James Gould to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 15 July 1869

[From James Gould in Boston, Massachusetts, to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. He says he has visited Georgiana in Lynn, and will soon introduce her to his sister Lydia and family; describes traveling to New Orleans from Boston by steamer, then returning overland through Savannah, Charleston, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York; says he was in Baltimore last month to attend his sister Catherine's funeral; and says he would like to go to Europe, but doesn't want to go alone.]

Boston July 15 1869

Dear Cousin Lizzie,

Your letter of June 15th came to hand in due course, and I have waited to see Georgiana1 until I should reply to it. Was very glad to see her and have been twice to Lynn to visit her, and in a few days will have the pleasure of introducing her to Sister Lydia2 & family. She will come with Mrs. Frederick Abbot,3 and afterward I hope will pay us a visit. You will doubtless have have all particulars from her.

Have not seen John4 yet. He has flitted between Newton & Beverly, but without my meeting him. Hope yet to have that pleasure.

I had a letter from Ellen5 yesterday. They were well &c. We expected to see them here this summer but she says Mr. McClure6 can't leave at present, and must defer it for another year. My visit to them was was exceedingly pleasant and will ever be remembered with pleasure.

I pass my time here very pleasantly going & coming as inclined. My trip to New Orleans was from Boston by Steamer 21 days. Rough & long passage, being detained on the bar below N. Orleans. Returning took the land route thru Savanah and Charleston &c &c. Took it leisurely and saw all we could to interest us (my Nephew7 was with me) and I wanted to show to him the places of interest. Spent some time in Washington, Balti., Phil., N. York &c &c.

Here I go into Boston, or amuse myself at home, and pass the time without ennui. Sometimes make a short trip to the neighboring towns by railroad.

Was at Baltimore last month to attend the funeral of my Sister Catherine.8 She died rather sudden, but passed away without much suffering, and Lydia2 & I arrived the day before she died. Warren9 her son is in Baltimore with the Canfields. He married there about a year ago.

You will recollect Mary Talbot10 and Hannah Lytle.11 They are both here on a visit to Sister Lydia.2 We stayed with them when we were in Baltimore, and we are now enjoying their visit to us.

We have called to see Mrs. Fred Abbot3 and hope to be intimate with the family. She has a very sweet little Cora,12 bright and very loving, and the mother is a very agreeable lady. Would that the time might be when we could all meet, but at my time of life, it can hardly be expected.

I have wanted much to go to Europe, but the summer is passing and I don't find any company & don't want to go alone. Can't tell however what any day may evoke, but hold myself ready should an opportunity offer.

All with us send love, and believe me very truly yours affectionately,

James Gould

  1. Georgiana Abbot Bowditch (1848-1927), Elizabeth's daughter
  2. Lydia Gould (1805-1888), James's sister
  3. Emily Lynde Whiting (1843-1928), wife of Elizabeth's brother Frederick
  4. John Edwin Abbot (1831-1911), Elizabeth's brother
  5. Ellen Louisa Abbot (1837-1887), Elizabeth's sister
  6. Johnson McClure (1837-1898), Ellen (Abbot) McCLure's husband
  7. Possibly Samuel M. Weld (1848-1915)
  8. Catherine Gould (-1869), James's sister
  9. Warren Gould Hyde (1833-1894), Catherine (Gould) Hyde's son
  10. Mary Wilson Talbott (1816-1900)
  11. Hannah Lytle (1815-1899), Mary Wilson Talbott's cousin
  12. Cora Whiting Abbot (1866-1889), daughter of Frederick (Elizabeth's brother) and Emily (Whiting) Abbot