Sarah Rhea (Higginson) Bowditch to Georgiana Bowditch, 31 December 1912

[From Sarah Rhea (Higginson) Bowditch in Boston, Massachusetts, to Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. She thanks Georgiana for the note and Christmas card, and a center piece.

The letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana A. Bowditch, Morgan, N.C.," and postmarked "Jan 1, 1913, Boston, Mass." Also on the front, in different handwriting and ink, is "Mrs. S. R. Bowditch." From the signature on the letter, and the "Mrs. S. R. Bowditch" written on the envelope, it's clear that the author was Sarah Rhea (Higginson) Bowditch, wife of William Ingersoll Bowditch. William Ingersoll Bowditch was a second cousin of Georgiana Bowditch's father Joseph Henry Bowditch. At the time this letter was written, Sarah was 93 years old. The signature appears to be in different, and shakier, handwriting.]

My Dear Cousin Georgiana,

I wish to thank you sincerely for your note and Christmas card which came to me today, as Ernest1 has been ill with a bad cold. The pretty center piece just fits my little tea tray and I shall have great pleasure in using it often.

When you are in this part of the country again, I hope you will come to the house on the hillside, and the old lady who lives in it.

May you have many years of peace and happiness. Bowditch has been a very happy name for me.


Cousin Sarah R. B.2

225 Tappan St.
Dec 31st, 1912

[In the same envelope with the letter was the following death notice, although it's not clear whether it was enclosed with the original letter, or added later.]

BOWDITCH - At Brookline, Mass., Jan. 24th, William Ingersoll Bowditch,3 in his 90th. year. Funeral at Mt. Auburn chapel on Tuesday, January 26th. at 12 o'clock. Please do not send flowers.

  1. Ernest William Bowditch (1850-1918), Sarah's son, Georgiana's 3rd cousin
  2. Sarah Rhea Higginson (1819-1919)
  3. William Ingersoll Bowditch (1819-1909), Sarah's husband, Georgiana's second cousin once removed