James Gould to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 3 November 1863

[From James Gould in Baltimore, Maryland, to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. He says they haven't heard from her since the war started, and tells her news about her family.]

Baltimore Nov 3 / 63

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bowditch

Dear Lizzie,

I write again with the hope that this letter will be received. We are without any knowledge of your welfare, or location, since the war. Your sisters were well a short time since. Your brother George1 deceased after being married only 4 months. Sister Martha2 married to Doc. Thorndike.3 Ellen4 & John5 & Fred6 at home. And all of us anxious to hear of you & yours.

Write if possible to your ever affectionate

James Gould