Katherine Norris to Georgiana Bowditch, Undated

[From Katherine Norris1 to Georgiana Bowditch. She mentions that Mary is back at home after being away for five weeks, and gives an address in Florence, Italy (for Abbot McClure).

This is a very short fragment of a letter, apparently torn from a longer letter to save an address in Florence, Italy, clearly for Abbot McClure. (See his letters.) By comparing the handwriting, the writer has been identified as Katherine Norris.]

Dear Miss Bowditch,

I was glad to have a letter from you yesterday and to see it was written so plainly I had no trouble to read it. We had a shower early this morning, and the clouds look as if more rain may come later. It is delightful to have Mary2 at home after five weeks of absence. She feel

[The following is on the back.]

you a letter. How well he3 writes. His address is Care Haskard and Cascade Bankers, Palazzo Antinori, Florence, Italy. I also must write him soon.

Do not imagine I have been very sick, though [_____] bed nearly a week. I am trying [_____] that my ailments [_____] at my age.

  1. Katherine Townsend Norris (1842-1927)
  2. Mary Benson Kilbourn (1867-1945), wife of Georgiana's cousin William Thorndike
  3. Abbot McClure (1879-1949?), Georgiana's cousin