- [S1] Tuttle, Albert Henry "Brud" , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S2] Taber, Barbara Wood (Arlington, MA), interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S3] International Bible Society. The Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984.
- [S4] Hammond, Cleon E, Biography of signer, "John Hart". ( n.pub.) .
- [S5] Tuttle, Catherine R , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S6] Roberts, Gary Boyd, The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in American History. (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc, 2001) .
- [S7] Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for Commoners, Fourth Edition, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc, 2002) , ISBN 0-8063-1687-X. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S8] Dean S Martin. Online http://www.my-ged.com/db/page/martin2.
- [S9] Randall, George L, Descendants of Thomas, Son of Philip Taber. (New Bedford, MA: Vining Press, Printers, 1924) . Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S10] Damon, Edward Kennan (Squim, WA), interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S11] Tuttle, Elsa Ann (Squim, WA), interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S12] Henshaw, William Wade, Encylopedia of Quaker Genealogy. (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1936-1950) : Broderbund Software, Inc., 1994, Family Archive #192. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S13] English Origins of New England Families, Family Archive #181, CD-ROM. N.p.: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- [S14] Genealogies of Mayflower Families, CD-ROM. N.p.: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- [S15] Cotton, Jean, Jean Cotton. Online http://www.dgcotton.com.
- [S16] Taber, Lynn Marie Hart (Arlington, MA), interview by Richard Smith Damon . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S17] Alexander, Margaret Orr Nutter, Margaret Orr Keen Family Tree Margaret Orr Keen Family Tree. 14 Dec 2000.( Repository: Richard Smith Damon, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in).
- [S18] Mary K Knudstrup. Online http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/k/n/u/Mary-K-Knudstrup.
- [S19] General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol 11, Part 3, Edward Doty. Hill, Peter B. n.p.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000 ISBN 0-930270-12-6.
- [S20] General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol 12, Francis Cooke. N.p.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000.
- [S21] General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol 18, Part 1, Richard Warren. Wakefield F.A.S.G., Robert S. n.p.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000 ISBN 0-930270-19-3.
- [S22] Mayflower Families Web site. Online http://MayflowerFamilies.com.
- [S23] NGS Quarterly, CD-ROM. Family Archive #210: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- [S24] Barker, Kenneth. The NIV Study Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Corporation, 1985.
- [S25] Tuttle, Noha Honain , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: unknown repository; unknown repository address.
- [S26] Notable British Families, CD-ROM. N.p.: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- [S27] McBride, Paul Bailey, Paul Bailey McBride Web Site. Online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/genweb.html.
- [S29] Nickle, Renee Marie , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S30] Damon, Richard Smith , interview . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S31] Stuart, Roderick W., Royalty for Commoners, Third Edition. (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998) , ISBN 0-8063-1561-X LCCCN 98-71621. Repository: Winchester Library Winchester, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S33] Steven Morgan. Online http://www.my-ged.com/db/page/morgan.
- [S34] Taber, Barbara Wood, Taber Family Tree.( Repository: Richard Smith Damon, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in).
- [S35] The Complete Mayflower Decendant, CD-ROM. Family Archive #203: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- [S36] Damon, Richard A. Jr, The Damon Family of Reading, Massachussetts. ( Penobscot Press, October 1999) , ISBN 0-89725-384-1. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S37] Smith, F. LaGard, The Narrated Bible, In Chronological Order, New International Version. (Eugene, Oregon 97402: Harvest House Publishers, 1984) , ISBN 0-89081-408-2. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S38] Pope, Charles Henry, The Pioneers of Massachusetts (via WFT 1, Tree 4114 & Pamela McReynolds). ( n.pub., 1900, 1965) .
- [S40] J Edwards, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 0504.
- [S41] Dickson, Brenton, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 1388.
- [S42] Lew Eatherton, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 1540.
- [S43] Damon L Vicars, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 2297.
- [S44] Dennis & Connie Jensen, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 2690.
- [S45] John Dodd, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 3567.
- [S46] John A Hansen, WFT Vol. 1, Tree 4114.
- [S48] Curtis A Preece, Jr, WFT Vol. 5, Tree 3259.
- [S49] Brøderbund Software Inc., WFT Vol. E1, Tree 0418.
- [S50] Brøderbund Software Inc., WFT Vol. E1, Tree 0783.
- [S51] Damon, Edward Kennan. Winslow Johnson Damon Family Tree. , A tree mostly built from previous works handed down in the family. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S52] Wright, James, The History and Antiquties of the County of Rutland. ( n.pub., 1684-1714) Reprint, E.P.Publishing Ltd., 1973.
- [S53] Damon, S. C., Damon Memorial. (Honolulu, Hawaii: n.pub., 1882) .
- [S54] Visitation of the County of Rutland, 1618-1619. Vol III. (London, England: Harleian Society, 1870) Reprint, 51 St. Whites Road, Cinderford, Glos. GL14 3DF, England: Archived CD Books Project, 2001. Repository: http://www.archivedcdbooks.org 51 St. Whites Road, Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England, GL14 3DF, at, SE0004.
