Nine Generations

Countess Liutgard, of Luxembourg

Female, #6401, Deceased, b. 955, d. about 1005


Family: Arnulf, Count of Holland, (960-993)

Son*Dirk, III, Count of Holland, + (981-1039)

Relationships32nd great-grandmother of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

955BirthCountess Liutgard, of Luxembourg, was born in 955.
Marr-PartnersShe married Arnulf, Count of Holland.
981Birth of ChildHer son, Dirk, III, Count of Holland,, was born in 981.
992Death of ParentHer mother, Hedwig, Countess of Nordgau, died on 13 December 992 in Luxembourg.
993Death of SpouseHer husband, Arnulf, Count of Holland, died on 18 September 993 in Winkel, West-Friesland.
998Death of ParentHer father, Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, died on 15 August 998 in Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
About 1005DeathCountess Liutgard, of Luxembourg, died about 1005. The date is uncertain, and she may have died later.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg

Male, #6402, Deceased, b. 918, d. 15 August 998


Family: Hedwig, Countess of Nordgau, (922-992)

Daughter*Countess Liutgard, of Luxembourg + (955-about 1005)

Relationships33rd great-grandfather of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

918BirthCount Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, was born in 918 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
923Death of ParentHis father, Wigeric, of Lotharingia, died in 923 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
923Death of ParentHis mother, Cunigunda, of France, Countess of Trèves & d'Ardennes, died in 923 in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
950Marr-PartnersCount Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, married Hedwig, Countess of Nordgau, in 950.
955Birth of ChildHis daughter, Countess Liutgard, of Luxembourg, was born in 955.
992Death of SpouseHis wife, Hedwig, Countess of Nordgau, died on 13 December 992 in Luxembourg.
998DeathHe died on 15 August 998 in Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Last Edited 25 August 2024 10:13:36

Hedwig, Countess of Nordgau

Female, #6403, Deceased, b. 922, d. 13 December 992

Family: Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, (918-998)

Daughter*Countess Liutgard, of Luxembourg + (955-about 1005)

Relationships33rd great-grandmother of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

922BirthHedwig, Countess of Nordgau, was born in 922 in Luxembourg. Hedwig was of Saxon origin, but her parentage is uncertain.
950Marr-PartnersShe married Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, in 950.
955Birth of ChildHer daughter, Countess Liutgard, of Luxembourg, was born in 955.
992DeathHedwig, Countess of Nordgau, died on 13 December 992 in Luxembourg.
998Death of SpouseHer husband, Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, died on 15 August 998 in Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Wigeric, of Lotharingia

Male, #6404, Deceased, b. 885, d. 923

Relationships34th great-grandfather of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

885BirthWigeric, of Lotharingia, was born in 885 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
About 910Marr-PartnersHe married Cunigunda, of France, Countess of Trèves & d'Ardennes, about 910 in Luxembourg.
918Birth of ChildHis son, Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, was born in 918 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
923DeathWigeric, of Lotharingia, died in 923 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
923Death of SpouseHis wife, Cunigunda, of France, Countess of Trèves & d'Ardennes, died in 923 in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
BurialHe was buried in Hastière, Namur, Walloon, Belgium.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Cunigunda, of France, Countess of Trèves & d'Ardennes

Female, #6405, Deceased, b. 893, d. 923

Relationships34th great-grandmother of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

893BirthCunigunda, of France, Countess of Trèves & d'Ardennes, was born in 893 in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
About 910Marr-PartnersShe married Wigeric, of Lotharingia, about 910 in Luxembourg.
918Birth of ChildHer son, Count Siegfried II, of Luxembourg, was born in 918 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
923DeathShe died in 923 in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
923Death of SpouseHer husband, Wigeric, of Lotharingia, died in 923 in Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Alfonso VIII, King of Castile and Toledo

Male, #6407, Deceased, b. 11 November 1155, d. 5 October 1214

Relationships26th great-grandfather of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

1155BirthAlfonso VIII, King of Castile and Toledo, was born on 11 November 1155 in Soria, Castilla y León, Spain.
1174Marr-PartnersHe married Queen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile, in 1174 in Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain.
1188Birth of ChildHis daughter, Blanche of Castile, Queen of France, was born on 4 March 1188 in Palencia, Castile, Spain.
1214BurialHe was buried in October 1214 in Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelga in Burgos, Spain.
1214DeathHe died on 5 October 1214 in Gutierre-Muñoz, Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain.
1214Death of SpouseHis wife, Queen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile, died on 31 October 1214 in Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Henry Plantagenet II, King of England

