Herszlik Gelbard
Male, #1751, Deceased, b. 1816, d. 29 August 1873
Biographical Details
1816 | Birth | Herszlik Gelbard was born in 1816 in Koceshov, Poland.
Koceshov is part of Petrokovy (Piotrków) uezd.1
| Marr-Partners | He married Hana Lipkov.2 |
1848 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Dwojra Zelda Gelbard, was born in 1848 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Residence | He lived in Bełchatów, Poland in 1851.3 |
1851 | Birth of Child | His son, Eliasz Gelbard, was born in 1851. |
1851 | Death of Parent | His father, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 4 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Death of Parent | His mother, Frimeta Abramov, died on 5 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1855 | Death of Child | His son, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 20 August 1855 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1856 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Itta Orenbach Gelbard, was born on 24 July 1856 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1873 | Death | Herszlik Gelbard died on 29 August 1873 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
- Polish Death Record, Herszlik Gelbard, FHL Film #1189029, Akta 98; Registered 31 Aug 1873, Took place in town Bełchatów 19 (31) August 1873 at 15:00
came witnesses and informrd that on 17 (29) August this year at 21:00 died GERSHLIK GELBARD, house-owner , who lived in pasad Bełchatów ,at the age of 57. He was born in village Koceshov in Petrokovky uezd, he was a son of deceased Elyash Gelbard and Frimeta nee Abramov ,after his death he left a widow Khana nee Lipkov - Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gelbard, Polish State Archives, FHL film #681040, Akta 41
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gielbard, FHL film #681039, Akta 9
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Abram Gelbard
Male, #1752, Living
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Icek Gelbard
Male, #1753, Deceased, b. 1820, d. 7 January 1872
Biographical Details
1820 | Birth | Icek Gelbard was born in 1820.1 |
1849 | Occupation | In 1849 Icek Gelbard was a shopkeeper.1 |
1849 | Marr-Partners | He married Bluma Fajwis on 20 April 1849 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1851 | Residence | He lived in Bełchatów, Poland in 1851.2 |
1851 | Death of Parent | His father, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 4 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Death of Parent | His mother, Frimeta Abramov, died on 5 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1852 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Frymeta Gelbard, was born in March 1852 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1852 | Death of Child | His daughter, Frymeta Gelbard, died on 23 May 1852. |
1872 | Death | Icek Gelbard died on 7 January 1872 in Bełchatów, Poland.3 |
- Polish Marriage Record, Icek Gelbard & Bluma Fajwis, FHL film #681039, Akta 5, Marriage registered in Bełchatów, April 20, 1849 of Icyk GIELBARD, widower, 29, son of Eliasz and Frymet, shopkeeper, to Bluma FAJWIS, 23, dau. of Litman and Ruchla
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gielbard, FHL film #681039, Akta 9
- Polish Death Record, FHL Film #1189029, Akta 19. Viewmate 104832.
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Ruchla Gelbard
Female, #1754, Deceased, b. 1814, d. before 19 July 1868
Biographical Details
| Name | Ruchla Gelbard was also known as Ruchla Laskowski.1 |
1814 | Birth | She was born in 1814 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1836 | Marr-Partners | She married Szlama Laskowski on 22 July 1836 in Konstantynów Łódzki, Poland.2 |
1845 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Cyrla Laskowski, was born in 1845 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Residence | Ruchla Gelbard lived in Bełchatów, Poland in 1851.3 |
1851 | Death of Parent | Her father, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 4 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Frimeta Abramov, died on 5 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1853 | Birth of Child | Her son, Majer Laskowski, was born on 23 December 1853 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1857 | Birth of Child | Her son, Abram Laskowski, was born on 16 April 1857 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
Before 1868 | Death | Ruchla Gelbard died before 19 July 1868.4 |
- Polish Marriage Record, Ruchla Gelbard & Szlama Laskowski. FHL film #681038, Akta 4, Marriage registered in Konstantynow July 22, 1844 of Szlama LASKOWELA, 37, son of Dawid and Szprynca from Laski to Rochla GELBARD, 22, daughter of Eliasz, solarz, and Froma from Bełchatów.
