For many years Charles Swikert and his wife Verda attended family reunions in Michigan every August, for the Burlingham, Woodin, and Dornan families. The Burlingham Reunion (also known as Burlingham/Phelps reunions) was for the descendants of Philip Burlingham and Charity Phelps, which includes Charles's mother Laura Burlingham. The Woodin Reunion was for the descendants of Federal Woodin and Maria Brazee, which includes Verda's grandfather Frank Woodin. And the Dornan Reunion was for the descendants of William Dornan and Nancy McClurg, which includes Verda's grandmother Isabell Dornan.

All but two of these poems were written for Burlingham Reunions. The other two were written for Woodin Reunions.

Burlingham Reunion, 10 August 1969, Glee Drake's home, Otsego, Michigan

Did you ever stop to wonder
About the family tree;
Of all the folks that make it,
And how it came to be.

Once a year in August
There is a meeting of the clan;
And that is how the reunion
Of the Burlingham began.

Some came from way up yonder
And some from towns nearby;
We came to meet the kinfolks
And eat a good supply.

We came from every cross road,
Some poor, some well to do;
And meet again our relatives
And spin a yarn or two.

Now we may all have talent,
Though some is hard to see.
But we have one among us
Who is a big star on TV.

Now this big star of TV
Says baseball is his game;
It put him where he is today
In baseball's hall of fame.

Now let us thank our host,
He is our President you see;
For all the work he did for us,
Thanks for every thing Glee.

Burlingham Reunion, 9 August 1970, Glee Drake's home, Otsego, Michigan

Now at this reunion
That long ago began,
We all enjoy the pleasure
Of the meeting of the clan.

For those who have departed
And those who could not come,
We wish they were with us
To join in the fun.

And as we sit together
And enjoy the food the most,
It would not be possible
Without our gracious host.

Now Earney did a lot of work
And I'm sure that Glee did too,
But look at all the things
That Levi had to do.

We cannot all be honored
By meeting Denny McLane,
But folks will remember that
Glee is just the same.

Now don't forget next August
In Nineteen Seventy One,
We will meet at Jones Beach
And hope that you will come.

Burlingham Reunion, 8 August 1971, Charles Swikert's Bair Lake cottage, Jones, Michigan

Once again as in every August
There is a meeting of the Clan,
Which was started years ago
By some folks named Burlingham.

We have met at various places
And this year it's here with us.
So we wish to bid you welcome
And a pleasant day we trust.

Our place is nothing fancy,
Just a place to eat and sleep.
But your presence here this Sunday
Gives us a special treat.

Now eat, drink and be merry
W1th the folks who gathered here,
And we hope to meet again
When August comes next year.

Burlingham Reunion, 13 August 1978, Frank and Susan Rupert's home, Battle Creek, Michigan

For those who like to visit
And those who like to eat,
The Burlingham reunion
Each year is a special treat.

Some come from homes near by
And some from miles away,
But all have this in common;
Make this a joyous day.

In the years that have gone by
We have met in various places,
But the best part of this reunion
Is to see these friendly faces.

As we get acquainted
With new friends of the clan,
We hope you will remember
Next year to come again.

We cannot help but notice,
As we greet old friends and new,
The faces that are missing
Will number quite a few.

And as we tell each other
What happened in the past,
And the memories of the good times
That we hope will always last.

And now dear young people,
We hope you will follow through,
And keep up this reunion
As we have done for you.

The officers have done their part
And our host done all he can,
To make this years reunion
The best one in the land.

Frank has done a lot of work
And so has his wife Sue,
So here's a thanks from everyone
From all of us to you.

Burlingham Reunion, 10 August 1980

Once again we got the message
That our secretary sent.
It was a notice of this meeting,
The annual Burlingham event.

There are some that can't be with us
Because of sickness and poor health.
But we know it always happens,
It's just the way the cards are dealt.

Some who are not with us
Are in the great beyond.
It has been God's way of doing
Ever since the world began.

Though we think about the absent
Let us not live in the past.
Let us make this day a happy one,
And enjoy life while it last.

Some have done a lot of work
To make this a joyous day.
We may not know just who you are,
But let us thank you anyway.

Let us enjoy our dinner;
Forget diet, weight and such.
Even though tomorrow,
We will know we ate to much.

Now as we are leaving
Let us not forget to say,
We will see you next August,
That is just a year away.

Burlingham Reunion, 9 August 1981, Brookside Park, Otsego, Michigan

As we sit around the table
At the meeting of the clan,
Our thoughts no longer on the food
Because we have eaten all we can.

As we search each others faces
For one we cannot find,
For they are with their Maker,
While we are left behind.

But reunions are for the living,
So greet everyone you see
With a smile upon your face,
That's the way it has to be.

Now to all you young people
Some of us are getting old.
We have tried our best to make it go
Until you, the reins could hold.

Our secretary has done her job,
Our notices have come through.
So let us give her a great big thanks,
For that is long, long overdue.