- [S55] Kennan, Thomas Lathrop, Genealogy of the Kennan Family. (Milwaukee: Cannon Printing Co., 1907) . Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S56] Sherman, Thomas Townsend, Sherman Genealogy, including Families of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, England, some descendants of the immigrants Captain John Sherman, Reverend John Sherman, Edmund Sherman, and Samuel Sherman and the descendants of Honorable Roger Sherman and Honorable Charles R Sherman. (New York: Tobias A. Wright, 1920) Reprint, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S57] United States Census 1920, Damon, Mary. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S58] United States Census 1920, Robinson, Mary Jane. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S59] United States Census 1920, Tuttle, Albert Henry. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S60] United States Census 1800, Keen, Lemuel. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S61] United States Census 1850, Damon, Calvin Carver. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S62] United States Census 1850, Taber, William Congdon. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S63] United States Census 1880, Damon, Edward Carver. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S64] United States Census 1880, Davis, Edward A. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S65] United States Census 1880, Kennan, John Whitcomb. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S66] United States Census 1880, Taber, William Congdon. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S67] United States Census 1880, Bliss, Charles M.D. (Dr.). (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S68] United States Census 1900, Smith, George. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S69] United States Census 1900, Tuttle, Albert Henry. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S70] United States Census 1900, Kirkegaard, Georg Soren (Sir). (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S71] United States Census 1910, Damon, Ralph Hagar. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S72] United States Census 1920, Damon, Annie. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S73] United States Census 1920, Damon, Ralph Hagar. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S74] United States Census 1920, Kirkegaard, Georg Soren (Sir). (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S75] General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol 16, Part 1, John Alden. Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1999 ISBN 0-930270-17-7.
- [S76] Roberts, Gary Boyd, Ancestors of American Presidents. ( n.pub., (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S77] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA.
- [S83] Daniels, Nathan Hagar, Descendants of Henry Travers of London, England & Newbury, Massachussetts. ( n.pub., 1903) .
- [S84] Whitcomb, Charlotte, The Whitcomb Family in America. (Minneapolis, MN: n.pub., 1904) .
- [S85] United States Census 1920, Damon, Kennan. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S87] Crapeau, Allen E. "Sherman and More". E-mail message from e-mail address . June 25, 2001.
- [S88] Boyer, Carl 3rd, Medieval English Ancestors of Robert Abell. (PO Box 220333, Santa Clarita, CA 91322: Carl Boyer, 3rd, 2001) Reprint, e-mail address. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S89] Taber Family Letter.( Repository: Richard Smith Damon, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in).
- [S90] McReynolds, Pamela "Copeland". E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S92] Scherzinger, Patricia Ann, Colonial American of Royal and Noble Descent. (Bowle, Maryland: Heritage Books, Inc, 1996) , ISBN 0-7884-0467-9.
- [S93] Adams, Arthur, Living Descendant of Blood Royal, Vol 1. ( n.pub., 1959, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S94] Adams, Arthur, Living Descendant of Blood Royal, Vol 2. ( n.pub., (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S95] Adams, Arthur, Living Descendant of Blood Royal, Vol 3. ( n.pub., 1964, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S96] Adams, Arthur, Living Descendant of Blood Royal, Vol 4. ( n.pub., (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S97] Adams, Arthur, Living Descendant of Blood Royal, Vol 5. ( n.pub., (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S98] Noyes, Sybil, Libby, Charles Thornton and Davis, Walter Gordon, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire. ( n.pub., 1979, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S99] Jordan, David Starr and Kimbal, Sarah Louise, Your Family Tree. ( n.pub., 1929, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S100] Wels, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonist. ( n.pub., 1992, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S101] Alexander, Marcellus Donald, Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Vol I. ( n.pub., 1941, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S102] Langston, Aileen Lewers, Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Vol II. ( n.pub., 1941-1974, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S103] Buck, J. Orton and Beard, Timothy Field, Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Vol III. ( n.pub., 1978, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S104] Weis, Frederick Lewis, The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215. ( n.pub., 1955, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S105] Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of Some American Families. ( n.pub., 1972, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S106] DuBin, Alexander, Five Hundred First Families of America, 3rd Edition. ( n.pub., 1970/1971, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S107] The American Genealogist (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent).
- [S108] Roberts, Gary Boyd, The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States. ( n.pub., 1993, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S109] Browning, Charles H., Americans of Royal Descent. ( n.pub., 1883, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S110] Vermont, E. DeV., America Heraldica. ( n.pub., 1965, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S111] New England Historical and Genealogical Register (via Colonial Americans of Royal Descent).
- [S112] Browning, Charles H., Magna Charta Barons & their Descendants. ( n.pub., 1915, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S113] Wurts, John S., Magna Charta. ( n.pub., 1950, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S114] Crozier, William Armstrong, Virginia Herldica. ( n.pub., 1908, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S115] Meyer, Virginia M. and Dorman, John Frederick, Adventurers of Purse and Person. ( Order of First Families of Virginia, 1607-1624/1625, 1987, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S116] Spofford, Ernest, Armorial Families of America. ( n.pub., 1929, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S118] Roberts, Gary Boyd, Editor. English Origins of New England Families From The new England Historical and Genealogical Register, 2st Series. ( n.pub., 1985, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S119] Browning, Charles H., Some Colonial Dames of Royal Descent. ( n.pub., 1900, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S120] Watson, Annah W., Of Sceptred Race. ( n.pub., 1910, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S121] Call, Michel L., Royal Ancestors of some LDS Families. ( n.pub., 1972, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S122] Wood, Arnold, John Wood of Attercliffe, Yorkshire, England and Falls, Buck County, Pennsylvania and His Descendants in the United States. ( Privately Printed, 1903) . Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S123] The Plantagenet Dynasties. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/plantage.pdf.

