Elizabeth (Woodberry) Story to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, 7 February 1882

[From Elizabeth (Woodberry) Story in Somerville, Massachusetts, to Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch. She sends Elizabeth some poetry written by her husband Isaac.]

Somerville Feb 7, ‘82

My Dear Sister E.,

I send you the poetry I wrote about. It is not written very well, but you can copy it if you like. I have been waiting expecting that you would answer my last letter. Now I hope you will write at once that I may know that this came safely. Isaac1 has written a great deal more than this. One of his pecies has 499 verses in it. I think he would have printed them but it costs a good deal to get out a book and he has never had the means. We live comfortably & economically but have nothing over. He thinks more of his books & studies than he does of making money. I am as fond of poetry as I ever was. I don't think you was as fond as I of it, but rather submitted to it to please me. Was that not so? How is it with Georgianna?2 I have thought of her in writing this, thought that perhaps she would enjoy it more than you.

Write at once.

Yours with love


  1. Isaac Story (1818-1901), Elizabeth (Woodberry) Story's husband
  2. Georgiana Abbot Bowditch (1848-1927), Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch's daughter