Note from Georgiana Bowditch to Hannah Rantoul, 29 December 1891

Georgiana Abbot Bowditch, the daughter of Joseph Henry Bowditch and Elizabeth Blanchard Abbot, was born in Tarboro, North Carolina, on 21 May 1848. She never married, and died in Morganton, North Carolina, on 15 April 1927 at age 78.

[The envelope is addressed to “Miss Hannah L Rantoul, Beverly, Mass.” and postmarked “Micaville N. C. Dec 30 1891.” On the back of the envelope are two additional postmarks saying “NY” and “Beverly Jan 3 930AM 1891 Rec’d.” There were actually two letters sent, this one from Georgiana and another from her mother Elizabeth. A separate notation by Hannah says “Elizabeth B. Bowditch and Georgiana Bowditch, Micaville, N. C.” BHS ID# 948.001.1291.]

Micaville, N. C.
Dec. 29th / 91

My dear Miss Rantoul,

The beautiful Christmas present you sent came yesterday and I thank you very much indeed, it is good of you to think of us every year. I hope you are very well.

We have been having very mild weather for several weeks. No snow yet this winter, had several severe snaps in Nov., the Ther. being at 12 above zero.

Ma is very well now, but at times she becomes very nervous indeed.

We enjoyed reading Miss Larcom’s book that you sent last winter extremely.

Tomorrow will be Paul’s wedding day. I would like to look in upon them.

Wishing you the Happiest of New Year’s, I am truly

Your friend

G. A. Bowditch