Henry II of England
Male, #6408, Deceased, b. 5 March 1133, d. 6 July 1189


Father*Geoffrey Plantagenet (1113-1151)
Mother*Matilda Beauclerc (1102-1167)

Relationships27th great-grandfather of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow

Biographical Details

1133BirthHenry Plantagenet II, King of England, was born on 5 March 1133 in Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays-de-La-Loire, France.
1151Death of ParentHis father, Geoffrey Plantagenet, died on 7 September 1151 in Château-du-Loir, France.
1152Marr-PartnersHenry Plantagenet II, King of England, married Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England and France, on 18 May 1152 in Poitiers, France.
1162Birth of ChildHis daughter, Queen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile, was born on 13 October 1162 in Domfront, Orne, Lower Normandy, France.
1167Death of ParentHis mother, Matilda Beauclerc, died on 10 September 1167 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.
1189DeathHe died of a bleeding ulcer on 6 July 1189 in Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France.
1189BurialHe was buried on 8 July 1189 in Fontevraud Abbey in Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France.
1204Death of SpouseHis wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England and France, died on 31 March 1204 in Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie, France.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Queen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile

Eleanor of England
Female, #6409, Deceased, b. 13 October 1162, d. 31 October 1214


Relationships26th great-grandmother of Kate Elizabeth Murphy Ristow
Daughter of Henry Plantagenet II, King of England,

Biographical Details

1162BirthQueen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile, was born on 13 October 1162 in Domfront, Orne, Lower Normandy, France.
ChristeningShe was christened in Damfront, Orne, France.
1174Marr-PartnersShe married Alfonso VIII, King of Castile and Toledo, in 1174 in Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain.
1188Birth of ChildHer daughter, Blanche of Castile, Queen of France, was born on 4 March 1188 in Palencia, Castile, Spain.
1189Death of ParentHer father, Henry Plantagenet II, King of England, died on 6 July 1189 in Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France.
1204Death of ParentHer mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England and France, died on 31 March 1204 in Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie, France.
1214Death of SpouseHer husband, Alfonso VIII, King of Castile and Toledo, died on 5 October 1214 in Gutierre-Muñoz, Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain.
About 1214BurialQueen Eleanor Plantagenet, Princess of England and Queen of Castile, was buried about 1 November 1214 in Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain.
1214DeathShe died on 31 October 1214 in Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:30:36

Mordecai Neiditz

Male, #6411, Deceased, b. 1850

Family: Chaia Glotzer (1854-)

Son*Morris David Neiditz + (1874-1945)
Son*Simon Neiditz (about 1895-)

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1850BirthMordecai Neiditz was born in 1850 in Russia.
1874Birth of ChildHis son, Morris David Neiditz, was born on 21 October 1874 in Pinsk, Belarus.
Marr-PartnersMordecai Neiditz married Chaia Glotzer.
About 1895Birth of ChildHis son, Simon Neiditz, was born about 1895.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Morris David Neiditz

Male, #6412, Deceased, b. 21 October 1874, d. 21 January 1945


Father*Mordecai Neiditz (1850-)
Mother*Chaia Glotzer (1854-)

Family 1: Anna Greenfield (-after 1909)

Son*Samuel Greenfield Neiditz + (1904-1999)
Daughter*Claire ("Clara") Neiditz + (1906-1996)
Son*Leo Neiditz (1909-1997)

Family 2: Mary Novick (1884-1955)

Daughter*Fannie Phyllis Neiditz + (1914-1985)
Son*Reuben Neiditz (1918-)

Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1874BirthMorris David Neiditz was born on 21 October 1874 in Pinsk, Belarus.
1901Marr-PartnersHe married Anna Greenfield in 1901.1
1904Birth of ChildHis son, Samuel Greenfield Neiditz, was born on 15 June 1904 in Pinsk, Belarus.
1906Birth of ChildHis daughter, Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, was born on 2 November 1906 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1909Birth of ChildHis son, Leo Neiditz, was born on 22 February 1909 in Pinsk, Belarus.
1909ImmigrationMorris David Neiditz migrated to Ellis Island in New York City from Hamburg on 7 June 1909

aboard the SS Cincinnati. According to the manifest, his nearest relative in the country whence he came was his wife, Chane Neiditz. She was probably the "Anna Greenfield" reported to the Social Security adminsitration as the mother of his older children.2,3

