Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 31 July 1909

[From Abbot McClure at Harvard, Massachusetts, to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He talks about their cousin Paul Thorndike and family, who he's visiting; describes his travel plans for the next several weeks; and talks about their cousins Abbot and William Thorndike and their activities.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Morganton, North Carolina." It was postmarked "Jul 31, 1909, Harvard, Mass." on the front, and "Aug 1, 1909, Morganton, N. C., Rec'd" on the back. The letter is written on stationery with the printed text "High Hills, Harvard, Massachusetts" at the top of each sheet.]

Saturday July 31st. [1909]

My Dear Georgiana,

This letter is going to tell you all the news that I can possibly think of that will be of interest to you.

You see by this letter head that I am with Paul1 and Rachel2 and the children. I came here a week ago last Wednesday straight from Philadelphia, not as usual going up to the White Mts. first making my visits about here some time in September. This is a lovely place and I am enjoying every moment of the time. Rachel's sister Miss Lizzie Sherman3 is here and another sister, the eldest of the sisters a Mrs. Fitch4 of Pittsburg, is also here for a little visit, so you see the house is full and shuch a merry family we are too. Martha5 and Nana6 are great big girls now and Sherman7 is a young man at present off on a visit at Beverly I believe. Rachel asked me all about you and your life in Morganton and seemed much interested. Paul came out in his new automobile yesterday bringing Rachel and the girls out from a day in Boston where Nana went to have a tooth out.

After my visit here that ends on the 9th. I am going to Auntie Bel8 and uncle George9 for a week and am looking forward to it with much pleasure, as I am very fond of them and like dear old West Manchester so much and the little house they live in. After my visit there I may go up to Glen in the White Mts. for several weeks, although Rachel says I must come back to them. Rachel and the children with Miss Sherman3 and another lady sail for a winter in Munich on the 15th. of September, and Paul is very anxious I should join them. I am seriously thinking of doing it as I have everything in storage in Phila., having given up my rooms there before I left. Paul and Will10 will probably come over for Christmas and stay with us for several weeks.

Will is in Milwaukee going out to North Lake every Saturday where Maud11 is at "Hawkhurst" the old family home. Abbot,12 as you know, is out in Omaha and finds his work and life very pleasant and is doing well. Maud I believe is to go out there in the autumn and spend the winter with him. The past winter she spent in Washington with her sister Marie Kilbourne13 who is now in Chili S. A. with the Dawsons14 some relatives. She is to be gone a year I think.

Yesterday was the hottest day Boston has had in some time. How is the weather with you?

I can not think of another bit of news to tell you. I do hope you will write me while I am with auntie Bel and uncle George. I believe Emily15 and Will16 are down there too. Auntie Bel says Uncle John17 may be North in October. If I am in Phila. he had better go back via that city and see me.

All here join me in much love to you and Uncle John.

Ever your affectionate cousin


  1. Paul Thorndike (1863-1939), Abbot and Georgiana's cousin
  2. Rachel Ewing Sherman (1861-1919), wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  3. Mary Elizabeth Sherman (1852-1925), Rachel Ewing Sherman's sister
  4. Maria Ewing Sherman (1851-1913), Rachel Ewing Sherman's sister
  5. Martha Thorndike (1895-1973), daughter of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  6. Anna Thorndike (1896-1961), daughter of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  7. William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndike (1893-1958), son of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Paul Thorndike
  8. Isabella Craig Annable (1830-1915)
  9. George W. Abbot (1828-1915). Although be is called "uncle George," and his wife "auntie Bel," the actual relationship between him and Abbot McClure's mother Ellen (Abbot) McClure has not been determined.
  10. William Thorndike (1870-1935), Paul Thorndike's brother
  11. Maud Alice Kilbourn (1866-1936), wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin Abbot Thorndike
  12. Abbot Thorndike (1866-1935), Paul Thorndike's brother
  13. Mary Benson Kilbourn (1867-1945), future wife of Abbot and Georgiana's cousin William Thorndike
  14. Thomas Cleland Dawson (1865-1912), U. S. Minister to Santo Domingo 1904-07, to Colombia, 1907-09, to Chile 1909, and to Panama 1910. See Thomas Cleland Dawson.
  15. Emily D. Abbot (1858-aft 1911), daughter of "auntie Bel and uncle George"
  16. William Everett Chamberlin (1856-1911), Emily D. (Abbot) Chamberlin's husband
  17. John Edwin Abbot (1831-1911), Abbot and Georgiana's uncle