Letters by Nancy (Stickney) Abbot

Nancy Stickney (baptized as Anna), daughter of Samuel Stickney Jr. and Edith Wallis, was born 9 November 1796 in Beverly, Massachusetts. She married George Abbot, son of William Abbot and Elizabeth Leach, on 3 April 1820 in Beverly. She drowned, apparently by suicide, on 19 June 1851 at age 54 in Beverly, leaving behind three children under age 16.

Most of these letters were written to her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, with part of one to Elizabeth's husband Joseph Bowditch. Parts of some of the letters to Elizabeth were written by Elizabeth's sisters Georgiana and Martha, and father George.

The letters are generally in good condition. In a few cases, some words are missing, due to tears and holes in the originals. Some have burn marks, possibly from the fire that destroyed Elizabeth Bowditch's home in 1881.

  • 16 May 1845. To her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina, about 1 1/2 months after Elizabeth's marriage to Joseph Henry Bowditch. The letter is actually in three parts. The first part, written by Nancy (Stickney) Abbot, asks about how she is doing, and her activities in her new home; says they miss her and hope she'll soon be living closer to them; talks a bit about Elizabeth's wedding festivities; and talks about various people and events in Beverly. The second part, by Elizabeth's sister Georgiana Abbot, talks about how they wonder what Elizabeth's new life is like in the South, and updates her about people and events in Beverly. The third part, by Elizabeth's father George Abbot, describes how much he misses her; gives her advice on adapting to her new home; and talks about various friends and family members. [Transcription]
  • 11 May 1848. To her son-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch, and daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, in Tarboro, North Carolina, about four months after the death of Nancy's husband (Elizabeth's father) George Abbot, and two months after the death of her daughter (Elizabeth's sister) Georgiana. The first part, to her son-in-law, talks about a real estate issue involving a house Joseph had apparently purchased. The second part, to Elizabeth, says she's had trouble finding a servant girl; talks about Georgiana's wedding gifts; and describes her sadness over the recent deaths in the family. [Transcription]
  • 21 Sep 1848. To her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She talks about how she would love to see Elizabeth's children, but can't afford the expense of visiting for the winter as Elizabeth would like; talks about how their life at home has changed after the recent deaths in the family; asks if she would like any of Georgiana's clothes; and describes the death earlier that day of Joanna (Lovett) Rantoul. This is the second half of a longer letter with the first part written by her daughter (Elizabeth's sister) Ellen Abbot, in which she talks about the activities of various friends and family members. [Transcription]
  • 28 Oct 1848. To her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She says Elizabeth's brother George sailed on the 20th, to be gone 18 months, and that Elizabeth's brother John's ship was detained in Rio de Janeiro with a broken mast; talks about Elizabeth (Woodberry) Story's new baby, who was not doing well; describes the death of Hannah Lovett; mentions Elizabeth's possible visit home; and talks about various friends and family members. [Transcription]
  • 3 Jul 1850. To her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She mentions preparations for the upcoming Independence Day; describes the death of Charles Huntington, captain of the ship Elizabeth's brother George was on, and George's resulting situation of being in charge; and talks about various friends and family members. This is a two-part letter with the second part written by her daughter (Elizabeth's sister) Martha Abbot, in which she talks about her plans for Independence Day; describes a sailing trip she was on with several friends; and talks about the activities of various friends and family members. [Transcription]
  • 12 Aug 1850. To her daughter Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She asks about Elizabeth's children, and talks about how she wishes to see them; mentions a brief note from Elizabeth's brother George; describes a visit from Lydia (Gould) Weld and her daughters; and talks about various friends and family members. This is a two-part letter with the second part written by her daughter (Elizabeth's sister) Martha Abbot, in which she describes a berrying trip she was on; talks about the Princeton Boat Club; mentions the upcoming services for President Zachary Taylor, and the hanging of John Webster; and talks about the activities of various friends and family members. [Transcription]