After 1909Death of SpouseHis wife, Anna Greenfield, died after June 1909.
1913Marr-PartnersHe married Mary Novick on 22 February 1913 in Hartford, Connecticut.4,5,6
1914Birth of ChildHis daughter, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, was born on 14 April 1914 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1918Physical DescriptionIn 1918 his draft board described him as short, stout and bald with brown eyes.7
1918Birth of ChildHis son, Reuben Neiditz, was born in 1918 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1918Draft RegistrationMorris David Neiditz registered for the draft on 12 September 1918 at Local Board #2, 114 Pearl Street, in Hartford, Connecticut.7
1920Residence (family)He and Mary Novick lived at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.8
1920OccupationOn 5 January 1920 Morris David Neiditz was a house carpenter in Hartford, Connecticut.8
1921Naturalization (fam)He and Mary Novick were naturalized on 14 April 1921 in Hartford, Connecticut. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.2
1945DeathHe died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1955Death of SpouseHis wife, Mary Novick, died on 11 September 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut.


  1. Public Family Trees, Newman Family Tree, accessed 7 September 2023
  2. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  3. Passenger Manifest, S.S. Cincinnatti from Hamburg, arr NYC June 7, 1909 (via Ellis Island Foundation web site), Date: 7 JUN 1909
  4. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
  5. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
  6. Marriage Index, Connecticut State Library Marriage Index to 2001
  7. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA, Date: 12 SEP 1918
  8. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Mary Novick

Female, #6413, Deceased, b. 1 June 1884, d. 11 September 1955

Family: Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)

Daughter*Fannie Phyllis Neiditz + (1914-1985)
Son*Reuben Neiditz (1918-)

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

MarriedMary Novick was also known as Mary Neiditz.
1884BirthShe was born on 1 June 1884 in Russia.
1913Marr-PartnersShe married Morris David Neiditz on 22 February 1913 in Hartford, Connecticut.1,2,3
1914Birth of ChildHer daughter, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, was born on 14 April 1914 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1918Birth of ChildHer son, Reuben Neiditz, was born in 1918 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1920Residence (family)Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick lived at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.4
1921Naturalization (fam)Morris David Neiditz and she were naturalized on 14 April 1921 in Hartford, Connecticut. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.5
1930OccupationOn 11 April 1930 Mary Novick was a seamstress at 1618 Windsor Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut.2
1930Residence11 April 1930; Reuben Neiditz; Hartford, Connecticut; W:Fannie Phyllis Neiditz2
1945Death of SpouseHer husband, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1955DeathMary Novick died on 11 September 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut.6,7
About 1955BurialShe was buried about 12 September 1955 in Beth David Cemetery, Garden Street, in Hartford, Connecticut.8


  1. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
  2. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
  3. Marriage Index, Connecticut State Library Marriage Index to 2001
  4. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  5. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  6. Connecticut Death Index, 1949 - 2001 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2003., State File #14826
  7. Newspaper, Obituary, Hartford Courant, 12 Sep 1955 p.4 (Mary Novick Neiditz)
  8. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry, Provo, UT, U.S.A., Operations Inc., 2008. Accessed 23 Sept. 2018
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Samuel Greenfield Neiditz

Samuel Neiditz-Newman, Hartford High School
Male, #6414, Deceased, b. 15 June 1904, d. 16 March 1999


Father*Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)
Mother*Anna Greenfield (-after 1909)

Family: Beatrice Kornetz (1908-1996)

Daughter*Anne Lee Newman + (1938-2006)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

ImmigrantSamuel Greenfield Neiditz was also known as Schmuel Naiditz.1
AkaHe was also known as Samuel Greenfield Newman.
1904BirthHe was born on 15 June 1904 in Pinsk, Belarus.1
After 1909Death of ParentHis mother, Anna Greenfield, died after June 1909.
1913ImmigrationHe migrated to New York City from Liverpool on 5 September 1913 together with Simon Neiditz and Leo Neiditz

aboard the S.S. Mauretania.1

1920Residence (family)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz lived with Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.2
1921Naturalization (fam)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz were naturalized as part of the family of Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick in Hartford, Connecticut on 14 April 1921. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.3
1933Marr-PartnersSamuel Greenfield Neiditz married Beatrice Kornetz in 1933.
1938Birth of ChildHis daughter, Anne Lee Newman, was born on 8 August 1938 in Boston, Massachusetts.
1942OccupationIn 1942 Samuel Greenfield Neiditz worked at the HTFD Ordnance District of the War Department in Hartford.4
1945Death of ParentHis father, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1996Death of SpouseHis wife, Beatrice Kornetz, died on 6 January 1996 in Revere, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
1999DeathSamuel Greenfield Neiditz died on 16 March 1999 in Boston, Massachusetts.5,6
About 1999BurialHe was buried about 17 March 1999 in Independent Workmens Circle Cemetery in West Roxbury, Massachusetts.7