- [S124] The Tudors / The Stuarts. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/stuarts.pdf.

- [S125] Burke, Sir Bernard, Burke's Landed Gentry. ( n.pub., 1939, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S126] Burke, Arthur Meredyth, The Prominent families of the United States of America. ( n.pub., 1975, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S127] Browning, Charles H., Magna Charta Barons. ( n.pub., 1898, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S128] MacKenzie, George Norbury, Colonial Families of the United States of America (6 vols). ( n.pub., 1907, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S129] Burke, (?), Presidental Families of the United States. ( 1975, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S130] Johnson, Caleb, Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Web Pages. Online http://members.aol.com/calebj/.
- [S131] United States Census 1920, Taber, David Shearman II. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S132] Mayflower Passengers (on the Complete Mayflower Descendant CD), CD-ROM. N.p.: Broderbund Software.
- [S133] New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. ( n.pub., (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S135] Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America. Vol 2. ( The American Historical Company, Inc., 1939, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S138] Rixford, Mrs Elizabeth M. Leach, Three Hundred Colonial Ancestors and War Service: Their Part in Making American History From 495 to 1934. ( n.pub., 1934, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S139] Genealogies of Virginia Families from the William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. ( n.pub., 1982, (via Colonial Americans of Royal and Noble Descent)) .
- [S140] United States Census 1920, Elizabeth Taber. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S141] Aspinwall, Algernon A., "Grandchildren of the Passengers on the Mayflower," NGS Quarterly, Vol 4, No 3 (Oct 1915).
- [S142] The Great Migration Begins, Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Vol I-III, CD-ROM. N.p.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2000.
- [S143] The Division of Cattle, 1627.

