Nine Generations

Irene A. Almas

Female, #101, Living


Father*Norman Wallace Almas (1922-2001)
Mother*Judith Kantor (1925-2011)

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-granddaughter of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Morris Matusof

Morris Matusof in the British Army; note flash for the Jewish Legion
Male, #102, Deceased, b. 15 October 1881, d. 24 September 1955


Family: Faigl Glotzer (1894-1996)

Son*Harold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof + (1930-2007)

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1881BirthMorris Matusof was born on 15 October 1881 in Mogilev, Russia.1,2
1905MilitaryIn 1905 Morris Matusof served as a sergeant in the Russian Army fighting against the Japanese at the battle of Vladivostok, at age 24 years.3
1913ImmigrationHe migrated in Boston, Massachusetts, from Boulogne, France, on 26 August 1913

aboard the SS Cleveland.4

About 1917MilitaryHe served in the 39th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers about 1917 at age 36 years. The 39th Battalion of the Fusiliers was known as the Jewish Legion. They fought against the Turks in Palestine.3,5,6
1927Marr-PartnersHe married Faigl Glotzer on 26 February 1927 in the Bronx. The marriage was witnessed by Adele Glotzer. Adele Grantz witnessed this marriage.7,8
1927ResidenceHe lived at 851 East 162 Street in the Bronx on 26 February 1927.8
1927Naturalization (fam)He and Faigl Glotzer were naturalized on 18 April 1927 at U.S. District Ct. for the Southern Dist. of NY in New York City.2
1930Residence (family)He and Faigl Glotzer lived at 87 Elsmere Place in the Bronx on 11 April 1930 with their infant son Harold.9
1930OccupationOn 11 April 1930 Morris Matusof was a tailor in New York City.9
1930Birth of ChildHis son, Harold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof, was born on 20 May 1930 in Bronx, New York.
1940Residence (family)Morris Matusof and Faigl Glotzer lived at 2083 Clinton Avenue in the Bronx on 10 April 1940.10
Residence (family)He and Faigl Glotzer and their son, Harold lived at 2070 Arthur Avenue, Apt. 1E, in the Bronx from 1941 to 1950.1,11
1942Physical DescriptionIn 1942, at age 60 years, his draft board described him as height 5' 6", weight 175, complexion light and ruddy, eyes brown, hair black and gray, wears glasses.12
1950OccupationIn April 1950 Morris Matusof was a clock maker in New York City.11
1955DeathHe died on 24 September 1955 in New York City.
About 1955BurialHe was buried about 25 September 1955 in Cedar Park Cemetery in Emerson, Bergen County, New Jersey.13,14

Matusof's son Harold wrote a memoir of his father:

Notes on Morris Matusof by Harold Matusof

During his service in the Russian Army, he had the rank of Sergeant. He fought against the Japanese Army in the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 around Vladivostok. Other duties were service in protecting the Tsar's palace in St. Petersburg and military duty at the Finnish border.

After his service in the Russian Army, he migrated first to France where he lived with a French farm family for a short period of time. In 1910, he immigrated to the United States. In 1917, he enlisted in the Jewish Legion of the British Army (39th Royal Fusiliers) known in Hebrew as "Hagdud Haivri". His battalion fought against the Ottoman Turks in what was then called Palestine and is now called Israel.

Morris was one of thirteen children of Eli Nathan and Basia Matusof. The family lived in utter poverty and many of them died before the age of five. During the winter, the children and the animals (goats) vied with each other to be nearest to the stove to keep warm. Morris was a rebellious child and at the age of 12 ran away to the city of Eketerinaslav (Dnieperpetrovsk). His whereabouts from that point in his life until about the age of eighteen (no birth record) when he was drafted into the Russian Army are unknown. Little is known about his surviving siblings or what happened to them in World War II. Recent inquiries to computerized Ellis Island files suggest that a brother and sister may have emigrated to the USA about the same time as Morris.

Although he had little formal schooling, he was self taught. He was fluent in several languages (Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish, French, and English). He read and understood the "New York Times" newspaper daily. He founded a Jewish history and philosophy group which brought out his intellectual qualities. He was a long time member of the Poale Zion (Labor Zionist) organization.

Morris was older (and wiser?) than most of his comrades in the Jewish Legion and was already exposed to military duties when he was in the Russian army. He therefore did not take military discipline too seriously. He went AWOL several times in the Palestinian countryside to explore the Jewish homeland. Of course, he was punished with hard labor for short periods of time, but in his mind, it was well worth the experiences.

