednesday for the first time. I went all round the city and saw a great many things. I went down to the common, and up in the State House, and through the Market House. I never went into a boat to sail before crossing the Ferry.

I went to ride this afternoon. We went down to see the new houses that are building on the shore at Hospital Point.

Miss Poter is sick. I went down to see her this morning. She was not any better.

I go to school to Miss Bridges.5 Fred6 goes too. He can read very well for a little boy. Miss Bridges sends her love to you, and wants to see little Nathaniel.

From your affectionate sister,

Martha E. Abbot

  1. Probably Charles Ingersoll Brown (1843-1923)
  2. Lucy Lovett (1796-1864), Betsey Lovett (Chapman) Brown's mother
  3. Betsey Lovett Chapman (1818-1891), Charles Ingersoll Brown's mother
  4. Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch (1846-1913), Elizabeth's son
  5. Alice Bridges (1803-1882)
  6. Frederick Abbot (1841-1903), Martha and Elizabeth's brother