Nine Generations

Szajndla Dwojra Erlich

Female, #2561, Deceased, b. 1862, d. 1921


Father*Szlioma Erlich (1819-1880)
Mother*Hana Brajer (estimated 1838-)

Family: Chaim Fierman (1862-)

Daughter*Etta Mirla Fierman + (1886-1942)

Biographical Details

NameSzajndla Dwojra Erlich was also known as Szajndla Dwojra Fajerman.
1862BirthShe was born in 1862 in Poland.1
1880Death of ParentHer father, Szlioma Erlich, died on 1 February 1880.
1885Marr-PartnersShe married Chaim Fierman on 18 June 1885 in Biłgoraj, Poland.2,3
1886Birth of ChildHer daughter, Etta Mirla Fierman, was born on 16 April 1886 in Biłgoraj, Poland.
1921DeathSzajndla Dwojra Erlich died in 1921.4


  1. Polish Birth Record, Etta Fajerman, Bilgoraj BMD, FHL Film #1860513, Akta 114
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Etta Fajerman, Bilgoraj BMD, FHL #1860513, Akta 114
  3. Polish Marriage Record, FHL Film #1860513, Akta 14 (Chaim Fajerman and Szandla Dwojra Ehrlich., Marr. 14 reg. June 18, 1885 of Chaim FAJERMAN, 23, son of Josif Szulim and Chudes DECHTER to Szandla Dwojra ERLICH, 23, dau. of Szlema, widow, and Chai BRAJER
  4. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., Baker Web site, accessed 8/24/2024
Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:48:37

Etta Mirla Fierman

Etta Fierman Mercer
Female, #2562, Deceased, b. 16 April 1886, d. 1942


Father*Chaim Fierman (1862-)
Mother*Szajndla Dwojra Erlich (1862-1921)

Family: Nachum Dov Mercer (about 1888-about 1943)

Son*--?-- Mercer (-after 1935)
Daughter*Shoshana Mercer + (1914-)
Daughter*Hadassa Mercer (1918-1982)
Daughter*Dwojra Mercer + (1923-1986)

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Linda Lax

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

NameEtta Mirla Fierman was also known as Etta Mirla Mercer.1
NameShe was also known as Etta Mirla Fajerman.
1886BirthShe was born on 16 April 1886 in Biłgoraj, Poland.2
Estimated 1910Marr-PartnersShe married Nachum Dov Mercer estimated 1910 in Biłgoraj, Poland.1
1914Birth of ChildHer daughter, Shoshana Mercer, was born in 1914 in Biłgoraj, Poland.
1918Birth of ChildHer daughter, Hadassa Mercer, was born on 18 April 1918 in Biłgoraj, Poland.
1921Death of ParentHer mother, Szajndla Dwojra Erlich, died in 1921.
1923Birth of ChildHer daughter, Dwojra Mercer, was born on 17 December 1923 in Bilgoraj, Poland.
After 1935Death of ChildHer son, --?-- Mercer, died after 1935 in Russia.
1942DeathEtta Mirla Fierman died in 1942 in Russia.3
About 1943Death of SpouseHer husband, Nachum Dov Mercer, died about 1943 in Russia.


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Etta Mirla Fajerman married Nachum Ber (Dov) Mercer in Bilgoraj. We don't know when Exactly. I guess about 1910.
  2. Polish Birth Record, FHL film #1860513, Akta 114 registered 5 Oct 1886 (Etta Mirla Fajerman), Date: 16 APR 1886
  3. Geni World Family Tree, Accessed 24 Feb 2017; site managed by Ester Miriam Szpitalnik Eilam
Last Edited 2 November 2023 13:13:20

Nachum Dov Mercer

Nachum ber Mercer
Male, #2563, Deceased, b. about 1888, d. about 1943

Family: Etta Mirla Fierman (1886-1942)

Son*--?-- Mercer (-after 1935)
Daughter*Shoshana Mercer + (1914-)
Daughter*Hadassa Mercer (1918-1982)
Daughter*Dwojra Mercer + (1923-1986)