  1. Passenger Manifest, SS Mauretania, arr NYC, 9 Sept. 1913
  2. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  3. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  4. World War II Draft Registration Card, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA, Date: 16 FEB 1942
  5. Public Family Trees, Newman Family Tree, accessed 7 September 2023
  6. Death Index, Massachusetts, U.S., Death Index, 1970-2003 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA, Date: 16 MAR 1999
  7. Find A Grave database, Online:, Memorial #138021483
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Claire ("Clara") Neiditz

Female, #6415, Deceased, b. 2 November 1906, d. 22 November 1996


Father*Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)
Mother*Anna Greenfield (-after 1909)

Family: Morris Pickman (1900-)

Son*Marshall Pickman (1925-)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1906BirthClaire ("Clara") Neiditz was born on 2 November 1906 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.1
After 1909Death of ParentHer mother, Anna Greenfield, died after June 1909.
1920Residence (family)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz lived with Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.2
1921Naturalization (fam)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz were naturalized as part of the family of Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick in Hartford, Connecticut on 14 April 1921. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.3
1925Marr-PartnersClaire ("Clara") Neiditz married Morris Pickman on 7 February 1925 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
1925Birth of ChildHer son, Marshall Pickman, was born on 7 October 1925 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1939Naturalization (fam)Morris Pickman and she were naturalized on 25 November 1939 at U.S. Dist. Ct. for the District of Connecticut in Hartford.4
1945Death of ParentHer father, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1996DeathShe died on 22 November 1996 in New Haven, Connecticut.1,5


  1. Public Family Trees, Newman Family Tree, accessed 7 September 2023
  2. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  3. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  4. Naturalization Petition, Connecticut, Federal Naturalization Records, 1790-1996 via, Cert. #17657, Date: 25 NOV 1939
  5. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., SSN 040-18-5615, Date: 22 NOV 1996
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Leo Neiditz

Male, #6416, Deceased, b. 22 February 1909, d. 1 September 1997


Father*Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)
Mother*Anna Greenfield (-after 1909)

Family: Hilda Chipkin (1909-1988)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

NameLeo Neiditz was also known as Leibe Naiditz.
1909BirthHe was born on 22 February 1909 in Pinsk, Belarus.1
After 1909Death of ParentHis mother, Anna Greenfield, died after June 1909.
1913ImmigrationHe migrated to New York City from Liverpool on 5 September 1913 together with Simon Neiditz and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz

aboard the S.S. Mauretania.2

1920Residence (family)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz lived with Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.3
1921Naturalization (fam)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz were naturalized as part of the family of Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick in Hartford, Connecticut on 14 April 1921. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.4
1930ResidenceLeo Neiditz lived at 405 Newbury Street in Boston, Massachusetts on 14 April 1930.
1930OccupationOn 14 April 1930 Leo Neiditz was a hotel bell boy in Boston, Massachusetts.5
1938Marr-PartnersHe married Hilda Chipkin on 6 November 1938 in New Haven, Connecticut.
1945Death of ParentHis father, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1988Death of SpouseHis wife, Hilda Chipkin, died in 1988.
1997DeathLeo Neiditz died on 1 September 1997 in Windham, Windham County, Connecticut.6
About 1997BurialHe was buried about 3 September 1997 in Lake Worth Memory Gardens in Lake Worth, Florida.


  1. World War II Draft Registration Card, The National Archives in St. Louis, Missouri; St. Louis, Missouri; Record Group: Records of the Selective Service System, 147; Box: 298
  2. Passenger Manifest, SS Mauretania, arr NYC, 9 Sept. 1913
  3. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  4. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  5. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 0164; FHL microfilm: 2340681
  6. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., SSN: 046-09-1565
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Fannie Phyllis Neiditz

Fannie Neiditz
Female, #6417, Deceased, b. 14 April 1914, d. October 1985


Father*Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)
Mother*Mary Novick (1884-1955)

Family 1: Richard Chenery (1909-1959)

Daughter*Marcia Chenery

Family 2: William S. Mankouski (1916-1981)