The ones who set the tables,
I do not know just who,
But here is a great big thanks
From all of us to you.

Now don't forget next year.
I hope I will be there.
If you don't find me
Please save an empty chair.

Let us not forget the ladies
Who made this meal so grand.
They worked their fingers to the bone.
I am sure you understand.

When we get home this evening
Washing dishes she will dread.
We men would like to help her,
But the paper must be read.

This is my whole story.
This is how I feel.
I have had a real good visit,
And a darn good meal.

Burlingham Reunion, 8 August 1982, Brookside Park, Otsego, Michigan

Once again dear friends we greet you.
You are the members of the clan.
It's an annual get together
That long ago began.

Let us make this a happy occasion,
And let us shake each others hand.
For these are precious moments;
Let us enjoy them while we can.

Now it is up to you, young people,
The tradition to carry through,
Until you can tell your children
Now there is work for you to do.

But now let us think of the present,
We can not change the past.
Let us make the most of this meeting
And enjoy it while it lasts.

Let us give a big thanks to the ladies
Who made up this wonderful meal.
For without their knowledge of cooking
Our reunion would not be ideal.

Now some one arranged for the tables,
And for things that we had to reserve.
Let's give them a big thank you,
For that's what they deserve.

Our Secretary has done her job well.
I think this is what I should do;
Just say thanks an awful lot
From all of us to you.

The summer days will soon be fading
And we will soon feel the winter's blast.
Though now the days may be hot and sticky,
Let us enjoy them while they last.

Now the sand in the hourglass is falling
And we will soon say so long to all,
But we hope you will remember,
And see us again next fall.

Burlingham Reunion, 14 August 1983, Brookside Park, Otsego, Michigan

As this reunion comes and goes,
As many have gone before,
We hope you had a pleasant day,
And hope for many more.

As you journey homeward
Drive as carefully as you can.
For you know we all are looking
To see you folks again.

Our secretary has done her job
To tell us when to meet.
So let us give her a great big hand
Because I know she can't be beat.

If you know of someone
Who should have been here,
Why don't you do your very best
To get them here next year.

I know I am not a poet
And these verses make no sense,
But it is just a little way
To mark this day's event.

Burlingham Reunion, 12 August 1984, Brookside Park, Otsego, Michigan

Once again as in years gone by
There is a meeting of the clan.
You probably can't remember
When this reunion began.

But it really doesn't matter,
And we are really glad you are here,
And we will try to make it pleasant,
So you will come again next year.

This is your reunion
That comes just once a year,
And all of us are happy,
When we see that you are here,

The secretary has done her part
With the message that she wrote.
It was a friendly message,
Not just a little note.

Someone reserved the tables
So we wish to thank them too.
And also for the little things
That so many of you do.

Now we hope you like to visit
And will stay for quite a while,
And all of you will show us,
A big and happy smile.

We hope you enjoy yourselves
For the balance of the day,
And make this day a happy one,
Before it slips away.

Burlingham Reunion, 11 August 1985, Brookside Park, Otsego, Michigan

When you dream about the future
Dream of good things if you can.
For today is set aside
For the meeting of the Clan.

This day was set by someone
Back many years ago,
And they may be watching us
From that great Beyond, we know.

This day was set for having fun,
For seeing others, for being seen,
For young and old,
For in-between.

Let us get better acquainted
With those who are here,
And try to get others
To come next year.

Let us encourage the young
To take an active part.
Their presence here now
Could be a good start.

Let us thank all those
Who did the work that was done.
We could not do without you.
Thanks to every one.

Thanks to our secretary
That doesn't get any dough,
But she gets the job done.
She is really a pro.

My fingers are tired
From writing this verse.
I had better quit now,
Before they get worse.

Woodin Reunion, 25 August 1984

Once a year in late August
There is a meeting of the clan.
It is a meeting of the Woodins,
That long ago began.

Some came from way out yonder,
And some from homes nearby.
They came to see their neighbors
And eat a good supply.

It started a long time ago
55 years I am told,
With all kinds of weather,
Rain, sunshine, hot or cold.

Some of our early members
Have long ago departed.
But there are some of you
Who were there when it started.

We hope you enjoy the day
For everything you do
And here's to you our very best
From all of us to you.

The secretary has done her best
She told us when to start.
So let us give our thanks to her,
For she has done her best.

Woodin Reunion, 25 August 1985

Please listen everyone
To what I have to say.
This is your reunion,
And it's meant to stay that way.

This reunion started,
Some fifty years ago,
By some folks whose name is Woodin,
As many of you know.

Now in the early days
This meeting of the clan
Was held at a county park
By the name of Allegan.

Some came from way out yonder
And some from homes nearby.
They brought their best fried chicken,
And their famous apple pie.

We are glad you folks came today
To join in the fun.
For this is what it's all about,
A good time for everyone.

Let us thank Alice
For sending out the cards,
And all the other things she does.
We give her our best regards.

Now you may not agree with me
With what I have put in verse,
So maybe I had better quit,
Before it gets worse.