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

NameNachum Dov Mercer was also known as Benjamin Mercer.
About 1888BirthHe was born about 1888 in Biłgoraj, Poland.1,2
Estimated 1910Marr-PartnersHe married Etta Mirla Fierman estimated 1910 in Biłgoraj, Poland.3
1914Birth of ChildHis daughter, Shoshana Mercer, was born in 1914 in Biłgoraj, Poland.
1918Birth of ChildHis daughter, Hadassa Mercer, was born on 18 April 1918 in Biłgoraj, Poland.
1923Birth of ChildHis daughter, Dwojra Mercer, was born on 17 December 1923 in Bilgoraj, Poland.
After 1935Death of ChildHis son, --?-- Mercer, died after 1935 in Russia.
1942Death of SpouseHis wife, Etta Mirla Fierman, died in 1942 in Russia.
About 1943DeathNachum Dov Mercer was murdered in the Holocaust about 1943 in Russia.1,2


  1. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Item #5682420 submitted by Miriam Shpitalnik
  2. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Item #5682420, submitted by Shraga Shpitalnik, his grandson
  3. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Etta Mirla Fajerman married Nachum Ber (Dov) Mercer in Bilgoraj. We don't know when Exactly. I guess about 1910.
Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:47:01

Shoshana Mercer

Shoshana Mercer standing in the center
Female, #2564, Deceased, b. 1914


Father*Nachum Dov Mercer (about 1888-about 1943)
Mother*Etta Mirla Fierman (1886-1942)

Family: Issachar Sztruzer (1913-2006)

Daughter*Batia Sztruzer + (1944-2011)
Daughter*Esther Shtruzer +
Daughter*Nechama Shtruzer (1951-2009)

Relationships2nd cousin of Linda Lax

Biographical Details

NameShoshana Mercer was also known as Sophia Mercer.1
NameShe was also known as Shoshana Sztruzer.2
1914BirthShe was born in 1914 in Biłgoraj, Poland.1
About 1938Marr-PartnersShe married Issachar Sztruzer about 1938 in Biłgoraj, Poland.2
1942Death of ParentHer mother, Etta Mirla Fierman, died in 1942 in Russia.
About 1943Death of ParentHer father, Nachum Dov Mercer, died about 1943 in Russia.
1944Birth of ChildHer daughter, Batia Sztruzer, was born on 26 October 1944 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
1947Birth of ChildHer daughter, Esther Shtruzer, was born on 26 September 1947 in Germany.
1951Birth of ChildHer daughter, Nechama Shtruzer, was born on 4 February 1951 in Israel.
2006Death of SpouseHer husband, Issachar Sztruzer, died on 2 October 2006 in Israel.


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Sophia or Shoshe (Shoshana in Hebrew) Mercer, my dear aunt, was born in 1914 in Bilgoraj.
  2. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, She married Suche (Isaschar) Sztruzer (Shtruzer) in Bilgoraj before WW2, about 1938-9.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Issachar Sztruzer

Suche Sztruzer, Germany circa 1946
Male, #2565, Deceased, b. 26 June 1913, d. 2 October 2006

Family: Shoshana Mercer (1914-)

Daughter*Batia Sztruzer + (1944-2011)
Daughter*Esther Shtruzer +
Daughter*Nechama Shtruzer (1951-2009)

Biographical Details

1913BirthIssachar Sztruzer was born on 26 June 1913 in Bilgoraj, Poland.
About 1938Marr-PartnersHe married Shoshana Mercer about 1938 in Biłgoraj, Poland.1
OccupationIssachar Sztruzer was a shoemaker, then a farmer.2
1944Birth of ChildHis daughter, Batia Sztruzer, was born on 26 October 1944 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
1947Birth of ChildHis daughter, Esther Shtruzer, was born on 26 September 1947 in Germany.
1951Birth of ChildHis daughter, Nechama Shtruzer, was born on 4 February 1951 in Israel.
2006DeathHe died on 2 October 2006 in Israel.
About 2006BurialHe was buried about 3 October 2006 in Rechovot Cemetery in Rechovot, Israel.