- [S145] United States Census 1850, Taber, Barnabas. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S146] United States Census 1850, Hagar, Nathan. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S147] Birth Certificate.
- [S148] William C Taber Family Tree. Est 1910.( Repository: Richard Smith Damon, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in).
- [S149] Memorial for Eleanor Wood Taber.( Repository: Richard Smith Damon, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in).
- [S150] Hoyt, Mildred Vell Derby, Roots, Stems, Leaves and Even Flowers of the Derby - Hoyts. 1977.( ).
- [S151] Danish Emigration Archive. Online http://ddd.dda.dk/ddd_en.htm.
- [S152] http://www.ancestry.com. Birth Certificate Index.
- [S153] Tuttle, Alva M, Compiler. Tuttle-Tuthill Lines in America. (Columbus, Ohio: Estel Printing Service, 1968) Reprint, Salem, Massachusetts: Higginson Book Company. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S154] Ancestry World Tree Project. Ancestry World Tree Project Online Ancestry.com, Scholl, Aaron Daniel < and e-mail address>. Database #:1090047. Text downloaded Nov 1, 2000.
- [S155] Harriot, Ray "Descendants and Ancestors of John Wortman". E-mail message from e-mail address . 4 Feb 2002.
- [S156] Herriott Heritage Association. Online http://www.herriottheritage.org/.
- [S157] Early Vital Records of Plymouth County, Massachusetts to about 1850 Second Edition, CD-ROM. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033: Search & Research Publishing Corporation.
- [S158] Elliott, Elsa , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S167] Presidential Family Forest, CD-ROM. Kamula, HI 96743, www.familyforest.com: Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.
- [S168] Founders and Patriots Family Forest, CD-ROM. Kamula, HI 96743, www.familyforest.com: Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.
- [S169] Wood, Martin, letter. March 11, 2002, from 31 Hillside Ave, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire England LE13 0NJ, e-mail address, to Damon, Richard Smith. Repository: Richard Smith Damon; Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S170] Carpenter, Daniel Hoogland, History and Genealogy of the Carpenter Family in America, From the Settlement at Providence, R.I. 1637 - 1901. ( n.pub.) .
- [S171] Concord, MA Directory 1892. N.p.: n.pub., 1892.
- [S172] List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival, S.S. Hellig Olav, at the Port of New York Dec 19, 1911. EllisIsland.org: American Family Immigration History Center, Dec 19, 1911.
- [S173] Stratton, Eugene Aubrey, Plymouth Colony, Its History & People (via WFT 1, Tree 4114). (Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Publishing, 1986) , ISBN 0-916489-18-3.
- [S174] Anderson, Robert Charles, English Origin of Edward Garfield of Watertown Massachusetts, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Volume 156. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, October 2002) .
- [S175] The Victorian History of the Counties of England, A History of Rutland. ( n.pub.) .
- [S176] Clark, Cherie Atkenson "Hello!". E-mail message from e-mail address, e-mail address . 2 June, 2002.
- [S177] Frost, Josephine C, Editor. Underhill Genealogy. ( The Underhill Society of America by Myron C. Taylor, 1932) Reprint, Salem, Massachusetts: Higginson Book Company. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S178] International Tennis Hall of Fame. Online http://www.tennisfame.org.
- [S179] Lambert, k, K Lambert Post-em on Nathianal Derby in Data Base by Ila Miller. Online http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igmpostem.cgi.
- [S180] Stephan, Ed, Royal Genealogies. Online //www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/Rulers/.
- [S181] Roberts, Gary Boyd, The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States, Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in American History. (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc, 2004) .
- [S189] Hingham, Town of, History of the Town of Hingham. ( n.pub., 1893) .
- [S190] Social Security Death Index: U.S., Vol 1&2, Ed 7. CD-ROM. N.p.: Ancestry.com.
- [S191] Kennan, George F., An American Family: The Kennans' First Three Generations. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000) .
- [S192] Personal Conclusions.
- [S193] Damon, Richard Smith, *Estimates. ( n.pub.) .
- [S194] The RAYNOR Family. Online http://groups.msn.com/TheRAYNORFamily.
- [S195] The Hillard/Hilliard Family. Online http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi.
- [S198] Damon, Richard A. Jr, The Damon Family of Wayland, Massachussetts. ( Penobscot Press, July 1997) , ISBN 0-89725-301-9. Repository: Richard Smith Damon Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in.
- [S199] Bond, Henry M.D., Genealogies Of The Descendants Of The Early Settlers Of Watertown Massachusetts, Including Waltham And Weston; To Which Is Appended The Early History Of The Town., Second Edition. Two Volumes in One. (Boston: The N. E. Historic-Genealogical Society, 1860) , 1978, 1981. Repository: New England Historical Genealogical Society 101 Newbury St, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 02116, at.
- [S200] Descendants of Orme de Davenport. Online http://davenportfamily.1colony.com/.
- [S201] United States Census 1930, Damon, Winslow Johnson. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S202] Taber, David Shearman IV , interview by Damon, Richard Smith . Repository: unknown repository; unknown repository address.
- [S203] Coleman, Isa "Sanderson". E-mail message from e-mail address.
- [S204] Lawrence, Cathie "A Hoyt Relative". E-mail message from e-mail address . May 9, 2003.

- [S205] The Continenetal Dynasties 1066-1216. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/continen.pdf.

