Ernest William Bowditch to Georgiana Bowditch, 11 January 1913

[From Ernest William Bowditch in Boston, Massachusetts, to Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He says they now plan to arrive in Morganton on 24 January, and would like to have breakfast with her.

Ernest W. Bowditch was a third cousin to Georgiana Bowditch.

The letter was typewritten, with the same letterhead and in the same envelope as the letter dated 30 December 1912, although it had to have been sent separately.]

(Dictated by E. W. B.)
Boston, Mass., January 11, 1913

Miss Georgiana A. Bowditch
Morganton, N. C.

My dear Georgiana:

Referring to yours of January 9th, I find that our plans as they have crystalized are arranged so that we leave New York on January 23d, Thursday at noon, and the train is due at Morganton Friday morning the 24th instead of the 27th as I had previously written you. I trust it will not inconvenience you to have this change made.

It would be very pleasant to take breakfast with you, but I do not want you to put yourself out in the slightest degree, because now, on this trip, my daughter1 and I are sort of wanderers, and if it is any inconvenience whatever just let us go to the hotel. I will, however, be on the lookout for a carriage if you are sure it will be all right.

Very truly,

Ernest W. Bowditch2

  1. Elizabeth Swann Bowditch (1891-1957), Ernest's daughter, Georgiana's 3rd cousin once removed
  2. Ernest William Bowditch (1850-1918), Georgiana's 3rd cousin