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, She married Suche (Isaschar) Sztruzer (Shtruzer) in Bilgoraj before WW2, about 1938-9.
  2. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., Geni World Family Tree, accessed 8/24/2024
Last Edited 24 August 2024 13:01:47

Batia Sztruzer

Shoshana Sztruzer, Germany circa 1946
Female, #2566, Deceased, b. 26 October 1944, d. 21 April 2011


Father*Issachar Sztruzer (1913-2006)
Mother*Shoshana Mercer (1914-)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Linda Lax

Biographical Details

NameBatia Sztruzer was also known as Batia Wajnberg.1
1944BirthShe was born on 26 October 1944 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.2
2006Death of ParentHer father, Issachar Sztruzer, died on 2 October 2006 in Israel.
2011DeathShe died on 21 April 2011.2


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Batia died 21/4/2011 leaving a husband Itschak (Icek) Wajnberg and two sons: Israel and Erez.
  2. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Batya or Batia, was born 26/10/1944 in Tashkent. Her parents escaped Bilgoraj earlier than the rest of the family and they were not together most of the war time . . .
    Batia died 21/4/2011 leaving a husband Itschak (Icek) Wajnberg and two sons: Israel and Erez.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Icek Wajnberg

Male, #2567, Living

Family: Batia Sztruzer (1944-2011)

Son*Israel Wajnberg
Son*Erez Wajnberg

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Israel Wajnberg

Male, #2568, Living


Father*Icek Wajnberg
Mother*Batia Sztruzer (1944-2011)

Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Erez Wajnberg

Male, #2569, Living


Father*Icek Wajnberg
Mother*Batia Sztruzer (1944-2011)

Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Esther Shtruzer

Female, #2570, Living


Father*Issachar Sztruzer (1913-2006)
Mother*Shoshana Mercer (1914-)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51


Male, #2571, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Nadav Barkan

Male, #2572, Living


Mother*Esther Shtruzer

Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Dan Barkan

Male, #2573, Living


Mother*Esther Shtruzer

Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Nechama Shtruzer

Female, #2574, Deceased, b. 4 February 1951, d. 21 October 2009


Father*Issachar Sztruzer (1913-2006)
Mother*Shoshana Mercer (1914-)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Linda Lax

Biographical Details

1951BirthNechama Shtruzer was born on 4 February 1951 in the Moshav Bnaya in Israel. A moshav is a large cooperative farm.1
2006Death of ParentHer father, Issachar Sztruzer, died on 2 October 2006 in Israel.
2009DeathShe died on 21 October 2009.1


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, Nechama, named after our grandpa Nachum. She was born on February 4 1951, already in Israel, in the Moshav where the family chose to live. Nechama was a very dear cousin, smart, pretty and full of life. She never married. She has left us quite young on 21/10/2009.
Last Edited 24 August 2024 13:09:31

Hadassa Mercer

Hudes & Benjamin Israelewicz, Dwojra Mercer standing at rear
Female, #2575, Deceased, b. 18 April 1918, d. 2 November 1982


Father*Nachum Dov Mercer (about 1888-about 1943)
Mother*Etta Mirla Fierman (1886-1942)

Relationships2nd cousin of Linda Lax

Biographical Details

MarriedHadassa Mercer was also known as Hadassa Izraelewicz.1
NicknameShe was also known as Hudes Mercer.1
1918BirthShe was born on 18 April 1918 in Biłgoraj, Poland.1
After 1940AnecdoteAfter 1940

Esti Szpitalnik wrote, She escaped with her parents, her younger brother and younger sister (my mom) to Russia. After death of parents and brother the two sisters made their way to find Shoshe, stopping to work on the way from time to time. After the war the two sisters returned to Poland to Szczeczin.1

1942Death of ParentHer mother, Etta Mirla Fierman, died in 1942 in Russia.
About 1943Death of ParentHer father, Nachum Dov Mercer, died about 1943 in Russia.
1982DeathHadassa Mercer died on 2 November 1982 in Herzliya, Israel.1


