Luther Upton to his brother-in-law Joseph Henry Bowditch, 15 May 1856

[From Luther Upton in Beverly, Massachusetts, to his wife Helen's brother Joseph Henry Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. He informs Joseph of the death in childbirth of Joseph and Helen's sister Sarah Morse (Bowditch) Abbot, on 14 May 1856. Sarah had married George William Abbot, the brother of Joseph Bowditch's wife Elizabeth, on 17 July 1855. George was away at sea at the time of Sarah's death.]

Beverly May 15, 1856

Dear Brother Joe,

It is my painful duty to inform you, Lizzy1 & family that poor Sarah2 is no more.

She was really first taken sick night before last just before midnight, when the Doctor was called. He tells me her labour went on too fast, and had it been slower her life might possibly have been saved. She suffered very much till near ten o'clock of the next day, when she had a convulsion. Drs. Torrey3 & Pierson were immediately called and it was decided to remove the child (a boy weighing 9 pounds) with instruments. She then had another convulsion & sank away & died without sense in half an hour.

This sad result we have always feared. What will the Abbots do, so troubled and and distressed now, it is hard to say. Martha4 seems more calm than me. Your Mother,5 whom Helen6 & I saw after our arrival here this P. M., appears to feel her loss deeply, though not so much so as we expected.

I understand John,7 though expecting to go sea right off, has decided to remain at home till George8 returns.

With love from all,

I am hastily, but truly,

Your Bro. L. Upton

P. S.
Sarah & child both lie in one coffin.

  1. Elizabeth Blanchard Abbot (1821-1902), Joseph's wife
  2. Sarah Morse Bowditch (1816-1856), Joseph's sister
  3. Augustus Torrey (1805-1880)
  4. Martha Eliza Abbot (1835-1870), sister of Joseph's wife Elizabeth and Sarah's husband George William Abbot
  5. Lucinda Morse (1786-1858), Joseph, Sarah, and Helen's mother
  6. Helen Maria Bowditch (1814-1889), Luther's wife and Joseph's sister
  7. John Abbot Bowditch (1856-1933), brother of Joseph's wife Elizabeth and Sarah's husband George William Abbot
  8. George William Abbot (1825-1861), Sarah's husband and brother of Joseph's wife Elizabeth