Abbot McClure to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch, 7 August 1926

[From Abbot McClure in Nice, France, to his cousin Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. He talks about his trip to Nice, what a wonderful time he's having, and describes his daily routine there, and says he plans to leave for Florence in a week, spend 3-4 days there, go with friends to Gossensass, head for Munich on 20 August for the Wagner Festival, and return to Florence at the end of September.

This letter is on stationery with the following printing in the upper left: "H P, Hotel des Princes et Bellevue, Quai des Etats-Unis, Nice; Dernier Confort; Telephone 27-22; R. C. Nice 2109." It, like many of the others, was not in an envelope. However, with the letters was an empty envelope with the following notation on the flap: "Hotel des Princes, et Bellevue, Nice, Teleph. 27-22." It's addressed to "Miss Georgiana Bowditch, Hotel Morgan, Morganton, North Carolina U. S. A.." The postmark has been mostly torn away, along with the stamp, but the word "Nice" is still readable. The letter matches the envelope in color, and fits nicely.]

August 7th [1926]

Dear Georgiana,

You probably wonder why I have chosen Nice for a months stay during the summer when I might have gone North to the mountains. All my friends said I would find it too hot for comfort, etc., but I came and have had a wonderful three weeks with superb weather and fine sea bathing. Of course Nice is a winter resort, and the world famous Carnival in February and March draws vast crowds from all over the world. Now for the past two years a summer season has been started and it's most successful. It's gay, and filled with people from my past, and with the big hotels all open and the cafes and restaurants in full swing life is merry and colorful.

I left Florence on July 15th going to Genova where I spent the night, starting next morning for Nice. At Ventimiglia our luggage was examined, that being the frontier, and our passports stamped when I boarded a French train and arrived here in the late afternoon of the 16th., having left Florence the day before at noon, quite a ride you see.

I brought no work with me, so am having a complete rest and change of food, people, and language that I thoroughly enjoy. I go into the sea, which is just a few yards from the hotel, every day about eleven o'clock and remain until noon. Lunch at twelve-thirty then about 2:30 have a few winks as I find the air makes me lazy and sleepy. About 4:30 or 5 I dress and walk on the wonderful prommanade, some times take tea in one of the cafes or the Casino and watch the dancing and gambeling. Boule and Baccara are the two games played here. The former for small sums and the latter for big ones. I saw a young American chap lose $100 in fifteen minutes. About 7:30 or 8 I have my dinner, and after go again with friends for a prommanade until 11 or 12 o'clock. I sleep well here and have breakfast in my room about 8:30 or 9 as I feel inclined.

I now plan to leave Nice a week from tomorrow, a Sunday, spend the night in Genoa and reach Florence Monday about 3 o'clock. I will be there three or four days, then join friends and go up to Gossensass in the Tyrol and on the 20th will probably motor to Munchen for the Wagner Festival.

Now you know just what I shall be doing until I return to Florence the end of September. I do hope this finds you much better and enjoying comfortable weather. The papers all report terribly hot weather in America. Have you felt it too? We have had only one hot day, and that was when the hot African wind blew for twelve hours.

I have heard from Will,1 but it has been a long time since I have had a letter from Miss Norris.2

Is there a garden belonging to your hotel where you can sit, for that would mean much to you would it not? Some time when you feel like it and are able send me just a few lines.

With much love,

Ever affectionately,