- Polish Marriage Record, Ruchla Gelbard Szlama Laskowski. FHL film #681038, Akta 4. Marriage registered in Konstantynow July 22, 1844, Date: 22 JUL 1836
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gielbard, FHL film #681039, Akta 9, Death akt 9 registered in Bełchatów Feb 4, 1851 of Eliasz GIELBARD, shopkeeper, 68, wife: Frymet, 8 children: Wolek, Herszlik, Abram and Icek from Bełchatów, Curla Necha Michalowic, Gitla from Piotrkow, Ruchla and Blima from Bełchatów
- Polish Marriage Record, Cyrla Laskowski m. Abram Kuperwasser, FHL Film#766354, Akta 6, Marriage between: Avraam Itzko Kuperwiker (Kuperwasser) , single, master of weaver's craft 20 y.o., born and living in village Zelev in Laskij (Lask) uezd with his parents: Wolk and Symsa (Symkha?) Kuperwasser, and Tzirlya Laskowskaya, a girl, born in town Bełchatów , 23 y.o., daughter of Shlyama and deseased Rukhlya (maiden name Gelbard)
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Gitla Gelbard
Female, #1755, Deceased, b. 1812
Biographical Details
| Name | Gitla Gelbard was also known as Gitla Dawidowicz.1 |
1812 | Birth | She was born in 1812 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1832 | Marr-Partners | She married Abram Dawidowicz on 8 June 1832 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1851 | Residence | She lived in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland in 1851.2 |
1851 | Death of Parent | Her father, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 4 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Frimeta Abramov, died on 5 February 1851 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
- Polish Marriage Record, Gitla Gelbard and Abram Davidowicz, FHL film #681038, Akta 3, Marriage registered in Bełchatów June 8, 1832 of Abram DAWIDOWICZ, 24, shopkeeper, from Piotrkow, son of Dawid and Glika GEMOLINSKI to Gitla GELBARD, 20, from Bełchatów, daughter of Eliasz and Frimet.
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gielbard, FHL film #681039, Akta 9
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Curla Necha Gelbard
Female, #1756, Living
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4 November 2023 08:07:11 |
Hana Lipkov
Female, #1757, Deceased
Biographical Details
| Name | Hana Lipkov was also known as Hana Gelbard.1 |
| Name | She was also known as Hana Linke.2 |
| Marr-Partners | She married Herszlik Gelbard.1 |
1848 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Dwojra Zelda Gelbard, was born in 1848 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1851 | Birth of Child | Her son, Eliasz Gelbard, was born in 1851. |
1856 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Itta Orenbach Gelbard, was born on 24 July 1856 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
1873 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Herszlik Gelbard, died on 29 August 1873 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gelbard, Polish State Archives, FHL film #681040, Akta 41
- Bełchatów Book of Residents, Polish State Archives, Herszlik Gelbart, Polish State Archives
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4 November 2023 08:07:11 |
Eliasz Gelbard
Male, #1758, Deceased, b. 1851, d. 20 August 1855
Biographical Details
1851 | Birth | Eliasz Gelbard was born in 1851.1 |
1855 | Death | He died on 20 August 1855 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1873 | Death of Parent | His father, Herszlik Gelbard, died on 29 August 1873 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
- Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gelbard, Polish State Archives, FHL film #681040, Akta 41
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Dwojra Zelda Gelbard
Female, #1765, Deceased, b. 1848
Biographical Details
1848 | Birth | Dwojra Zelda Gelbard was born in 1848 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1873 | Death of Parent | Her father, Herszlik Gelbard, died on 29 August 1873 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
- Bełchatów Book of Residents, Polish State Archives, Herszlik Gelbart, Polish State Archives
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Itta Orenbach Gelbard
Female, #1766, Deceased, b. 24 July 1856
Biographical Details
| Name | Itta Orenbach Gelbard was also known as Itta Orenbach Elbinger.1 |
1856 | Birth | She was born on 24 July 1856 in Bełchatów, Poland.1 |
1873 | Death of Parent | Her father, Herszlik Gelbard, died on 29 August 1873 in Bełchatów, Poland. |
| Marr-Partners | She married Elbinger.1 |
- Bełchatów Book of Residents, Polish State Archives, Herszlik Gelbart, Polish State Archives
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23 February 2025 10:27:05 |
Male, #1767, Deceased
Biographical Details
- Bełchatów Book of Residents, Polish State Archives, Herszlik Gelbart, Polish State Archives
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4 November 2023 08:07:11 |