Son*Michael William Mankouski, Sr. +
Daughter*Madeline J. Mankouski (1951-1976)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

MarriedFannie Phyllis Neiditz was also known as Paula Mankouski.1
1914BirthShe was born on 14 April 1914 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
1920Residence (family)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz lived with Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.2
1921Naturalization (fam)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz were naturalized as part of the family of Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick in Hartford, Connecticut on 14 April 1921. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.3
1930ResidenceFannie Phyllis Neiditz, as the child of Reuben Neiditz, resided with him at 1618 Windsor Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut.4
1931EducationShe studied at Hartford High School in Hartford, Connecticut in 1931.
Estimated 1938Marr-PartnersShe became the partner of Richard Chenery estimated 1938. [[
Relationship: partner
1940Birth of ChildHer daughter, Marcia Chenery, was born on 20 February 1940 in New York City.
1940Residence (family)Richard Chenery and Fannie Phyllis Neiditz lived at 15 Gay Street in New York City on 12 April 1940.5
Marr-PartnersShe became the partner of William S. Mankouski. [[
Relationship: partner
1943Birth of ChildHer son, Michael William Mankouski, Sr., was born on 18 November 1943.
SeparationRichard Chenery and she separated.
1945Death of ParentHer father, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1951Birth of ChildHer daughter, Madeline J. Mankouski, was born on 25 September 1951.
1955Death of ParentHer mother, Mary Novick, died on 11 September 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1959Death of SpouseHer husband, Richard Chenery, died on 9 November 1959 in Belfast, Waldo County, Maine.
1976Death of ChildHer daughter, Madeline J. Mankouski, died in January 1976.
1981Death of SpouseHer husband, William S. Mankouski, died on 16 November 1981 in New York.
1985DeathFannie Phyllis Neiditz died in October 1985 in New York City.6,1


  1. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., SSN 022-01-1519
  2. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  3. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  4. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
  5. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: New York, New York, New York; Roll: T627_2645; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 31-889
  6. Public Family Trees, Chenery Family Tree, accessed 13 May 2019
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Reuben Neiditz

Male, #6418, Deceased, b. 1918


Father*Morris David Neiditz (1874-1945)
Mother*Mary Novick (1884-1955)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

NameReuben Neiditz was also known as Robert Neiditz.
1918BirthHe was born in 1918 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1920Residence (family)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz lived with Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick at 1329 Main Street in Hartford, Connecticut on 5 January 1920.1
1921Naturalization (fam)Claire ("Clara") Neiditz, Fannie Phyllis Neiditz, Leo Neiditz, Reuben Neiditz, and Samuel Greenfield Neiditz were naturalized as part of the family of Morris David Neiditz and Mary Novick in Hartford, Connecticut on 14 April 1921. but the petition was dismissed because his witnesses had not all been citizens for five years or more.2
1930ResidenceReuben Neiditz lived at 1618 Windsor Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut on 11 April 1930.3
1945Death of ParentHis father, Morris David Neiditz, died on 21 January 1945 in Hartford, Connecticut.
1955Death of ParentHis mother, Mary Novick, died on 11 September 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut.


  1. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Hartford Ward 5, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: T625_183; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 87
  2. Naturalization Petition, National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records for Naturalization, 10/1911 - 9/1991; NAI Number: 615479; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
  3. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 2339998
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Alexander Michael Robershotte

Male, #6419, Living


Charts and other referencesJenks Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:34:39

Arthur Frederic Bohner

Male, #6420, Deceased, b. 9 September 1928, d. 2019


Father*William Joseph Bohner (1890-1940)
Mother*Frances Rokus (1889-1961)

Biographical Details

1928BirthArthur Frederic Bohner was born on 9 September 1928 in New York City.1
1930Residence (family)He and William Francis Bohner lived with William Joseph Bohner and Frances Rokus at 55 Douglaston Boulevard in Queens, New York on 7 April 1930.2
1940Death of ParentHis father, William Joseph Bohner, died on 9 October 1940 in Queens, New York.
1961Death of ParentHis mother, Frances Rokus, died on 15 November 1961 in Douglaston, Queens County, New York.
2019DeathArthur Frederic Bohner died in 2019.


  1. New York City Department of Health, New York City Birth Index, 1878-1965, Operations, Inc., 2017., New York, New York, Birth Index, 1910-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2017.
  2. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Queens, Queens, New York; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0920; FHL microfilm: 2341329
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11