Sallie Darlington to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 25 February 1880

[From Sallie Darlington in Faribault, Minnesota, to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. She expresses her sympathy in Elizabeth's family's misfortune (the loss of their house and most possessions in a fire), and says she sent her two small packages with underwear.]

Faribault, Minn.
February 25th/80

My dear Mrs. Bowditch,

Your letter is just received and I hasten to assure you of my sympathy in your misfortune. I can do it the more because in March 1866 I met with a similar loss. I was visiting a friend in this place, whose house was burned to the ground in the night, and we barely escaped with our lives, being only half dressed when we left the house. Every article of my wardrobe was burned including my gold watch and all the little jewelry I possessed. I assure you I felt very poor the next morning. and I can imagine how you felt when you saw all your worldly goods vanishing before your eyes.

I have made up two little packages and sent you, thinking that underclothing would come in play, as it takes a little while to make them. A few weeks ago I had a set made, very plain, such as I wear in my school work, and I send a couple of articles of each. I would be glad to send more if I had them, but my supply is always rather limited, as frequent calls are made here in the frontier for Missionaries families, and we all give every thing we can spare when a box is being packed for them.

I am glad to hear your health is now so good. My own health is also very good, and you can readily believe that I am kept quite busy. We have a school of fifty seven boarders and over thirty day pupils. It is no trifling work to look after so many children, even when one has efficient aid in doing so.

I shall hope to hear from you soon that you have even a more comfortable home than the one you have lost. Give my love to G'a1 and send regards to Mr. Bowditch,2 and believe me with much love,

Yours sincerely

S. P. Darlington

  1. Georgiana Abbot Bowditch (1848-1927), Elizabeth's daughter
  2. Joseph Henry Bowditch (1818-1900), Elizabeth's husband