S. S. girls and boys

[The following lists of names were on two "Memorandum" pages in a booklet "The Ladies' Note-Book and Calendar, with Select Receipts and Household Information." Commas have been added here after the surnames.]

S. S. Girls

Causby, Essie
Davis, Margaret
Gordon, Margaret
Leslie, Annie
McDorrall, Margaret
Moses, Maggie
Talbot, Beulah
Talbot, Elma
Talbot, Harriet
Wilson, Pauline
Wilson, Helen

S. S. Boys

Causby, Herman
Causby, Clement
Causby, Jessie
Causby, Frank
Leslie, William
Leslie, Charles
Davis, William
Gordon, Leeth
Gordon, Waits
Talbot, James
Talbot, Earl