James Gould to George Abbot, May 1843

[From James Gould in Baltimore, Maryland, to his wife Eliza's cousin George Abbot. He sends a deed for his wife's interest in a wharf, which George is apparently selling for them.

Addressed to "George Abbot Esq, Beverly, Massachusetts," and postmarked "Baltimore, MD, May 26."]

Baltimore May 1843

Dear Cousin George,

Annexed we send you a deed of the interest Eliza1 has in the wharf, agreeable to the terms in your letter of the 17th instant. We will thank you to pay the amount due for her proportion of the expenses and charge the same to account, and credit the balance received, to her upon the Leech House. We cannot but think it will be less trouble to you to have her interest there more concentrated, and a few dollars more or less in the amount now received from the wharf will be unimportant. Still we consider you the better Judge in the matter, and the enclosed deed you may withold, and return it, if you think it more advisable, as we only judge from the past, and having been unproductive for ten years past the opportunity of a different investment seems to us more eligible.

We are glad to learn of the welfare of all of you and the kind regards expressed in your letter are fully reciprocated, and with us cannot be otherwise than cherished with pleasure.

As this is a business letter I shall take some other occasion to write more at length. Mean time accept the best wishes

Of yours very truly

Jas. Gould