Richard Dana Morse to Georgiana Bowditch, January 1907

[From Richard Dana Morse in New York, New York, to Georgiana Bowditch. He thanks her for her note and card; describes his Christmas; talks about various relatives; and includes a picture of him on his horse.

Richard Dana Morse was Georgiana's second cousin; his father and Georgiana's father were first cousins.

The letter is undated, but from the information in it ("Prof. Berg had recently died"), it was likely written in January 1907.]

31 Nassau St. NY.

My dear Cousin,

Thank you for your note and also for the good wishes contained in it and the card enclosed within.

I spent Christmas and four holidays with it at Medfield with my brother.1 The weather was delightful and the days passed very pleasantly. While there I saw my cousin Jas. Hutchins.2 He said that his mother3 was not very strong. I did not go to Brookline where she is living, but since my return I have had a note from her. She did not say much about herself. My brother Frank is quite well and manages to keep pretty busy with four cows, one horse, some poultry, and a wood lot.

As I have not seen Mrs. Berg4 during the year I did not know that her grandson5 had graduated from Yale. I presume he is a son of Louis De Coppet.6 Did you know that Prof. Berg7 had recently died? If you have not heard the particulars of his death it may be interesting to you to read the enclosed clipping from the NY Mail & Express. The Professor was certainly a talented man and a rather picturesque character.

A year or so ago my Cousin took the enclosed Kodak picture of me on my Kentucky mare. I thought you might like a little picture of New England life.

With best wishes for the New Year, believe me very sincerely yours

Richard Morse8


  1. Francis Bowditch Morse (1862-aft 1933), Richard's brother, Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  2. James Dana Hutchins (1856-1919), Richard's cousin, Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  3. Mary Elizabeth Dana Morse (1827-1910), Richard's aunt, Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  4. Helen MacGregor Morse (1830-1914), Richard and Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed
  5. Louis Otto Berg (1885-1955), Louis DeCoppet Berg's son
  6. Louis DeCoppet Berg (1856-1913), Richard and Georgiana's 2nd cousin
  7. Albert Wilhelm Berg (1825-1907), husband of Richard and Georgiana's 1st cousin once removed Helen MacGregor (Morse) Berg
  8. Richard Dana Morse (1864-1933), Georgiana's 2nd cousin