  1. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, The next daughter of Etta Mirla was Hudes (Hadassa). She was born 18/4/1918 in Bilgoraj. She escaped with her parents, her younger brother and younger sister (my mom) to Russia. After death of parents and brother the two sisters made their way to find Shoshe, stopping to work on the way from time to time. After the war the two sisters returned to Poland to Szczeczin (Shchechin - I guess you know better how to write it). Hudes had already a man she loved and then married - Benjamin Izraelewicz. In Israel they changed the name to Israeli.
    Hudes passed away on November 2 1982. The family lived in Herzliya.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Benjamin Izraelewicz

Male, #2576, Living

Family: Hadassa Mercer (1918-1982)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Dwojra Mercer1

Dwojra Mercer, 1947
clipped from her wedding picture
Female, #2577, Deceased, b. 17 December 1923, d. 6 December 1986


Father*Nachum Dov Mercer (about 1888-about 1943)
Mother*Etta Mirla Fierman (1886-1942)

Relationships2nd cousin of Linda Lax

Biographical Details

NameDwojra Mercer was also known as Dwojra Szpitalnik.2
1923BirthShe was born on 17 December 1923 in Bilgoraj, Poland.2
1942Death of ParentHer mother, Etta Mirla Fierman, died in 1942 in Russia.
About 1943Death of ParentHer father, Nachum Dov Mercer, died about 1943 in Russia.
1947Marr-PartnersDwojra Mercer married Israel Aharon Szpitalnik on 8 May 1947 in Masbach, Germany.2,1
1948Birth of ChildHer son, Fajwel Szpitalnik, was born on 1 June 1948 in Trany, near Barletta, Italy.
1954Birth of ChildHer daughter, Esther Miriam Szpitalnik, was born on 17 April 1954.
1986DeathDwojra Mercer died on 6 December 1986 in Ramla, Israel.2
2017Death of SpouseHer husband, Israel Aharon Szpitalnik, died on 13 October 2017 in Ramla, Israel.


  1. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., Arbel Web site, accessed 8/24/2024
  2. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, So, she was born December 10 1921 (for us she was born in 1923....). She married my father Israel Aharon Szpitalnik (Shpitalnik) in Germany in LAG BAOMER 1947 (May 8 1947) whom she met in Szczeczin, Poland.
    My mother died December 6 1986, 65 years old
Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:39:19

Israel Aharon Szpitalnik1

Aharon Szpitalnik, Germany 1947
clipped from his wedding photo
Male, #2578, Deceased, b. 29 December 1915, d. 13 October 2017

Family: Dwojra Mercer (1923-1986)

Son*Fajwel Szpitalnik +
Daughter*Esther Miriam Szpitalnik +

Biographical Details

NameIsrael Aharon Szpitalnik was also known as Israel Szpitalnik.
1915BirthHe was born on 29 December 1915 in Odrzwol, Radom Region, Poland.2,1
1947Marr-PartnersHe married Dwojra Mercer on 8 May 1947 in Masbach, Germany.2,1
1948Birth of ChildHis son, Fajwel Szpitalnik, was born on 1 June 1948 in Trany, near Barletta, Italy.
1954Birth of ChildHis daughter, Esther Miriam Szpitalnik, was born on 17 April 1954.
1986Death of SpouseHis wife, Dwojra Mercer, died on 6 December 1986 in Ramla, Israel.
2017DeathIsrael Aharon Szpitalnik died on 13 October 2017 at Assaf Harofe Hospital in Ramla, Israel.3


  1. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., Arbel Web site, accessed 8/24/2024
  2. E-mail message, Esti Szpitalnik to RCJ, 31 Jan 2013, So, she was born December 10 1921 (for us she was born in 1923....). She married my father Israel Aharon Szpitalnik (Shpitalnik) in Germany in LAG BAOMER 1947 (May 8 1947) whom she met in Szczeczin, Poland.
    My mother died December 6 1986, 65 years old
  3. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., BenHamou Web site, accessed 8/24/2024
Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:42:48

Fajwel Szpitalnik

Male, #2579, Living


Father*Israel Aharon Szpitalnik (1915-2017)
Mother*Dwojra Mercer (1923-1986)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Linda Lax

Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:25:16

Mrs. Evelin Cohen1

Female, #2580, Living


  1. "MyHeritage Family Trees", on-line database., Arbel Web site, accessed 8/24/2024
Last Edited 24 August 2024 11:40:24