He often talked about life in Russia. The family was very poor. In the cold of winter, All of the children and their goats would fight to be the closest to the stove. There was also a Turkish bath house in Khotchimsk. People would run outside and roll in the snow if it got too hot inside.

During the Great Depression in the 1930's, he was unemployed for long periods of time in his trade of ladies garment manufacturing. But despite the hard times, Morris and Fannie always provided food, clothing and shelter. The years of the Great Depression were also the years of Prohibition. More than a few times, Morris manufactured "moonshine" in the bathroom. Morris was a Schnapps drinker and became very jovial after a few drinks at social gatherings. He would become the life of the party.

The last five years of his life were not pleasant. In 1950, he slipped on an icy sidewalk while going to work and broke his hip. He was in an ankle to hip cast for 33 weeks in St. Vincent Hospital in New York.

The operation on his hip was not successful and he developed a chronic infection. He then suffered a series of strokes until he passed away in September 1955. He had several stays at the Army Hospital on Governors Island, New York where he was treated as an Officer since he was a dependent of Lieutenant Harold Matusof, his son. One of the things that kept him going in these last years was his joy of watching young children playing in their basement apartment yard from his bedroom window in our ground floor apartment.

According to Ellis Island records, Morris arrived at Ellis Island on June 13, 1910 from the port of Libau, Posen, Prussia, Germany. Ship of travel - Russia. Morris had no known contact with any of his family in the United States although it is known that he sent CARE packages t his family in Russia in the aftermath of World War I. It was at one of these CARE stations that he met his wife-to-be -- Fannie. Recent perusal of immigration records in the year 2001 indicate the possibility of a brother and sister immigrating to the USA about the same time as Morris, but no contact was ever made with them.

Morris had a unique gift in his ability to analyze current and historical events and project their political impact far into the future. For example, he had a great mistrust of the Soviet Union during World War II and accurately predicted the Cold War to come.

1996Death of SpouseHis wife, Faigl Glotzer, died on 21 December 1996 in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California.


  1. World War II Draft Registration Card, Morris Matusof
  2. Naturalization Petition, Index to Petitions for Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21. Petition Nr. 94513
  3. E-mail message, Harold Matusof to RCJ, 2002 or 2003
  4. Naturalization Petition, Index to Petitions for Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21. Petition Nr. 94513, Date: 18 APR 1927
  5. Personal Interview, Jewish Legion wiki
  6. : UK, British Jewry Roll of Honour, 1914-1918 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016., Page 283.
  7. New York City Brides Index
  8. Marriage Certificate, Manhattan Cert. # 1385, 26 February 1927
  9. 1930 Fed'l Census, Morris Matusof
  10. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: New York, Bronx, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02489; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 3-1142
  11. 1950 Fed'l Census, Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: New York, Bronx, New York; Roll: 2828; Sheet Number: 3; Enumeration District: 3-1062
  12. World War II Draft Registration Card, Local Board 115, Bronx, NY. 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
  13. Telephone Interview, Blanche Matusof & RCJ, 15 Jan 2010
  14. E-mail message, Blanche Matusof to RCJ, 18 Jan 2010, Fanny (faigel) and Morris Matusof are in "Cedar Park Cemetery & Fidelity Cemetery Assn. of Bergen County, Westwood, New Jersey.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Harold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof

Harold Matusof in the Air Force
Male, #103, Deceased, b. 20 May 1930, d. 15 January 2007


Father*Morris Matusof (1881-1955)
Mother*Faigl Glotzer (1894-1996)

Relationships1st cousin of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
1st cousin 2 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

OccupationHarold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof was an engineer.1
1930BirthHe was born on 20 May 1930 in the Bronx.2,3,4
1940Residence (family)As a child, Harold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof lived with Morris Matusof and Faigl Glotzer at 2083 Clinton Avenue in the Bronx on 10 April 1940.5
Residence (family)As a child, Harold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof lived with Morris Matusof and Faigl Glotzer at 2070 Arthur Avenue, Apt. 1E, in the Bronx from 1941 to 1950.6,7
1955Death of ParentHis father, Morris Matusof, died on 24 September 1955 in New York City.
1958Birth of ChildHis son, Mark Asher Matusof, was born on 29 October 1958 in New York City.
1962Birth of ChildHis son, Ronald Cyril Matusof, was born on 16 January 1962 in New York City.
1993ResidenceHarold Charles ("Zvi") Matusof lived at 13 Colgate Lane in Woodbury, Nassau County, New York in 1993.8
1996ResidenceHe lived at 3330 Terra Granada Drive, Apartment 1b, in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California in 1996.8
1996Death of ParentHis mother, Faigl Glotzer, died on 21 December 1996 in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California.
2007DeathHe died on 15 January 2007 in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California.9
About 2007BurialHe was buried about 16 January 2007.


