Lucinda (Morse) Bowditch to her son Joseph Henry Bowditch and his wife Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 5 April 1856

[From Lucinda (Morse) Bowditch in Beverly, Massachusetts, to her son Joseph Henry Bowditch and his wife Elizabeth in Tarboro, North Carolina. She gives news about various people in the family, and mentions the weather.]

5th 1856
Beverly April

My dear children,

I received your letter with Georgiana's1 with with much pleasure on the dear little creature writing.

I had a letter from Nellie2 yesterday. They are all well, and she is so pleased with her vacation.

We heard that Frank3 would be home the first of May. He is coming from Antwerp [?].

The winter has been very cold and long. Now it seems quite pleasant. The first warm day was the first day of April. My room has been warm all winter.

Sarah4 is about yet, and very well. Tell me how Elizabeth5 is, be particular.

Give my love to Mrs. Owen.6 We should be glad to see her again.

Your peas are early I suppose. Your grounds are much earlyer than ours.

from Mother

  1. Georgiana Abbot Bowditch (1848-1927), Lucinda's granddaughter, Joseph and Elizabeth's daughter
  2. Helen Maria Bowditch (1814-1889), Lucinda's daughter, Joseph's sister
  3. Francis Morse Bowditch (1823-1864), Lucinda's son, Joseph's brother
  4. Sarah Morse Bowditch (1816-1856), Lucinda's daughter, Joseph's sister. She was pregnant with her first child, and died in childbirth a little over a month after this letter was written.
  5. Elizabeth Blanchard Abbot (1821-1902). She's no doubt referring to Elizabeth's condition either late in her pregnancy or after the birth of their son John Abbot Bowditch, on 2 April 1856.
  6. Mary Blount McCotter (1811-1876)