Mary Norton (Wilmarth) Wing to Georgiana Bowditch, Undated

[From Mary Norton (Wilmarth) Wing1 to Georgiana Bowditch. She says she's not been very well, and her husband is getting over his "Gripp"; says her housekeeper leaves when her work is done because of a sick grandson, and she has to answer the doorbell, resulting in little rest; and notes she got a letter from Laura Irby.

This first letter may be incomplete, as it has no signature. Based on the handwriting, and their unusual format (each is a single sheet, folded in half; the resulting four "pages" are written on in the order 1-3-2, with page 4 blank, and the text on page 3 (i.e., the back of page 1) is turned 90 degrees from the text on the other two pages), this and the letters of 3 July 1912 and 20 October 1913 were clearly written by the same person, identified as Mary Norton (Wilmarth) Wing.]


My dear Miss B,

Am only going to write a little letter now. Have not been very well (not sick) only not good.

Mr. Wing2 is getting over his Gripp, was shut-in four weeks before he went out.

My woman that is our housekeeper has a grandson that has been very ill at Hospital, and his Mother at home with a baby a few days old, so she is away when she gets her work done up, and I have to be on hand to ans. door bell, and do not get the rest that I want, but get on just the same.

Mr. Wing is better. He was shut-in four weeks with Gripp.

Now I will say what I am writing this time to tell you. I have had a letter from Laura Irby.3 She said she had not had a letter from me for a long time till a few days before. You may have rec. one.

You may have recd. one. Her address is the same I gave you. (Arlington Ore.)