  1. Personal knowledge of Robert Jacobs
  2. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., Harold Matusof
  3. Telephone Interview, Blanche Matusof & RCJ, 2/26/2009
  4. E-mail message, Blanche Matusof to RCJ, 3/1/2009
  5. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: New York, Bronx, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02489; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 3-1142
  6. World War II Draft Registration Card, Morris Matusof
  7. 1950 Fed'l Census, Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: New York, Bronx, New York; Roll: 2828; Sheet Number: 3; Enumeration District: 3-1062
  8., U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010)., Voter Registration Lists, Public Record Filings, Historical Residential Records, and Other Household Database Listings
  9. E-mail message, Blanche Matusof to RCJ, n.d., Harold passed away quite unexpectedly January 15 of 2007.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Blanche Roll

Female, #104, Living


Father*Louis ("Lulu") Roll (1902-1967)
Mother*Claire Baron (1898-1995)

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Mark Asher Matusof

Male, #105, Living


Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Ronald Cyril Matusof

Male, #106, Living


Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Peter Anil Neumann

Male, #108, Living


Family: Helen Gu

Daughter*Nina Neumann

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Frederick Kofi Neumann

Male, #109, Living


Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Daniel Ashok Neumann

Male, #110, Living


Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Frieda Weiner

Frieda Weiner Glotzer
Female, #111, Deceased, b. 21 December 1904, d. 27 December 1996


Father*Harry Weiner (1879-1962)
Mother*Sara Ethel Donovitz (about 1882-1962)

Family: Benjamin Glotzer (1903-1990)

Daughter*Anita Glotzer +
Son*Leonard Robert Glotzer +

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

MarriedFrieda Weiner was also known as Frieda Glotzer.
1904BirthShe was born on 21 December 1904 in Pinsk, Belarus.1,2
1920ImmigrationShe migrated to Ellis Island from Rotterdam on 23 July 1920 aboard the SS Nieuw Amsterdam. Her family accompanied her.3,1
1930ResidenceShe lived at Jersey Avenue in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1930.4
Residence (family)As their married daughter, Frieda Weiner resided with Harry Weiner and Sara Ethel Donovitz at 493 Jersey Avenue in Jersey City, New Jersey from 1930 to 1942.5,6,7
1931Marr-PartnersFrieda Weiner married Benjamin Glotzer on 13 December 1931 at the Broadway Central Hotel in New York City. Nearly all of the extended Glotzer and Cooper families were present. They can be seen in the large group photograph that was taken.8
1932Birth of ChildHer daughter, Anita Glotzer, was born on 16 December 1932 in Jersey City, New Jersey.
1937Residence (family)Benjamin Glotzer and Frieda Weiner lived at 493 Jersey Avenue in Hudson, New Jersey in August 1937.9,10
1942Birth of ChildHer son, Leonard Robert Glotzer, was born on 5 November 1942 in Brooklyn, New York.
1943Naturalization (fam)Benjamin Glotzer and she were naturalized on 18 February 1943 at U.S. District Ct. for the Eastern Dist. of NY in Brooklyn, New York.9
1950Residence (family)Benjamin Glotzer and she lived at 5501 14th Ave., Apt. 5-O, in Brooklyn, New York on 4 April 1950.11
1962Death of ParentHer mother, Sara Ethel Donovitz, died on 9 March 1962 in Brooklyn, New York.
1962Death of ParentHer father, Harry Weiner, died on 26 March 1962 in Brooklyn, New York.
About 1985Residence (family)Benjamin Glotzer and Frieda Weiner lived at 1451 52 Street in Brooklyn, New York about 1985.12
1990DeathShe was widowed by the death of Benjamin Glotzer on 17 April 1990 at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.2,12
1996DeathShe died on 27 December 1996 in Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.2
About 1996BurialShe was buried about 28 December 1996 in Wellwood Cemetery in Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York.13


