Nine Generations

Bronislava Bogatzkaya

Bronisalva Bogatzkaya Gurnianski
Female, #4101, Deceased, b. about 1903, d. about 1943

Family: Benjamin Gurnianski (1890-1938)

Daughter*Lilya Gurnianski (1931-about 1943)

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

NameBronislava Bogatzkaya was also known as Bronislava Gurnianski.1
Marr-PartnersShe married Benjamin Gurnianski.1
About 1903BirthShe was born about 1903.2
1931Birth of ChildHer daughter, Lilya Gurnianski, was born in 1931 in Electrostal, Russia.
1938Death of SpouseHer husband, Benjamin Gurnianski, died on 26 October 1938 in Smolensk, Russia.
About 1943DeathBronislava Bogatzkaya died about 1943 in Smolensk, Russia, killed in the Holocaust.1,2
About 1943Death of ChildHer daughter, Lilya Gurnianski, died about 1943.


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, His wife Bronislava and daughter Lilia, 12 years old were killed in Holocaust.
  2. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Page of Testimony #6333788 submitted by Mikhail Bogatzki, Date: 8 JUN 2006
Last Edited 2 November 2023 13:13:20

Lilya Gurnianski

Female, #4102, Deceased, b. 1931, d. about 1943


Father*Benjamin Gurnianski (1890-1938)
Mother*Bronislava Bogatzkaya (about 1903-about 1943)

Biographical Details

1931BirthLilya Gurnianski was born in 1931 in Electrostal, Russia.1,2
1938Death of ParentHer father, Benjamin Gurnianski, died on 26 October 1938 in Smolensk, Russia.
About 1943DeathShe died about 1943, killed in the Holocaust.3,2
About 1943Death of ParentHer mother, Bronislava Bogatzkaya, died about 1943 in Smolensk, Russia.


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 13 August 2015, Daughter: Lilya Gurniansky b.1931-d. 1943?
    Lilya was born in Electrostal, Russia
  2. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Page of Testimony #6333789 submitted by Mikhail Bogatzki, Date: 8 JUN 2006
  3. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, His wife Bronislava and daughter Lilia, 12 years old were killed in Holocaust.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Pimen Gurnianski

Male, #4103, Living


Father*Szmul Gurnianski (1865-1942)
Mother*Anna Sanay

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Ethel Gurnianski

Ethel Gurnianski abt 1930
Female, #4104, Deceased, b. 1903, d. 1967


Father*Szmul Gurnianski (1865-1942)
Mother*Anna Sanay

Biographical Details

1903BirthEthel Gurnianski was born in 1903.1
1938ArrestShe was arrested in 1938. In 1954 she was rehabilitated; a dressmaker, Ethel made Soviet Army uniforms while in the Gulag.2
1942Death of ParentHer father, Szmul Gurnianski, died on 21 April 1942 in Bronx, New York.
1967DeathShe died in 1967.2


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, Ethel was born in 1903. Arrested in 1938 in Smolensk, rehabilitated in 1954. Did not have kids. She lived with us in Yekaterinburg(Sverdlovsk) after release. I remember her and love her. She was great woman!
  2. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 13 August 2015
Last Edited 27 August 2023 08:29:13

Ivan Vologodsky

Male, #4105, Deceased, b. 1907, d. 1958

Family: Gitla Gurnianski (1913-1992)

Daughter*Anna Vologodskaya +
Daughter*Galina Vologodskaya +

Biographical Details

1907BirthIvan Vologodsky was born in 1907.1
Marr-PartnersHe married Gitla Gurnianski.2
1935Birth of ChildHis daughter, Anna Vologodskaya, was born in 1935 in Electrostal, Russia.
1939Birth of ChildHis daughter, Galina Vologodskaya, was born in 1939 in Kolchugino, Russia.
1958DeathHe died in 1958.3
1992Death of SpouseHis wife, Gitla Gurnianski, died in 1992.


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 11 Aug 2015, Grandfather Ivan Vologodskiy ( 1907-195...)
  2. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, Gitla(Gitel) was born in 1913. She is my grandmother.
    Gitel get married Ivan Vologodsky. They had 2 daughters.
    Anna ( my mother)
  3. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 13 Aug 2015
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Polina Gurnianski

Polina Gurnianski Abkin
Female, #4106, Deceased, b. 1909, d. about 1965


Father*Szmul Gurnianski (1865-1942)
Mother*Anna Sanay

Biographical Details

MarriedPolina Gurnianski was also known as Polina Abkin.1
1909BirthShe was born in 1909.1
1925Birth of ChildHer son, Vilian Solomonovich Abkin, was born in 1925 in Смоленская Обл (Smolensk Region).
About 1932Birth of ChildHer son, Vladimir Abkin, was born about 1932.
Marr-PartnersShe married Solomon Abkin in Smolensk, Russia.1
1938ArrestShe was arrested at Gerst in 1938 by the KGB and "rehabilitated" in 1954.2
About 1939DivorceSolomon Abkin and she were divorced about 1939 in Soviet Union. Solomon and Polina divorced after her arrest.2,1
1942Death of ParentHer father, Szmul Gurnianski, died on 21 April 1942 in Bronx, New York.
1944Death of ChildHer son, Vilian Solomonovich Abkin, died on 23 June 1944.

