Maritime Mosaic is a work in progress originally based on the descendants of Dougald MacFarlane and Margaret MacDonell who, with their extended family and allied families, arrived in Nova Scotia in 1801.

What began as a single family study has expanded to include the interweaving of a group of families, concentrated in Nova Scotia, but extending along the coastal regions of northeastern North America, westward to the Pacific and back across the Atlantic to Great Britain, Ireland and beyond. Although most of these families originate in the Isles and Highlands of Scotland there is a substantial Irish influence and a seasoning of Acadian. In the most recent generations the gene pool has expanded to include representatives from many other parts of the world.

Several lines with prominent family connections lead back to European noble families.

The flag icons next to each individuals name represents the location in which they were born. Note that the flags represent present-day countries which may not have existed at the time. This is also indicated by an asterik following the country's name.