Maud (Kilbourn) Thorndike to Georgiana Bowditch, 5 December 1911

[From Maud (Kilbourn) Thorndike in Sioux City, Iowa, to Georgiana Bowditch. She describes Sioux City and the area, and their house, and says the climate is better than they expected, and that they're playing golf every Saturday and Sunday.

Maud (Kilbourn) Thorndike was the wife of Georgiana's cousin Abbot Thorndike.]

1903 Jackson Street
Sioux City, Iowa

Dearest Cousin Georgiana,

Have I written you since I got here? I don't remember, for I have had so many letters to write, description or business, that I cannot keep the [__?__] of them all. So I'll tell you about it anyway and risk repeating myself.

The place is picturesque in a wild almost uncanny way. Great bluffs and hills that are almost mountains are on every side, even right in the town itself, and there are almost no trees, so the effect is prairie-like and wild. The town or city is small, about fifty thousand, rather progressive, as western towns are, and with some very handsome houses, and little shanties right next door to them.

Our house is small but comfortable, and nicely furnished, so we are thankful for it. It is a bright snug house and warm. The cook I brought gives good satisfaction, so we are very comfortable, and Abbot is enjoying having a house once more.

Miss Bright is being detained in Milwaukee by a lawsuit in which she is a witness. I do hope she can get here for Christmas. Bill [?] is coming then for three days. Won't that be nice! I wish you could be one of the party.

The Church is very nice here, with a body of earnest workers, and a fine Rector. Abbot has not gone into the choir yet, but I hope he will soon, when his fall rush is over.

The climate is not as bad, so far, as I feared. We have played golf every Saturday & Sunday afternoon, and that is more than we could do at home. The sun is very hot, so when it shines and there is no wind, you feel actually almost too warm. And they tell me there is not much snow here, because the hot sun melts it almost as soon as it falls. I played golf yesterday with the thermometer at 35° and got sunburned. Isn't that queer!

Abbot1 joins in much love. Always affly your cousin


Dec. 5th 1911

  1. Abbot Thorndike (1866-1935), Maud's husband, Georgiana's cousin
  2. Maud Alice Kilbourn (1866-1936)