Sarah Lauretta (Murphy) Gaston to her sister Harriet Louisa Murphy, 1843

[From Sarah Lauretta (Murphy) Gaston to her sister Harriet Louisa Murphy near Morganton, North Carolina. She says she hopes Harriet's children have avoided scarlet fever; notes that Eliza has been sick; asks her to send some vegetable seeds, and various household items; and talks about various family members.

This is one of three letters by Sarah Lauretta (Murphy) Gaston to her sisters Harriet and Eliza. It's not known how or why they came into the possession of Georgiana Bowditch, although they all lived in or near Morganton, North Carolina, where Georgiana also lived.

This letter is undated, but from information in it was probably written in early 1843. It refers to Lauretta's daughter Eliza, who was born in 1841; it's addressed to Miss Harriet L. Murphy, who was married on 31 Dec 1845; and it refers to "Elizabeth" losing her dear little baby. Elizabeth Tilghman (Walton) Avery's five-month-old daughter Louise Harriet Avery died 14 January 1843. (Elizabeth Tilghman Walton was a sister of Thomas George Walton, husband of Lauretta and Harriet's sister Eliza, and William McEntire Walton, future husband of Harriet Murphy.)

Addressed to "Miss Harriet L. Murphy, Near Morganton, Burk County."]

Dear Sister,1

I intended to write to you by Husb. last week to beg of you to get me a few articles which I was compeled to have, but afterwards concluded to trust to Husbands2 memory which as usual failed him, so I will have to trouble you after all; that is, if it is attal convenient for you to go to town.

I was very anxious for Mr. Gaston's2 return thinking I would hear from you all but in that I was disappointed also. I was quite vexed at his not going out to see you all. He met Sister Eliza3 the day he went down but couldn't say positively where she was going.

I hope the dear children have so far escaped the scarlet fever. We understand some of Mr. Waltons4 black family had it.

Eliza5 has been sick several days, she has a large rising on one side of her neck in the same place and exactly like that Stanly6 had on his last fall. I wish you would write me what Sister3 thinks helped his. We have tryed several things but without much affect. It appears almost as large as it did at first.

Poor Elizabeth7 will feel lost without her dear little baby8 for a while, but she has friends all around to console her, some who have met with the same misfortune. I never heard what was the matter with it.

I have not heard from Brother John9 since he left home. Do write to me soon sister, and write as if you wer talking to me. You would write often I think if you knew how much pleasure it gave me, and how many lonsom hours I spend. I want to hear from Papa10 an Brother W.11

While I think of it I will get you to collect me some garden seeds. Papa has a great many good Bean Peas spinach and other seed. You will not miss in sending me any sort for I have none. I will now tell you what it is I want you to get for me, a pair of shoes cours evry day ons, twelve spools of good thread suitable for quilting fine quilts, eight yds of fine bleach't shirting, one oz of camphor, the same quantity verdigrice, some 1 doz cheap but decent looking plates, a bottle of spirits of turpentine, some cord either one large bale or six bunches, six skeins of Black silk, a paper of pins, a box of hook a eyes, and 1 oz of turkey red. I beleive that is all, and too much too.

I have sent down a basket with a few apples in it. I wish you would put the things you get me in the Basket. They will come safer. You must direct Jim to do what will be most convenient for you. Husband joins me in love to you all. Give my love to Papa and Brother. Kiss the little ones for me.

Your affectionate Sister Lauretta12

  1. Harriet Louisa Murphy (1825-1897), Sarah Lauretta's sister
  2. Alexander Francis Gaston (1804-abt 1848), Sarah Lauretta's husband
  3. Eliza Margaret Murphy (1820-1886), Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's sister
  4. Thomas George Walton (1815-1905), husband of Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's sister Eliza
  5. Eliza Mary Gaston (1841-1877), Sarah Lauretta's daughter
  6. E. Stanley Walton (1840-1898), son of Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's sister Eliza
  7. Elizabeth Tilghman Walton (1822-1885), sister-in-law of Sarah Lauretta's sisters Eliza and Harriet
  8. Louise Harriet Avery (1842-1843), daughter of Elizabeth Tilghman (Walton) Avery
  9. John Hugh Murphy (1827-1924), Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's brother
  10. John Collett (1803-1884), Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's step-father
  11. Waitstill Avery Collett (1830-1880), Sarah Lauretta and Harriet's half brother
  12. Sarah Lauretta Murphy (1822-1864)