Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 24 January 1923

[From Abbot McClure in Rome, Italy, to his cousin Georgiana Abbot Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He says he's sorry about the trouble she's having with her eyes; says he spent Christmas with friends in Florence, and plans to go to Nice in February to visit some English friends for a month; describes his view of the Barberini Palace from his window in Rome; and notes it'll be five years in August since he left America.

At the bottom of the last page of this letter is a printed sticker saying "Care of Banca Nazionale di Credito, 20, Piazza di Spagna Branch (formerly Sebasti & Co.), Rome." The word "Branch" and the phrase "(formerly Sebasti & Co.)" have been crossed out.]

Rome, January 24th [1923]

Dear Georgiana,

Your pretty Christmas card came in time to greet me for that day. Thank you so much.

I was so sorry to hear about your trouble with your eyes, but am sure it is only a passing illness, and that if you are careful you will soon be all right. You are fortunate to find a comfortable home, and perhaps the lack of the responsibility of a house will hasten you back to health. I sincerely hope so.

I spent a delightful Christmas with friends in Florence who are doing over a villa, and when finished will be enchanting. I motored to Florence from Rome, and although the weather was miserable it was an interesting experience and one I shall always remember.

This morning I went to the consulate for my passport, as early in February I plan to go to Nice to visit some English friends for a month or so. It will be interesting I think as I have never been there, and the great Carnival will be on which is said to be well worth seeing.

At present we are enjoying wonderful spring like days, with blue skies and the warmest of sunshine that makes Italy a joy to live in. My windows look out upon the gardens of the famous Barbirini Palace,1 and with the orange trees and tall palms in brilliant green, and birds merrily singing, it's difficult to realize that it's January and not April. Rome is a wonderful city, and the longer one lives here the deeper rooted becomes the desire to remain. It will be five years the 29th. of August since I left America and I wonder just when I shall return.

I hear from Milwaukee quite often and also from Sioux City. Maud2 as you no doubt know is in Bermuda for the winter. I had a letter from Martha Hamlen,3 Paul's4 daughter. She is living in Little Rock Arkansas.

I was sorry you could not make your Milwaukee visit, I hope you will be able to this summer. I shall hope to hear about you and what you are doing when you are able to send me a line.

With ever so much love,



  1. The Palazzo Barberini is a palace in Rome originally built between 1627 and 1633 for Maffeo Barberini (Pope Urban VIII). See Palazzo Barberini.
  2. Maud Alice Kilbourn (1866-1936), wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Abbot Thorndike
  3. Martha Thorndike (1895-1973), daughter of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  4. Paul Thorndike (1863-1939), Abbot and Georgiana's cousin