  1. Passenger Manifest, Freide Weiner
  2. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
  3. E-mail message, Lenny Glotzer to RCJ, 15 April 2007
  4. 1930 Fed'l Census, Year: 1930; Place: Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0038
  5. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey; Roll: m-t0627-02402; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 24-59
  6. World War II Draft Registration Card, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010., Hudson County, NJ, #00372, Local Board 15
  7. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 0038; FHL microfilm: 2341086
  8. Marriage Certificate, Manhattan Cert.#67, 13 Dec. 1931 [found in 1932 records]
  9. Naturalization Petition, Declaration of Intention #342615, Hudson County (NJ) Court of Common Pleas, 27 August 1937
  10. Marriage Certificate, Manhattan certificate #67, 13 Dec. 1931
  11. 1950 Fed'l Census, Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: 374; Sheet Number: 8; Enumeration District: 24-2909
  12. Death Certificate, Benjamin Glotzer, Cert. #156-90-022642, Brooklyn, NY
  13. E-mail message, Blanche Matusof to RCJ, 18 Jan 2010, Rezl Glotzer was buried in "Wellwood Cemetery, Pine Lown, Long Island.
    The cemetery is enormous - Aunt Frieda and Uncle Ben are there as well as Aunt Chinke and Uncle Lozer Kantor
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Anita Glotzer

Female, #112, Living


Father*Benjamin Glotzer (1903-1990)
Mother*Frieda Weiner (1904-1996)

Family: Guy Roll (1928-1999)

Son*Alan Edward Roll +
Daughter*Shari Ellen Roll +

Relationships1st cousin of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-granddaughter of Mordechai Eisenberg
1st cousin 2 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Guy Roll

Guy Roll & granddaughter Michelle
Male, #113, Deceased, b. 18 December 1928, d. 27 January 1999


Father*Louis ("Lulu") Roll (1902-1967)
Mother*Claire Baron (1898-1995)

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1928BirthGuy Roll was born on 18 December 1928 in Paris, France.
1943ImmigrationHe migrated in Key West, Florida, on 1 May 1943

Guy was admitted as a Section 5 immigrant aboard the SS NC 30010.1

1950Residence (family)As an adult child, Guy Roll lived with Louis ("Lulu") Roll and Claire Baron at 888 159th St. in Brooklyn, New York on 19 April 1950.2
1951NaturalizationGuy Roll was naturalized in Brooklyn, New York on 16 January 1951.3
1952GraduationHe graduated from Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York, in June 1952 with a B.S. in Biochemistry.4
MilitaryHe served in the Army from 3 June 1952 to 5 March 1954 in New Jersey. He was assigned to detached duty at Fort Dix where he assisted Dr. Jonas Salk until his discharge in 1954.5,4
1954GraduationHe graduated from Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York, on 13 June 1954 with a Bachelor of Science.6
EducationHe studied chemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey.6
OccupationGuy Roll was a technologist. Guy had a multi-faceted career, ranging from cancer research to the design and manufacture of diamond tooling for scientific and industrial use. He held several patents in that field.4
1955Birth of ChildHis son, Alan Edward Roll, was born on 11 July 1955 in New York City.
1957Birth of ChildHis daughter, Shari Ellen Roll, was born on 2 December 1957 in Brooklyn, New York.
1967Death of ParentHis father, Louis ("Lulu") Roll, died on 14 April 1967 in Israel.
1995Death of ParentHis mother, Claire Baron, died on 18 January 1995 in Woodbury, Nassau County, New York.
1999DeathGuy Roll died on 27 January 1999 in Camarillo, Ventura County, California.7,8


  1. Passenger Manifest, Alien Passenger List of Vessels Arriving at Key West, Florida; ARC Number: 2790468; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787 - 2004; Record Group Number: 85.
  2. 1950 Fed'l Census, Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: 1106; Sheet Number: 74; Enumeration District: 24-3328
  3. Naturalization Index, U.S. District Ct. for the Eastern Dist. of NY, Petition #476446
  4. E-mail message, Anita Roll to RCJ, 27 April 2014, Guy was on "detached service" to Dr. Jonas Salk at Ft. Dix, New Jersey (1952-1954). He had just graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in science (Bio-Chem.)That was the beginning of a multi-faceted career, ranging from cancer research to the design and manufacture of diamond tooling for scientific and industrial use. He held several patents in that field.
  5. U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs, Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.
  6. Personal Interview, Anita Roll & RCJ, 3/28/2009
  7. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
  8. Personal Interview, Blanche Roll & RCJ, 3/24/2009
Last Edited 13 July 2024 08:21:05

