Mary Elizabeth Dana (Morse) Hutchins to Georgiana Bowditch, 1896

[From Mary Elizabeth Dana (Morse) Hutchins to Georgiana Bowditch. She mentions a picture Georgiana sent her of her "Aunt Bowditch"; talks about her nephew Richard D. Morse Jr., his law career, and his interest in the family genealogy; talks about her brother Richard's war service; and mentions various other family members.

Mary Elizabeth Dana (Morse) Hutchins was Georgiana's first cousin once removed; she and Georgiana's father were first cousins.

The letter is undated, but from two clues in the letter (her brother died "last October" (actually September), and her son "has two children") we know it was written between 20 March 1896 (the birth date of her son's second child) and 23 September 1896 (one year from her brother's death).]

My dear Cousin Georgina,

I was very much pleased to receive your good letter, and the picture of my own "Aunt Bowditch."1 I only wish I could see you fact to face, and talk over our relations, what few they seem to be.

I wrote to Salem to find out something of Mrs. Upton2 last winter to please my nephew3 in N. Y., my late brothers4 son, a young man who is striving to gain a living in a law office. He is a graduate of Yale College. His Mother5 has quite wealthy relatives in N. Y. They give him pleasures [?] and some work to do. He is unmarried and his Mother and one brother6 live on a small farm in Medfield, eight miles from here.

Their Father Richard Morse,4 my brother, died last October. He was in the last War, received a pension which survives and the widow receives. He lost his hearing in the war (nearly), suffered many ills. He was a large hearted kind brother to me before he married, giving me the best of his attentions, a "sisters love" I never knew.

I received from Mr. Richardson of Lynn the name of the family where Mrs. Upton (cousin Helen), which I forget just now. She wrote me and gave me the name of your Father,7 which seemed to strike the right chord, and I believe my nephew has traced the line to Revolutionary times, and even before. His name is Richard D. Morse Jr.3 He called here last week and I read to him your nice letter. He said he had called on Mrs. Berg8 in N. Y. She had mentioned your family, and you, and gave him more details of genealogy than he ever expected to know.

I have a husband.9 He is well, and at home. My son10 is married, has two children.11 My daughter12 is married and lives with us. She is very musical, teaches Piano, Organ, and Violin, is called a good musician. Her husband13 is a millionaire (?), very pleasant and kind man. When we have some pictures taken will send you some.

My love to your Father and Mother14 & yourself. Shall be happy to hear from you again. If you have Mrs. Porter15 address, will you please give it to me when you write to your

affec. Cousin Mary16

  1. Lucinda Morse (1786-1858), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's aunt, Georgiana's grandmother
  2. Helen Maria Bowditch (1814-1889), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's cousin, Georgiana's aunt
  3. Richard Dana Morse (1864-1933), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's nephew, Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  4. Richard Dana Morse (1823-1895), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's brother, Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  5. Helen Sophia Hutchins (1833-1899), wife of Mary (Morse) Hutchins's brother Richard Dana Morse, and sister of Mary (Morse) Hutchins's husband Ezra St. Clair Hutchins
  6. Francis Bowditch Morse (1862-aft 1933), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's nephew, Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  7. Joseph Henry Bowditch (1818-1900), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's cousin, Georgiana's father
  8. Helen MacGregor Morse (1830-1914), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's cousin, Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  9. Ezra St. Clair Hutchins (1825-1898), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's husband
  10. James Dana Hutchins (1856-1919), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's son, Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  11. Josephine Dana Hutchins (1880-) and James Dana Hutchins (1896-1899)
  12. Amelia Miriam Hutchins (1858-), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's daughter, Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  13. Henry Clinton Frost (1865-aft 1920)
  14. Elizabeth Blanchard Abbot (1821-1902), Georgiana's mother
  15. Ellen Gilman (1833-1913), Mary (Morse) Hutchins's cousin, Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  16. Mary Elizabeth Dana Morse (1827-1910), Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed