Person Page 276

Ita Chomentowski

Ita Chomentowski
Female, #6876, Deceased, b. 1902


Father*Moshe Chaim Chomentowski (1874-1923)
Mother*Dwojra Lewin (1877-1942)

Family: Moshe Gruzworcel (1899-)

Daughter*Sara Gruzworcel (-estimated 1942)
Son*Eleazer Gruzworcel (-estimated 1942)

Biographical Details

1902BirthIta Chomentowski was born in 1902 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1923Death of ParentHer father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
Estimated 1942Death of ChildHer daughter, Sara Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.
Estimated 1942Death of ChildHer son, Eleazer Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.
1942Death of ParentHer mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942.
Last Edited 1 October 2023 10:26:58

Maria Chomentowski

Marja Chomentowski
Female, #6877, Deceased, b. 1905, d. 2 September 1942


Father*Moshe Chaim Chomentowski (1874-1923)
Mother*Dwojra Lewin (1877-1942)

Family: Herszek Wulf Milgram (1906-2002)

Daughter*Rosette Milgram

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

1905BirthMaria Chomentowski was born in 1905 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1923Death of ParentHer father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1930Marr-PartnersShe married Herszek Wulf Milgram in 1930 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1932Psgr List (fam)Herszek Wulf Milgram and she immigrated to France in 1932.1
1933Birth of ChildHer daughter, Rosette Milgram, was born in 1933 in Paris, France.
1942Death of ParentHer mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942.
1942ArrestMaria Chomentowski was arrested for being Jewish at the Demarcation Line in France in July 1942. She passed through a prison in Dijon, then to the camps of Pithiviers and Beaune-la Rolande (Loiret), and finally to Drancy. She left for Auschwitz on Convoy 25 on August 28, 1942.
1942DeathShe died on 2 September 1942 in Auschwitz, Poland.1
2002Death of SpouseHer husband, Herszek Wulf Milgram, died in 2002 in Paris, France.


  1. E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
Last Edited 2 November 2023 13:13:20

Abram Lejzor Chomentowski

Male, #6878, Deceased, b. 1908


Father*Moshe Chaim Chomentowski (1874-1923)
Mother*Dwojra Lewin (1877-1942)

Biographical Details

1908BirthAbram Lejzor Chomentowski was born in 1908 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1923Death of ParentHis father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1936Birth of ChildHis daughter, Tereza Chomentowski, was born in 1936 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
About 1939Birth of ChildHis son, Samuel Chomentowski, was born about 1939 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1942Death of ParentHis mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Rojza Chomentowski

Female, #6879, Deceased, b. 1913


Father*Moshe Chaim Chomentowski (1874-1923)
Mother*Dwojra Lewin (1877-1942)

Biographical Details

1913BirthRojza Chomentowski was born in 1913 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1923Death of ParentHer father, Moshe Chaim Chomentowski, died on 21 October 1923 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
About 1937Birth of ChildHer son, Samuel Berlinsky, was born about 1937 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
About 1940Birth of ChildHer son, José Berlinsky, was born about 1940 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1942Death of ParentHer mother, Dwojra Lewin, died in 1942.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Rajzla Dyment

Female, #6880, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Moshe Berlinsky

Male, #6881, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Tereza Chomentowski

Female, #6882, Living


Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Samuel Chomentowski

Male, #6883, Living


Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Samuel Berlinsky

Male, #6884, Living


Father*Moshe Berlinsky
Mother*Rojza Chomentowski (1913-)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

José Berlinsky

Male, #6885, Living


Father*Moshe Berlinsky
Mother*Rojza Chomentowski (1913-)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Mrs. Sylvia [Berlinsky]

Female, #6886, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Moshe Gruzworcel

Male, #6887, Deceased, b. 1899

Family: Ita Chomentowski (1902-)

Daughter*Sara Gruzworcel (-estimated 1942)
Son*Eleazer Gruzworcel (-estimated 1942)

Biographical Details

1899BirthMoshe Gruzworcel was born in 1899.
Estimated 1942Death of ChildHis daughter, Sara Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.
Estimated 1942Death of ChildHis son, Eleazer Gruzworcel, died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.
Last Edited 1 October 2023 09:52:01

Sara Gruzworcel

Female, #6888, Deceased, d. estimated 1942


Father*Moshe Gruzworcel (1899-)
Mother*Ita Chomentowski (1902-)

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

Estimated 1942DeathSara Gruzworcel died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.1


  1. E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
Last Edited 2 November 2023 13:13:20

Eleazer Gruzworcel

Male, #6889, Deceased, d. estimated 1942


Father*Moshe Gruzworcel (1899-)
Mother*Ita Chomentowski (1902-)

Killed in the Holocaust

Biographical Details

Estimated 1942DeathEleazer Gruzworcel died estimated 1942 in Treblinka, Poland.
Last Edited 2 November 2023 13:13:20

Herszek Wulf Milgram

Herszek Milgram
Male, #6890, Deceased, b. 1906, d. 2002

Family: Maria Chomentowski (1905-1942)

Daughter*Rosette Milgram

Biographical Details

1906BirthHerszek Wulf Milgram was born in 1906 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1930Marr-PartnersHe married Maria Chomentowski in 1930 in Szydłowiec, Poland.
1932Psgr List (fam)He and Maria Chomentowski immigrated to France in 1932.1
1933Birth of ChildHis daughter, Rosette Milgram, was born in 1933 in Paris, France.
1942Death of SpouseHis wife, Maria Chomentowski, died on 2 September 1942 in Auschwitz, Poland.
2002DeathHe died in 2002 in Paris, France.


  1. E-mail message, Victor Chomentowski to RCJ, 20200112
Last Edited 1 October 2023 10:28:58

Rosette Milgram

Female, #6891, Living


Father*Herszek Wulf Milgram (1906-2002)
Mother*Maria Chomentowski (1905-1942)

Last Edited 3 April 2023 08:00:56

Anna Rokus

Female, #6892, Deceased, b. 1879, d. 13 November 1885


Father*Bernard S. Rokus (1847-1926)
Mother*Maria Dorothea Aufenanger (about 1852-1886)

Biographical Details

1879BirthAnna Rokus was born in 1879 in Brooklyn, New York.1
1880Residence (family)Maria Louise Rokus and Anna Rokus lived with Bernard S. Rokus and Maria Dorothea Aufenanger at 578 Grand Street in Brooklyn, New York on 5 June 1880.2
1885DeathAnna Rokus died of diphtheria on 13 November 1885 at 576 Grant Street in Brooklyn, New York.1
1886Death of ParentHer mother, Maria Dorothea Aufenanger, died on 19 January 1886 in Brooklyn, New York.
1926Death of ParentHer father, Bernard S. Rokus, died on 11 July 1926 in Queens, New York.


  1. Death Certificate, Brooklyn Cert. #13615, 13 November 1885
  2. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Brooklyn Assembly District 13, Kings, New York; Roll: T625_1163; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 737
Last Edited 5 August 2023 10:37:02

Eve Maria Wiedemeyer

Female, #6893, Deceased, b. 24 April 1809, d. 22 June 1858

Family: Herman J. Rokus (1802-1872)

Son*Bernard S. Rokus + (1847-1926)

Biographical Details

NameEve Maria Wiedemeyer was also known as Eva Maria Wittemeier.
1809BirthShe was born on 24 April 1809 in Coerbecke, Germany.
1847Birth of ChildHer son, Bernard S. Rokus, was born on 3 September 1847 in Westphalia, Prussia.
1858DeathShe died on 22 June 1858 in Coerbecke, Germany.
1872Death of PartnerHer partner, Herman J. Rokus, died on 14 November 1872 in Coerbecke, Germany.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Johann Georg Rokus

Male, #6894, Deceased

Family: Eva Maria Hagemeyer

Son*Herman J. Rokus + (1802-1872)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Eva Maria Hagemeyer

Female, #6895, Deceased

Family: Johann Georg Rokus

Son*Herman J. Rokus + (1802-1872)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Berek Grossman

Male, #6896, Deceased, b. 1856


Family: Lipka Najman (about 1860-)

Daughter*Estera Grossman + (1888-about 1942)
Son*Chil Szymon Grossman (1896-)

Biographical Details

OccupationBerek Grossman was a carpenter.1
1856BirthHe was born in 1856 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1888Birth of ChildHis daughter, Estera Grossman, was born on 8 September 1888 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1896Birth of ChildHis son, Chil Szymon Grossman, was born on 24 May 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1901Marr-PartnersBerek Grossman married Lipka Najman on 20 December 1901 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2


  1. Polish Birth Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 84, Registered 1902 (Estera Grosman), Date: 8 SEP 1888
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 80, Registered Dec 20, 1901 (Berek Grossman & Lipka Najman), Date: 20 DEC 1901
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Lipka Najman

Female, #6897, Deceased, b. about 1860


Family: Berek Grossman (1856-)

Daughter*Estera Grossman + (1888-about 1942)
Son*Chil Szymon Grossman (1896-)

Biographical Details

About 1860BirthLipka Najman was born about 1860 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1888Birth of ChildHer daughter, Estera Grossman, was born on 8 September 1888 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1896Birth of ChildHer son, Chil Szymon Grossman, was born on 24 May 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1901Marr-PartnersLipka Najman married Berek Grossman on 20 December 1901 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2


  1. Polish Birth Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 84, Registered 1902 (Estera Grosman), Date: 8 SEP 1888
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Piotrków BMD, Akta 80, Registered Dec 20, 1901 (Berek Grossman & Lipka Najman), Date: 20 DEC 1901
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Izzy Becker

Male, #6898, Deceased

Family: Mary Kaminsky

Daughter*Annie Becker + (1875-)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Samuel Katz

Male, #6899, Deceased

Family: Mrs. Minnie Sher

Daughter*Peske Katz (1870-1943)
Son*Morris Katz + (1879-)

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Mrs. Minnie Sher1

Female, #6900, Deceased

Family: Samuel Katz

Daughter*Peske Katz (1870-1943)
Son*Morris Katz + (1879-)


  1. Death Certificate, Brooklyn Cert. #21892 (Bessie Greenman), Date: 28 OCT 1943
Last Edited 9 August 2023 14:53:05