Alan Edward Roll

Male, #114, Living


Father*Guy Roll (1928-1999)
Mother*Anita Glotzer

Family: Marie Therese Panec (1953-2011)

Daughter*Michelle Helene Roll
Daughter*Alicia Roll

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Shari Ellen Roll

Female, #115, Living


Father*Guy Roll (1928-1999)
Mother*Anita Glotzer

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-granddaughter of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Leonard Robert Glotzer

Male, #116, Living


Father*Benjamin Glotzer (1903-1990)
Mother*Frieda Weiner (1904-1996)

Family: Shirley R. Kahn

Daughter*Esther Glotzer +
Daughter*Sara Glotzer +

Relationships1st cousin of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-grandson of Mordechai Eisenberg
1st cousin 2 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Shirley R. Kahn1

Female, #117, Living


Father*Hyman Kahn (1910-1990)
Mother*Mildred Trope (1912-2009)

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart


  1. 1950 Fed'l Census, Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Kingston, Ulster, New York; Roll: 1963; Sheet Number: 74; Enumeration District: 56-42, Date: 8 APR 1950
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Esther Glotzer

Female, #118, Living


Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-granddaughter of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Sara Glotzer

Female, #119, Living


Family: Joseph S. Shor

Son*Yitzchak Shor +
Daughter*Tamara Shor +
Daughter*Ayelet Shor +
Son*Alon Shor +

Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd great-granddaughter of Mordechai Eisenberg
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Glotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11

Gadiel Morris Smith

Gadiel Smith
Male, #120, Deceased, b. 9 October 1912, d. 31 May 2013


Father*William Smith (1886-)
Mother*Rebecca Silberman (1889-)

Family: Anita Cooper (1917-2016)

Adopted Daughter*Tina Smith +
Adopted Daughter*Deborah Smith

Charts and other referencesEisenberg Descendancy Chart; Kuperman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1912BirthGadiel Morris Smith was born on 9 October 1912 in New York City.1,2
OccupationGadiel Morris Smith was a physician.3
EducationHe studied at the City College in New York City from 1928 to 1932.
1928GraduationHe graduated from Townsend Harris Hall in New York City in June 1928 with Townsend Harris Hall was the preparatory school of the City College.
1940Residence (family)He and Anita Cooper lived at 2004 Vyse Avenue in the Bronx on 11 April 1940.
1940Marr-PartnersHe married Anita Cooper on 17 August 1940 in Yonkers, New York.1
1940Draft RegistrationHe registered for the draft on 16 October 1940 at Local Bd. #124, 2809 Claflin Ave., in the Bronx. Gadiel cited 2824 Morris Avenue, his father's address, when registering.4
1949Birth of ChildHis daughter, Tina Smith, was born on 16 March 1949 in New York City.
1950Residence (family)He and Anita Cooper lived at 2810 Morris Avenue in the Bronx on 7 April 1950.5
1953Birth of ChildHis daughter, Deborah Smith, was born on 30 June 1953 in Baltimore, Maryland.
2013DeathHe died on 31 May 2013 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey. New York Times obituary: SMITH--Gadiel, MD, 100, former Chief of General Internal Medicine at VA hospital in East Orange, NJ. After attending medical school in Switzerland, he practiced in the Bronx. He moved to New Jersey where he was an associate professor at the UMDNJ and served at the Daughters of Israel. Active in the American Jewish Committee where he promoted interfaith dialogue he was also a leader at Temple Emanu-El in Livingston. He loved classical music, Shakespeare, devouring The New York Times, and, above all, his family.6,7
2016Death of SpouseHis wife, Anita Cooper, died on 20 November 2016 in New Jersey.


  1. Anita Cooper Smith, Holograph notes on her ancestors and descendants chart
  2. 1920 Federal Census, Bronx Assembly District 5, Bronx, New York; Roll: T625_1138; Page: 33A; Enumeration District: 299; Image: 297. William Smith household. Seen on
  3. Hannah Cooper Guterman, Hannah Guterman's typescript memoir (1986), n.p.
  4. World War II Draft Registration Card, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA, Date: 16 OCT 1940
  5. 1950 Fed'l Census, 1950 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2022., Date: 7 APR 1950
  6. New York Times, New York, NY (July 31, 2006), Obituary, published June 3, 2013
  7. Newspaper, New Jersey Jewish News, July 16, 2013
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:07:11