Letters by Georgiana (Abbot) Lamson

Georgiana Abbot, daughter of George Abbot and Nancy Stickney, was born 28 October 1823, about 2 1/2 years after her sister Elizabeth, in Beverly, Massachusetts. She married Charles Elisha Whitney Lamson, son of Nathaniel Lamson and Lucy Whitney, on 2 September 1847 in Beverly. She died 8 March 1848, a week after giving birth to a stillborn son. Elizabeth's second child, Georgiana Abbot Bowditch, was born 21 May 1848, and was obviously named after her mother's sister Georgiana.

These letters were written by Georgiana from May 1845 to February 1848. All were written to her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina, except for two to her brother George, on 18 August 1845 and 24 May 1846. Sections of another letter, dated 6 March 1846, were written by Georgiana and Elizabeth's sisters Martha and Ellen to their parents, who were visiting Elizabeth in North Carolina at the time.

The letters are generally in fairly good condition, with some burn marks and holes, possibly from the fire that destroyed Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch's house in 1880. In a couple of letters, some words are missing due to holes, etc. The handwriting is reasonably good, but small, and many of the letters include cross-writing, making them difficult to read.

  • 16 May 1845. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina, about 1 1/2 months after Elizabeth's marriage. This is a section of a longer letter, with other sections written by Georgiana's mother Nancy and father George. She talks about how they wonder what Elizabeth's new life is like in the South, and updates her about people and events in Beverly. [Transcription]
  • 18 August 1845. To her brother George, at sea on the ship Tonquin at Canton, China. She tells him about the activities of his friends in Beverly; talks about their brother John's new boat; mentions attending the last session of the dancing school as a spectator; describes an encounter with "Boyden"; describes an injury to Israel Whitney; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 17 October 1845. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. This is the second part of a letter to Elizabeth from her brother George. She says that their brother George appears to be a changed person, for the better; mentions Elizabeth's trip home (to Tarboro); and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 26 October 1845. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She describes how to make various clothes for Elizabeth's new baby (who was then about four months pregnant), and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 12 February 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She talks about getting a letter from their brother George, and that he's expected home soon; says they're anxious to hear news of the birth of Elizabeth's first child; describes a dance she went to, and a concert by the local singing school; mentions the upcoming wedding of Clarissa Webber, who apparently was pregnant; talks about the Charitable Society and how the meetings have been poorly attended; says there's been a case of smallpox in town; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 6 March 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. Short sections at the end were written by her sister Martha (age 10) to her father George Abbot, and her sister Ellen (age 8) to her mother Nancy (Stickney) Abbot. She indicates that their parents were with Elizabeth in Tarboro, no doubt for the birth of Elizabeth's first child, born on 18 March, and that Georgiana was running the household in Beverly; mentions their brother George's infatuation with Sarah Ellen; describes a sleigh ride; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 27 March 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She describes the reaction among family and friends to the news that Elizabeth had had a baby, and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 17 May 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She talks about the wedding of Clara (Choate), and how Richard (Wilkinson), who was supposed to stand up with the groom, never showed up; describes an evening party, and how the next day several attendees were sick; says she went to see Ann (Nourse) Whitney, and all her wedding presents, and how she was unimpressed with what she had been told was a "splendidly" furnished room; talks about William Michael Whitney, and how he is supposed to be highly desired as a supercargo, but she doesn't believe it; says their brother George had left for Boston, to sail as second mate on the barque Anita; says Porter Lovett's wife (Lucy (Lovett) (Chapman) Lovett) was having a hard time adjusting to adversity (see letter of 26 October 1845); talks about someone going around town frightening women in the night; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 24 May 1846. To her brother George William Abbot in Boston, Massachusetts. She describes preparations for George leaving on a sea voyage, including packing a chest with his things, and doing his laundry for him, and talks a little about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 24 July 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She mentions going to Brunswick (Maine) for a week to visit people; talks about William Michael Whitney and his drinking problem; says Mrs. Porter is very sick, and hard to please; describes the death of Ellen (Lamson) Wonson; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 9 August 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She mentions seeing Jane Rantoul and talking about her jelly; describes her trip to Brunswick (Maine) and her activities there; talks about Mrs. Lovett and her daughter Betsey and their problems; mentions William Whitney and his drinking problem; describes a boating trip and how they were caught in a storm; describes a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Weld; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 16 September 1846. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She talks about Elizabeth's son Nathaniel being sick, and how to treat him; says she and Charles (Lamson) plan to be married the following year, and she hopes to wear Elizabeth's dress; mentions several deaths, including Mrs. Porter and several children in Beverly; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 8 October 1847. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She mentions Elizabeth's trip back home to Tarboro after her visit to Beverly; talks about a daughter of Mr. Wilson who's "been crazy twelve year"; describes a trip the family took to Rockport; talks about the scarcity of some goods Joseph Henry Bowditch wanted sent, presumably for his store in Tarboro; indicates that both she and Elizabeth are probably pregnant; describes a fence built by Mr. Gage; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 14 November 1847. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She says George will be sailing Wednesday for New Orleans on the ship Newton under Capt. Howes; talks about Frank Bowditch being home; describes the birth of Elizabeth (Woodberry) Story's son Horace; talks about Thanksgiving preparations; says the Charitable Society won't start meeting until the end of December, because most members are unable to attend; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 28 December 1847. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She talks about trees shipped to Elizabeth by their father George Abbot; mentions a dance she went to; describes their Christmas and the cold weather; and talks about the activities of various family members and friends. [Transcription]
  • 11 February 1848. To her sister Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch in Tarboro, North Carolina. She describes the death of their house servant Cora, and their fears for their brother George's safety due to a strong storm. [Transcription]