Elizabeth Swann Bowditch to Georgiana Bowditch, 25 January 1913

[From Elizabeth Swann Bowditch in Asheville, North Carolina, to Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. She says she and her father enjoyed having breakfast with her, and describes the trip from Morganton to Asheville.

Elizabeth Swann Bowditch was a third cousin once removed of Georgiana Bowditch.

The letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Morganton, North Carolina," and postmarked "Jan 25, 1913, Asheville, N. C." on the front, and "Morganton, Jan 26, 1913" on the back. The printed return address is "The Manor, Albemarle Park ..., Asheville, N. C." The stationery is imprinted in the upper left with the same address as the return address on the envelope.]

Dear Cousin Georgiana,

Papa1 and I enjoyed having breakfast with you ever so much, and it was more than good of you to have us. I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to me to meet a new cousin and one whom I had heard of long ago as living away down south!

The trip up from Morganton to Asheville was lovely, the mists rising and falling, showing and hiding the mountains in a most delightful manner. Today it is warm and clear and already papa and I have been to walk. With many thanks from papa and me for your kindness.

Affectionately your cousin,

Elizabeth Swann Bowditch2

January 25th 1913

  1. Ernest William Bowditch (1850-1918), Elizabeth's father, Georgiana's 3rd cousin
  2. Elizabeth Swann Bowditch (1891-1957), Georgiana's 3rd cousin once removed