Mary Norton (Wilmarth) Wing to Georgiana Bowditch, 3 July 1912

[From Mary Norton (Wilmarth) Wing in Boston, Massachusetts, to Georgiana Bowditch in Morganton, North Carolina. She says she's heard little from Ledger (North Carolina), and dreams of going back, but can't because of her husband's health, and says they did go to Columbus, Ohio, to visit her nephew.

This letter was in an envelope addressed to "Miss G. A. Bowditch, Morganton, N. Carolina," postmarked "Boston, Mass, 4:30P, Jul 3, 1912, Brighton Station." On the back of the envelope is written "If not called for, return to Mrs. Wing, 92 Brooks St., Brighton, Mass."]

92 Brooks St.
July 3rd

My dear Miss Bowditch,

It is a long time since I have heard from you. Trust you are not sick.

We are having very warm weather now, am afraid we are to have a warm summer.

I hear very little from Ledger. Get letters from Mrs. Green and Mrs. Gudger quite often.

I dream some time of going back to N. C., but it will be as near as I shall ever get there. Mr. Wing1 has not been very well and he does not want me out of his sight or away from home, and he does not want to go anywhere, but he has to for I cannot live shut up all the time.

We did go to Columbus, Ohio, and spent two weeks this spring. My Nephew2 is Prof. in the University there. His wife3 is cousin of Pres. Taft.4 Wonder how things are coming out. Do not want R in and do not care if the Democrat party do get in. That would be better than R, and they are inclined to put Taft out.

How is your brother.

Write me soon.

Love M. N. Wing5

[The next couple of lines were written in the margin, sideways, on page 1.]

Suppose you hear the news from Ledger.

As the little boys say "I do not believe." You can guess the rest.