Svetlana Rouswell writes: "Polina (I do not know her Jewish name...) was born in 1909. She get married to Solomon Abkin in Smolensk. They had two sons. Polina was arrested in 1938, rehabilitated in 1954 and met her son Fridrikh(Vladimir) Abkin when he was student. It is very sad story.."1

About 1965DeathShe died about 1965.3


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, Polina( I do not know her Jewish name...) was born in 1909. She get married Solomon Abkin in Smolensk. They had 2 sons. Polina was arrested in 1938, rehabilitated in 1954. Her husband divorced with her after her arrest... But his new wife cared about Polina's sons. Polina died soon after rehabilitation. Her small son did not remember her and thought another woman is his mother. He knew truth only when he was student. Polina went to him. It is very sad story...
  2. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 13 August 2015
  3. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 16 August 2015
Last Edited 27 August 2023 08:37:01

Solomon Abkin

Male, #4107, Deceased

Family: Polina Gurnianski (1909-about 1965)

Son*Vilian Solomonovich Abkin (1925-1944)
Son*Vladimir Abkin

Biographical Details

BirthSolomon Abkin was born.
1925Birth of ChildHis son, Vilian Solomonovich Abkin, was born in 1925 in Смоленская Обл (Smolensk Region).
About 1932Birth of ChildHis son, Vladimir Abkin, was born about 1932.
Marr-PartnersSolomon Abkin married Polina Gurnianski in Smolensk, Russia.1
About 1939DivorceHe and Polina Gurnianski were divorced about 1939 in Soviet Union. Solomon and Polina divorced after her arrest.2,1
About 1965Death of SpouseHis former wife, Polina Gurnianski, died about 1965.


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 9 August 2015, Polina( I do not know her Jewish name...) was born in 1909. She get married Solomon Abkin in Smolensk. They had 2 sons. Polina was arrested in 1938, rehabilitated in 1954. Her husband divorced with her after her arrest... But his new wife cared about Polina's sons. Polina died soon after rehabilitation. Her small son did not remember her and thought another woman is his mother. He knew truth only when he was student. Polina went to him. It is very sad story...
  2. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 13 August 2015
Last Edited 25 August 2024 15:58:41

Vladimir Abkin

Male, #4108, Living


Father*Solomon Abkin
Mother*Polina Gurnianski (1909-about 1965)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Anna Vologodskaya

Female, #4110, Living


Father*Ivan Vologodsky (1907-1958)
Mother*Gitla Gurnianski (1913-1992)

Family: Anatoliy Kuligin (1929-2007)

Daughter*Svetlana A. Kuligina +
Son*Igor Kuligin

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Galina Vologodskaya

Female, #4111, Living


Father*Ivan Vologodsky (1907-1958)
Mother*Gitla Gurnianski (1913-1992)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Anatoliy Kuligin

Male, #4112, Deceased, b. 1929, d. 2007

Biographical Details

1929BirthAnatoliy Kuligin was born in 1929 in Szyran, Russia.1
1956Birth of ChildHis daughter, Svetlana A. Kuligina, was born in 1956.
1961Birth of ChildHis son, Igor Kuligin, was born in 1961.
2007DeathAnatoliy Kuligin died in 2007 in Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk, Russia.1


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 11 Aug 2015, Anna Vologodskaya married Anatoliy Kuligin in 1955, Sverdlovsk, Russia Anatoly Kuligin was born 1929 in Syzran, Russia. Death 2007 in Ekaterinburg(Sverdlovsk) They have daughter and son Svetlana Kuligina, 1956 Igor Kuligin, 1961
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Svetlana A. Kuligina

Female, #4113, Living


Father*Anatoliy Kuligin (1929-2007)
Mother*Anna Vologodskaya

Family 1: Evgeny Ignatov (1956-2004)

Daughter*Anna Ignatova
Daughter*Apollinaria Ignatova

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Evgeny Ignatov

Male, #4114, Deceased, b. 1956, d. 2004

Biographical Details

1956BirthEvgeny Ignatov was born in 1956 in Russia.1
1981Birth of ChildHis daughter, Anna Ignatova, was born in 1981 in Russia.
1987Birth of ChildHis daughter, Apollinaria Ignatova, was born in 1987.
2004DeathHe died in 2004 in Russia.2,1


  1. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, 11 Aug 2015, Svetlana Kuligina married Evgeny Ignatov (b.1956-d.2004) in 1980, Leningrad(Saint-Petersburg), Russia They have 2 daughters Anna Ignatova, 1981 Apollinaria Ignatova, 1987
  2. E-mail message, Svetlana Rouswell to RCJ, Date: 9 AUG 2015, I am 58. I lived in Saint-Petersburg. My husband pass away and next year I went to Christmas to my friends in Calgary where I met Mike. It was 9 years ago. We get married in 2013.
    I have 2 daughters Anna and Apollinaria(Polina).
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Michael B. Rouswell1

Male, #4115, Living


Father*Simon Albert ("Bert") Rouswell (1907-1993)
Mother*Audrey Mae Hammett (1919-2011)


  1. Marriage Index, Texas, U.S., Marriage Index, 1824-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005., Date: 14 MAY 2021
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Anna Ignatova

Female, #4116, Living


Father*Evgeny Ignatov (1956-2004)
Mother*Svetlana A. Kuligina

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Apollinaria Ignatova

Female, #4117, Living


Father*Evgeny Ignatov (1956-2004)
Mother*Svetlana A. Kuligina

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Igor Kuligin

Male, #4119, Living


Father*Anatoliy Kuligin (1929-2007)
Mother*Anna Vologodskaya

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Gennady Polyakov

Male, #4120, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51