Nine Generations

Serge Zloto

Serge Zloto
Male, #2801, Living


Relationships3rd cousin of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd cousin of Eric Stephen Leber
3rd cousin of Boris Leber
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Noam Zloto

Male, #2802, Living


Relationships3rd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd cousin 1 time removed of Eric Stephen Leber
3rd cousin 1 time removed of Boris Leber
4th cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Léo Zloto

Male, #2803, Living


Relationships3rd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd cousin 1 time removed of Eric Stephen Leber
3rd cousin 1 time removed of Boris Leber
4th cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11