- [S206] Kings of Wessex and England 802-1066. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/wessex.pdf.

- [S207] The Scottish Royal Dynasties 842-1625. Online http:/www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/scottish.pdf.

- [S208] United States Census 1920, Robinson, Rose. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S209] A Report of the Record Commissioners containing Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1630 - 1699. Document 130 - 1883, Volume 9. (Boston: Municipal Printing Office, 1883, 1908) Reprint, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033: Search & Research Publishing Corporation, 2002. Repository: Search & Research.
- [S210] A Report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston, containing the Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Document 150 - 1898, Volume 28. (Boston: Municipal Printing Office, 1898) Reprint, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033: Search & Research Publishing Corporation, 2002. Repository: Search & Research.
- [S211] The Hanoverians 1714-1837. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/hanover.pdf.

- [S212] SAXE-COBURG & GOTHA 1837-1917 and THE WINDSORS 1917 - present day. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/tree.pdf.

- [S213] United States Census 1930, George Kirkegaard. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S214] European Monarchs: Relationships between Queen Elizabeth II and other European sovereigns. Online http://www.royal.gov.uk/history/trees/europe.pdf.

- [S216] McFerran, Noel S., The Jacobite Heritage. Online http://members.rogers.com/jacobites.
- [S217] United States Census 1850, Wortman, John. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S218] United States Census 1880, JP KLeine. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S219] United States Census 1880, Rebecca Damon. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S220] United States Census 1880, Joseph Tuttle. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S221] United States Census 1880, Eli Hoyt. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S222] United States Census 1880, Wortman, John. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S223] United States Census 1880, Tabor, David S. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S224] United States Census 1880, Wood, William H S. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S225] United States Census 1880, Abraham Underhill. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S227] Sloan, Samuel H.. ROYALFAM.GED. (461 Peachstone Terrace, San Rafael CA: n.pub., There are some wild errors in the data) .
- [S228] Unknown author. 'The Kings of Scotland', which appeared in volume I [1904] of *The Scots Peerage*, edited by Sir James Balfour Paul, page 22-23.. N.p.: n.pub., 23 OCT 2001.
- [S229] Wilcox, Doris Schreiber and Wilcox, David Land, Double Davenports: Descendants of James and Mary (Walker) Davenport of Boston, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Volume 158. ( New England Hisorical and Genealogical Society, January 2004) .
- [S230] United States Census 1880, Abell, Salem. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S231] Presidents.GED Online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/presidents/…, Tompsett, Brian. e-mail address. Text downloaded December 2003.
- [S232] United States Census 1930, Sherman D Taber. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S233] United States Census 1930, Margaret Tuttle. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S234] United States Census 1860, Wortman, John. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S235] Dodd, Jordan. New Jersey Marriages, 1684-1875. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001.
- [S236] United States Census 1840, Wortman, John Duryea. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S237] United States Census 1830, Wortman, John Duryea. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S238] United States Census 1930, Damon, Kennan. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S242] Reitwiesner, William Addams, Ancestry of the Duchess of Cornwall. Online http://www.wargs.com/royal/camilla.html.
- [S243] Boyd Roberts, Gary, Genealogical Aspects of the Forthcoming Royal Wedding (Camilla Parker Bowles). Online http://www.newenglandancestors.org/education/articles/….
- [S244] GEDCOM File: bible.ged imported on 2005/08/20 at 02:08:34. Online unknown url, unknown author. Unknown location.
- [S245] Alexander, Debra "Cynthia Ettaugh Thomas Damon is my cousin". E-mail message from e-mail address . Oct 16, 2005.

- [S246] Elliot, Elsa A.. E-mail message from e-mail address . Oct 14 2005.

- [S247] Benbow, Mark "Marion Williamson Wilson 'Mail (p18027.htm)'". E-mail message from e-mail address . 4 Nov 2005.

- [S249] GEDCOM File: v93t0615.ged imported on 2005/11/29 at 09:38:33. Online unknown url, unknown author. Unknown location.
- [S250] Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree database Online www.ancestry.com, Ancestry.com. Unknown location.
- [S251] United States Census 22 April, 1910, Smith, George. (unknown repository, unknown repository address.).
- [S252] Smith, Alice M "your Abigail (Hart)/Moses Stout family line". E-mail message from e-mail address . Apr 1, 2008.

- [S253] Lowell Sun, Lowell, MA, Aug 21, 2008.
- [S254] Warren, A. Roger "Headbury, Dorset". E-mail message from e-mail address at Bristol, UK. 8 jun 2008.

