Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 31 August 1909

[From Abbot McClure in New York, New York, to his cousin Georgiana Abbot Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He says he's sailing for Europe on 15 September to spend the winter in Munich with Rachel (his cousin Paul Thorndike's wife) and her children; mentions his recent visit with Paul and Rachel, and with his "Auntie Bel and Uncle George"; and sends a picture of the Sherman Monument.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Morganton, North Carolina." It was postmarked "Aug 31, 1909, Grand Central Sta, N. Y." on the front, and "Sep 1, Morganton" on the back. Also on the front is the printed return address "Hotel Manhattan, Madison Ave. & 42nd. St., New York." The letter is written on stationery with a printed logo and the text "Hotel Manhattan, Hawk & Wetherbee, Cable Address, Wetherhawk" at the top of each sheet.]

August 31st. [1909]

My Dear Georgiana,

I have been hoping this past month to find a letter in the box from you but I have been disappointed. Won't you write me soon. I sail for a winter in Munich with Rachel1 and the children2 on the 15th. of Sept. so you must write me before I go. Send your letter to me at 846 So. 15th. St., Phila.

I had a nice three weeks with Paul3 and Rachel and then a week with Auntie Bel4 and uncle George5 at West Manchester, then two weeks up in the White Mts. where I came from yesterday. I am here for today, and tonight shall spend on Staten Island the guest of my friend Mr. Henry Preble,6 going over to Philadelphia tomorrow afternoon late. I shall be there until the 13th. when I go back to Boston and get ready for sailing. I am sailing on the Romanic from the Housac Tunnel Dock pier 34 or 44 on the 15th. of Sept at 11 o'clock. Why don't you write me a steamer letter. I should love to have you; send it in care of the ship mentioned.

I am sending you in this letter a picture postal of the Sherman Monument,7 the family I believe like it, Rachel's nephew Sherman Thackara8 unveiled it several years ago.

It is cool here today and bids fair for rain I fear.

With love to Uncle John,9

Ever affectionately,


  1. Rachel Ewing Sherman (1861-1919), wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  2. William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndike (1893-1958), Martha Thorndike (1895-1973), and Anna Thorndike (1896-1961), children of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  3. Paul Thorndike (1863-1939), Abbot and Georgiana's cousin
  4. Isabella Craig Annable (1830-1915)
  5. George W. Abbot (1828-1915). Although be is called "Uncle George," and his wife "auntie Bel," the actual relationship between him and Abbot McClure's mother Ellen (Abbot) McClure has not been determined.
  6. Henry Preble (1853-1929)
  7. A monument to General William Tecumseh Sherman, Rachel (Sherman) Thorndike's father, in Washington, D. C. It's in Sherman Park, where the reviewing stand was located for the Grand Review of the Armies after the Civil War in May 1865. It was dedicated on 15 October 1903 by Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, and unveiled by Rachel's son William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndike (not Rachel's nephew William Tecumseh Sherman Thackara as stated in the letter). See General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument.
  8. William Tecumseh Sherman Thackara (1884-1983), son of Rachel (Sherman) Thorndike's sister Eleanor (Sherman) Thackara
  9. John Edwin Abbot (1831-1911), Abbot and Georgiana's uncle