Notes from Ellen Abbot to Hannah Rantoul, 1860?-1863

Ellen Louisa Abbot, the daughter of George Abbot and Nancy Stickney, and sister of Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on 13 September 1837, and married Johnson McClure on 22 October 1868. They moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by 1870, and she died there on 8 March 1887 at age 49.

[This note is dated at the bottom "Mar 17th, Saturday Morning," and a notation by Hannah says "Ellen L. Abbot, March 17th."Ellen was born on 13 September 1837, and from the contents of the note she was apparently an adult (she talks of going to Salem and perhaps Portsmouth. Ellen was married in 1868, after which Hannah would have written her name as Ellen McClure, not Ellen Abbot. March 17 was a Saturday in 1855, 1860, and 1866. However, the note refers to her sister Martha sending her love to Hannah, indicating Martha was still living in Beverly, and Martha had moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by March 1866. So the note was probably written on 17 March 1860 (when Ellen was 22), or possibly 17 March 1855 (when she was 17). At the top is embossed "Delarue & Co., London. BHS ID# 948.001.1295.]

My dear Hannah,

I am very sorry not to be able to see you before you leave for Portsmouth, but I am obliged to go to Salem this afternoon & cannot return till too late to see you. I have written a note to Maria & I shall be very much obliged to you if you will please give it to her. I hope you will have a very pleasant visit in Portsmouth. I may possibly go down to pass Sunday while you are there. Martha desires her love to you; accept also the love of your friend


Beverly Mar 17th
Saturday Morning

[This note is undated, but refers to the birth of one of her sister Martha's children. Only Martha's first child, Paul Thorndike, was born in Beverly, on 2 March 1863. A PS to the note was added with the notation "Saturday Morning Mar 14th," and in 1863 March 14th was a Saturday. So the note was probably written Friday, March 13, 1863, and the PS added the next day. At the top the paper is embossed with the initials "GWA." BHS ID# 948.001.1294.]

My dear Miss Hannah,

I am so sorry you were obliged to send for the sacks after all my promisings to send them to you, but since that "blessed baby" arrived I have entirely forgotten everything else; hope this pair will be just the size you want. Martha had a pair finished; before being sick she ravelled them to make them of a better shape and since then of course has not finished them. She and the baby are well and sleeping sweetly together at the present moment.

Do come soon and see them for Martha is able to see her friends at all times now. With love and in great haste I am ever yr attached friend


Saturday Morning Mar 14th

Please accept the enclosed photograph if you can find a place in your book for it.