Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 16 December 1925

[From Abbot McClure in Florence, Italy, to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He notes Georgiana's recent hospital stay, and reminisces about when he visited Georgiana's family in Micaville with his father, and how their lives have changed since then.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Hotel Morgan, Morganton, North Carolina, U. S. A." It's postmarked "Firenze, Ferrovia, 22-23, 17 XII." The year, unfortunately, is unreadable. He mentions hearing about Georgiana's "recent illness and stay in the hospital." His letter of 9 September (1925) mentions hearing that she "had been rather miserable," and his letter of 7 August (1926) say he hopes "this finds you much better." The next letter, dated 4 May, says "I do hope you are stronger again after your severe illness." Taking these four letters together, along with the fact that Georgiana died in April 1927, it seems likely that this letter was written in 1925, and the 4 May letter was written in 1926.]

Florence - December 16th. [1925]

Dear Georgiana,

I was terribly sorry to hear through Abbot1 of your recent illness and stay in the hospital, and trust by now you are back in your own apartment all right again.

I often think of you and wonder if you remember my visit to Aunt Elizabeth2 and you many years ago when I was in Ashville with my father.3 Those days had they been now my memory would serve me better, but nevertheless I recall my visit and many little incidents very clearly. The detached house where you with energy cooked some delicious meals, and rang a bell calling us to the festive board. Aunt Elizabeth setting in her room knitting, and Uncle John4 attentive and kindness itself. The long ride by mail carrier and sleeping on the way in a terrible place full of strange people. All these incidents I remember clearly and others. I remember too seeing my first cinamon bear on a range of the mountains as I remember rose high back of the house. You worked far too hard dear Georgiana, according to my youthful way of thinking, and I remember carrying a pail of water in order to lighten your burden.

What great changes have taken place since, and how our respective lives have changed. I should love to see you, but fear that will not be possible yet awhile. I love my life over here and find conditions quite to my liking, which after all is essential to happiness. I have many good friends, both among the Italians and American and English colony, and with my work I am happy, well, and contented.

Our winter has been very cold thus far with much rain and wind. I hope it will remain as fair as today for Christmas.

This brings my best wishes for a Very Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with health and good cheer.

Ever yours affectionately,


  1. Abbot Thorndike (1866-1935), Abbot and Georgiana's cousin
  2. Elizabeth Blanchard Abbot (1821-1902), Georgiana's mother
  3. Johnson McClure (1837-1898), Abbot's father, husband of Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch's sister Ellen. The visit Abbot refers to was about 1891, and is mentioned in Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch's 29 December 1891 letter to Hannah Rantoul.
  4. John Edwin Abbot (1831-1911), Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch's brother