- [S255] United States Census 1850, Silas Wood. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S256] Legere, Lyn, Massachusetts: Middlesex County, Cambridge, Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Online Ancestry.com.
- [S257] Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957 T715. Washington, D.C.: Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives.

- [S258] Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration MIUSA1939B_082476, Kennan Damon. Selective Service System.

- [S259] Thompson, George "Susan Taber & William Thompson". E-mail message from e-mail address . 6 dec 2008.

- [S260] Wikipedia. Online http://en.wikipedia.org/ Information on Wikipedia can be fluid, but is generally sourced (beware of it on controversial topics). Further verification is suggested.
- [S261] Lawrence Eagle Tribune, Lawrence, MA.
- [S262] Damon Mill Story. Online http://www.concordlibrary.org/scollect/BuildingHistories/….
- [S263] UK CENSUS 1891, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S264] UK CENSUS 1861, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S265] UK CENSUS 1871, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S267] UK CENSUS 1851, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S268] UK CENSUS 1881, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S269] UK CENSUS 1841, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S270] Birth Registration. Robinson, Rose entry.

- [S271] UK CENSUS 1901, Robinson, Rose. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S272] http://www.ancestry.com, Ancestry, US Naturalization Record, Rose Robinson, 4676628 (11 july 1939).

- [S273] Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943, 430. Washington, D.C.: National Archives.

- [S274] BT26. Kew, Richmond, Surrey: Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists.

- [S275] United States Census 1930, Robinson, Rose. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S276] UK CENSUS 1851, Robinson, Matthew. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S277] UK CENSUS 1861, Robinson, Thomas. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S278] UK CENSUS 1871, Robinson, Thomas. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S279] Lowell Sun, Lowell Massachusetts, 25 Aug 2010.
- [S280] United States Census 1930, Elliott, Harold King Sr. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S281] U.S. World War II Draft Registration Card, 1942. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 1942.

- [S282] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com.
- [S283] United States Census 1920, Elliott, George. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S284] United States Census 1910, Elliott, George. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S285] United States Census 1900, Elliott, George. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S286] Ancestry Family Tree. Online http://Ancestry.com.
- [S287] United States Census 1870, Joseph Tuttle. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).

- [S288] . Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929. Chicago: American Medical Association, 1993. Reprint, Provo, Utah: Myfamily.com, 2004.
- [S289] United States Census 1850, John Tuttle. (Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.com.).
- [S290] WeRelate. Online http://www.werelate.org.
- [S291] Ball, David "EMail from David Ball". E-mail message from e-mail address at http://newenglandballproject.com. 21 Jan 2011.

- [S292] Find a Grave. Online http://www.findagrave.com.
- [S293] Brenda "Genealogy Chart". E-mail message from e-mail address . 2 oct 2012.
- [S294] Flushing, New York City, New York. June 1, 1925 New York, State population census schedules.

- [S295] Wikitree. Online http://wikitree.com.

- [S296] Thomas, Cynthia Ettaugh, Family Tree of Cynthia Ettaugh Thomas. 9/7/2013.( 3460852, Repository: Edward Damon).
- [S297] Susan Clarke. Pedigree Chart of Florence Mabel Smith. .

- [S298] North Country Times, Escondido, CA, USA, 17 Apr 2011.
- [S299] John M Kooper. The Children of John Matthias Kooper (1808-1860) and Maria Carige Kooper (1808-1865). .
- [S300] Passenger List for MT Stuart Elphinstone, John Kopper Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. Via Ancestry.com: Records of the U.S. Customs Service. Microfilm Roll: Roll 076; Line: 30; List Number: 1235; Page Number: 4.

- [S301] . Kirkegraard Family Tree, Descendents of Peder Neilsen Kirkegaard. .

- [S302] Linda Sargent Reinfeld, Welcome to My Famiily; Sargent/Forges/Kingsbury/Townsend/Male/Wooley by Linda Sargent Reinfeld. Online www.sargentrivia.com.
- [S303] FamilySearch.org. Online http://familysearch.org.
- [S304] Union Tribune, San Diego, California, 3 June 2018.

- [S305] Notes by Researcher.
- [S306] Connecticut Vital Records, Marriage. Online https://www.ctatatelibrarydata.org/marriage-records/.
- [S308] Sean Boisen, Author. The Composit Gospel. Bellingham, WA: Faithliife, 2019.
- [S310] N. T. Wright & Bird, The New Testiment in its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature and Theology of the First Christians. ( n.pub.) .