Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 25 July 1925

[From Abbot McClure in Florence, Italy, to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He says he's been sick since 27 May, and living in a "nursing home" (hospital?) but is now better, and says he hopes to go to the mountains in August, and maybe the seashore in September.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Hotel Morgan, Morganton, North Carolina, State Unite d'America," and postmarked "Firenze, Ferrovia, 20-2, 25 VII, 1925."]

Florence, July 25th. [1925]

Dear Georgiana,

It has been a long time since I have had a paper chat with you, and although my silence has covered a lengthy space I have often thought of you.

I have been trying the role of invalid and confess I succeeded rather well. I went to bed on the 27th. of May with intestinal fever, and on July 8th. was allowed down in the garden of the nursing home. I am staying on in the home although quite myself again as I am still under treatment and did not want the nuisance of going to an hotel. I hope to go away early in August to the mountains, and perhaps in September to some sea side place where I can have some bathing.

How are you, and are you having a pleasant summer? I have had a fine time getting caught up with all my correspondence and now await the inrush of letters? For Florence we have been having a wonderful cool spell, but the past few days have turned hot, but now it is comfortable again.

I hear from Milwaukee every now and then, also from Summervill where Abbot1 and Maud2 seem so happy in their new home. I hope to write you a more interesting letter later on. This is to merely let you see I have not forgotten you.

With much love,



  1. Abbot Thorndike (1866-1935), Abbot and Georgiana's cousin
  2. Maud Alice Kilbourn (1866-1936), Abbot Thorndike's wife