Ita Chomentowski

Ita Chomentowski
Female, #6876, Deceased, b. 1902
Biographical Details
1902 | Birth | Ita Chomentowski was born in 1902 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1923 | Death of Parent | Her father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
Estimated 1942 | Death of Child | Her daughter, Sara Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. |
Estimated 1942 | Death of Child | Her son, Eleazer Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. |
1942 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942. |
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1 October 2023 10:26:58 |
Maria Chomentowski

Marja Chomentowski
Female, #6877, Deceased, b. 1905, d. 2 September 1942
Biographical Details
1905 | Birth | Maria Chomentowski was born in 1905 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1923 | Death of Parent | Her father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1930 | Marr-Partners | She married Herszek Wulf Milgram in 1930 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1932 | Psgr List (fam) | Herszek Wulf Milgram and she immigrated to France in 1932.1 |
1933 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Rosette Milgram, was born in 1933 in Paris, France. |
1942 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942. |
1942 | Arrest | Maria Chomentowski was arrested for being Jewish at the Demarcation Line in France in July 1942. She passed through a prison in Dijon, then to the camps of Pithiviers and Beaune-la Rolande (Loiret), and finally to Drancy. She left for Auschwitz on Convoy 25 on August 28, 1942. |
1942 | Death | She died on 2 September 1942 in Auschwitz, Poland.1 |
2002 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Herszek Wulf Milgram, died in 2002 in Paris, France. |
- E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
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2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Abram Lejzor Chomentowski
Male, #6878, Deceased, b. 1908
Biographical Details
1908 | Birth | Abram Lejzor Chomentowski was born in 1908 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1923 | Death of Parent | His father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1936 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Tereza Chomentowski, was born in 1936 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
About 1939 | Birth of Child | His son, Samuel Chomentowski, was born about 1939 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
1942 | Death of Parent | His mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942. |
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Rojza Chomentowski
Female, #6879, Deceased, b. 1913
Biographical Details
1913 | Birth | Rojza Chomentowski was born in 1913 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1923 | Death of Parent | Her father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
About 1937 | Birth of Child | Her son, Samuel Berlinsky, was born about 1937 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
About 1940 | Birth of Child | Her son, José Berlinsky, was born about 1940 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
1942 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942. |
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Rajzla Dyment
Female, #6880, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Moshe Berlinsky
Male, #6881, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Tereza Chomentowski
Female, #6882, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Samuel Chomentowski
Male, #6883, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Samuel Berlinsky
Male, #6884, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
José Berlinsky
Male, #6885, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Mrs. Sylvia [Berlinsky]
Female, #6886, Living
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Moshe Gruzworcel
Male, #6887, Deceased, b. 1899
Biographical Details
1899 | Birth | Moshe Gruzworcel was born in 1899. |
Estimated 1942 | Death of Child | His daughter, Sara Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. |
Estimated 1942 | Death of Child | His son, Eleazer Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. |
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1 October 2023 09:52:01 |
Sara Gruzworcel
Female, #6888, Deceased, d. estimated 1942
Biographical Details
Estimated 1942 | Death | Sara Gruzworcel died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.1 |
- E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
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2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Eleazer Gruzworcel
Male, #6889, Deceased, d. estimated 1942
Biographical Details
Estimated 1942 | Death | Eleazer Gruzworcel died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. |
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2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Herszek Wulf Milgram

Herszek Milgram
Male, #6890, Deceased, b. 1906, d. 2002
Biographical Details
1906 | Birth | Herszek Wulf Milgram was born in 1906 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1930 | Marr-Partners | He married Maria Chomentowski in 1930 in Szydłowiec, Poland. |
1932 | Psgr List (fam) | He and Maria Chomentowski immigrated to France in 1932.1 |
1933 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Rosette Milgram, was born in 1933 in Paris, France. |
1942 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Maria Chomentowski, died on 2 September 1942 in Auschwitz, Poland. |
2002 | Death | He died in 2002 in Paris, France. |
- E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
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1 October 2023 10:28:58 |
Rosette Milgram
Female, #6891, Living
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3 April 2023 08:00:56 |
Anna Rokus
Female, #6892, Deceased, b. 1879, d. 13 November 1885
Biographical Details
1879 | Birth | Anna Rokus was born in 1879 in Brooklyn, New York.1 |
1880 | Residence (family) | Maria Louise Rokus and Anna Rokus lived with Bernard S. Rokus and Maria Dorothea Aufenanger at 578 Grand Street in Brooklyn, New York on 5 June 1880.2 |
1885 | Death | Anna Rokus died of diphtheria on 13 November 1885 at 576 Grant Street in Brooklyn, New York.1 |
1886 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Maria Dorothea Aufenanger, died on 19 January 1886 in Brooklyn, New York. |
1926 | Death of Parent | Her father, Bernard S. Rokus, died on 11 July 1926 in Queens, New York. |
- Death Certificate, Brooklyn Cert. #13615, 13 November 1885
- 1920 Federal Census, Place: Brooklyn Assembly District 13, Kings, New York; Roll: T625_1163; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 737
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5 August 2023 10:37:02 |
Eve Maria Wiedemeyer
Female, #6893, Deceased, b. 24 April 1809, d. 22 June 1858
Biographical Details
| Name | Eve Maria Wiedemeyer was also known as Eva Maria Wittemeier. |
1809 | Birth | She was born on 24 April 1809 in Coerbecke, Germany. |
1847 | Birth of Child | Her son, Bernard S. Rokus, was born on 3 September 1847 in Westphalia, Prussia. |
1858 | Death | She died on 22 June 1858 in Coerbecke, Germany. |
1872 | Death of Partner | Her partner, Herman J. Rokus, died on 14 November 1872 in Coerbecke, Germany. |
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Johann Georg Rokus
Male, #6894, Deceased
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Eva Maria Hagemeyer
Female, #6895, Deceased
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Berek Grossman
Male, #6896, Deceased, b. 1856
Biographical Details
| Occupation | Berek Grossman was a carpenter.1 |
1856 | Birth | He was born in 1856 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1 |
1888 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Estera Grossman, was born on 8 September 1888 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1896 | Birth of Child | His son, Chil Szymon Grossman, was born on 24 May 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1901 | Marr-Partners | Berek Grossman married Lipka Najman on 20 December 1901 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2 |
- Polish Birth Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 84, Registered 1902 (Estera Grosman), Date: 8 SEP 1888
- Polish Marriage Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 80, Registered Dec 20, 1901 (Berek Grossman & Lipka Najman), Date: 20 DEC 1901
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Lipka Najman
Female, #6897, Deceased, b. about 1860
Biographical Details
About 1860 | Birth | Lipka Najman was born about 1860 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1 |
1888 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Estera Grossman, was born on 8 September 1888 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1896 | Birth of Child | Her son, Chil Szymon Grossman, was born on 24 May 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1901 | Marr-Partners | Lipka Najman married Berek Grossman on 20 December 1901 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2 |
- Polish Birth Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 84, Registered 1902 (Estera Grosman), Date: 8 SEP 1888
- Polish Marriage Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 80, Registered Dec 20, 1901 (Berek Grossman & Lipka Najman), Date: 20 DEC 1901
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Izzy Becker
Male, #6898, Deceased
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Samuel Katz
Male, #6899, Deceased
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Mrs. Minnie Sher1
Female, #6900, Deceased
- Death Certificate, Brooklyn Cert. #21892 (Bessie Greenman), Date: 28 OCT 1943
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9 August 2023 14:53:05 |