Notes from Georgiana Abbot to Hannah Rantoul, 1840-1847

Georgiana Abbot, the daughter of George Abbot and Nancy Stickney, and sister of Elizabeth (Abbot) Bowditch, was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on 28 October 1823, and married Charles Elisha Whitney Lamson on 2 September 1847. She died on 8 March 1848 at age 24, a week after giving birth to a stillborn son.

[Addressed to "Miss Hannah L Rantoul, Present." A separate notation by Hannah says "Georgiana Abbot, Dec. 30th 1840." BHS ID# 948.001.1300.]

Dear Hannah,

We are about making up a package to send Elizabeth Friday morning, if you would like to write we will enclose it. Please have it ready by tomorrow evening.

Georgiana Abbot

[This note tells Hannah about the birth of Georgiana's sister Elizabeth's first child, Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, "a week ago today."

Addressed on the back to "Miss Hannah L. Rantoul, Present." A notation added by Hannah on the back says "Georgiana Abbot, March 24, 1846," which was a Tuesday. The note itself is undated, other than the heading "Tuesday 4 o'clock P. M." If it was written on 24 March, that would make Nathaniel's birth date 17 March 1846. However, we have his birth date as 18 March 1846. Either we have the birth date wrong, or the information in the note is off by a day. BHS ID# 948.001.1299.]

Tuesday 4 o'clock P. M.

Dear Hannah,

I've just received a letter from Tarboro with the pleasant news that I am an Aunt. E. has a fine, hearty little boy, weighing 7 1/2 lbs., born a week ago today. She is very comfortable, and in good spirits, and sent her love to all her friends. I knew that you were anxious to hear, and as it was non-convenient for me to leave home this afternoon thought I would just write.

Your affectionate friend,


[The above note was apparently written on the back of an earlier note that had been sent by Hannah to Georgiana's mother Nancy Abbot. It's somewhat difficult to read, but is transcribed below.]

Tuesday eve

My dear Mrs. A.,

Cousin Joa. [?] has been thinking for a long while of making a little visit at Mrs. Rand's in Roxbury & has proposed my passing a few days with you at the same time. I have just been there and find she has decided to go next Thursday, probably in the afternoon cars. If the weather should be unpleasant it will change the arrangement as Cousin J. will take Charlie with her, and will not like to expose him to any thing like a storm. I am sorry that I did not know of her decision, longer before the consummation of her plan, that I might hear from you, if you are well, at home, &c. I am writing on a book in my lap just before going to a concert, else I should write more elegantly.

In great haste, yrs. ever affectionately

Hannah L. R.

[Addressed to "Miss Hannah L. Rantoul." A separate notation by Hannah says "Georgiana Abbot, Feb. 23rd 1847." BHS ID# 948.001.1301.]

Tuesday morn.

Dear Hannah,

I am very much obliged to you for keeping your letter open for me so much longer, and E. will be too for she wanted to know whether Charles was coming to Boston or not; he is going to N. Orleans.

I found this book of yours among the children's. I don't remember who borrowed it, please excuse keeping it so long.

You will come down Friday eve won't you?

With much love I am your affectionate friend
