Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 14 April 1910

[From Abbot McClure in The Hague, Netherlands, to his cousin Georgiana Abbot Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He describes his recent travels around Germany and the Netherlands, and his future planes for Belgium, France, and England for the next few months, and says he will probably return home in September or October.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Morganton, North Carolina, United States of America." It was postmarked "'S gravenhage, N" in two places on the front, and "Morganton, Apr 24, 12 M, 1910" on the back. Also on the front is printed "Passage Hotel - den Haag, Lift - Centrale Verwarming - Electr. Licht." The letter is written on stationery with the printed text "Passage = Hotel, Jos Jansen" at the top center, "Hotel Chateau D'Anvers, Utrecht" at the top left, and "Hotel Heerenlogement, Zwolle" at the top right. Just below that is the printed text "den Haag" (The Hague), followed by the handwritten date of the letter. Of all the letters we have from Abbot McClure, this is the only one in which he included the year as part of the date.]

April 14th. 1910

My Dear Georgiana,

I am this far on my month of travel having left Berlin on the first, two weeks ago tomorrow. How the time does go when one is on the jump. From Berlin I went to Dresden and I did enjoy my two days there so much. It's a beautiful city built as it is on the Elbe. The gallery is fine and I was sorry to leave. From Dresden I went to Nürnberg and there found Rachel1 and Martha2 and Nana3 waiting for me at the station. I was so glad to see them. After two very delightful days there I came on to Rothenburg, the most interesting of southern German towns with its walls and ancient customs still preserved. I felt as if I was living in the middle ages. Two days there then dear old Heidelberg with its castle so beautiful and my time there was thoroughly enjoyable. From Heidelberg I came to Cologne by the Rhine ride and although beautiful I must confess I was disappointed in the Rhine. Cologne cathedral is wonderful and I attended a high mass there Sunday.

Sunday afternoon I left for Amsterdam and said good bye to Germany. Amsterdam is a fine old Dutch town just as picturesque and full of canals as one reads, and the little towns near are so interesting. I spent all of Monday on a boat going from one little village to another and it was delightful. When you see how their homes are protected from the sea by dykes you admire the Dutch race for their constant fight with the sea. It is rightly called "a country wrested from the waves."

I left Amsterdam this afternoon and arrived here at 3:30, only an hours ride. Holland is such a tiny bit of country. I shall be here three or four days and then go on to Brussels, Antwerp, three or four of the French towns, and reach Paris by May first. I shall be in Paris a month or so, then London for several months, and will probably sail for Amerika some time in September or October. It will then have been a year since I sailed from Boston last September the 15th. It hardly seems possible.

It is raining hard so there is nothing to do but to remain in the hotel and hope for a clear morrow. There are quite a number of Americans here that I know so I shall not get lonely. Some I met in Berlin where I did have such a splendid time. Rachel's sister Mrs. Thackara4 and her family were so very kind to me, did all they could to make my stay in the Kaiser's city a happy one. Mr. Thackara5 is the Consul General there.

I hope your winter has been a pleasant one and that Uncle John6 is quite well. Give him my love. I will send you some post cards as I go on my way. With much love,

Ever affectionately,


Paris address

c/o Mr. Alexander M. Thackara5
240 Rue de Rivoli

  1. Rachel Ewing Sherman (1861-1919), wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  2. Martha Thorndike (1895-1973), daughter of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  3. Anna Thorndike (1896-1961), daughter of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  4. Eleanor Mary Sherman (1859-1915), Rachel (Sherman) Thorndike's sister
  5. Alexander Montgomery Thackara (1848-1937), husband of Eleanor (Sherman} Thackara. He was U. S. Consul at Le Havre, France 1897-1905; at Berlin, Germany 1905-1913; and at Paris, France 1913-1924. See Alexander Montgomery Thackara.
  6. John Edwin Abbot (1831-1911), Abbot and Georgiana's uncle